Narcissists gaslight you into the Abyss with their killer worldsalad

Narcissists gaslight you into the Abyss  with their  killer worldsalad

Thanks to breakthrough Covid, still stuck living in #Narcissist‘s house. They received sizable amount for rent covering more than enough months, but immediately started telling me that will evict me and I will end up in a women’s shelter. Narc gets a special glee when mentioning a women’s shelter. They told me I look like cat litter in a hefty bag (I don’t), that I never clean the house, (when I spent 18 out of the last 4 days CLEANING), and that everyone they know detests me and wonders why…

An Educated Empath Is A Narcissist & Sociopath’s Worst Nightmare

An Educated Empath Is A Narcissist & Sociopath’s Worst Nightmare

An ‘Educated Target’ is a narcissist’s worst nightmare because targets are grounded in reality and narcissists are not grounded in reality. Therefore, if the target … source Recent search terms:educated hsp are a covert narcs worst nightmare