Your Narcissist Partner – 7 Signs of A Narcissist

Your Narcissist Partner – 7 Signs of  A Narcissist

Most of us enter relationships hoping for a healthy, supportive, giving partnership where there is mutual love, respect, and fulfillment. With a pairing of two emotionally stable, healthy people who truly commit to and invest in one another, this scenario is well within the realm of possibility. However, there are instances where a partner’s behavior makes this nearly impossible. It can feel as if no amount of effort seems to change anything for the better and that one partner’s actions consistently seem hurtful and bewildering. One possible explanation for this phenomenon is a personality disorder such as narcissism. Certain people are mentally “hard wired” in such a way that close personal relationships become very problematic. Here are 7 signs your partner may be a narcissist:

1.       He or she displays a lack of empathy. As you spend more time investing in your partner, you might notice that he or she seems to be unable to put him or herself in someone else’s place emotionally. This can lead to callous and self serving behavior.

2.      Your partner shows a willingness to exploit other people. You might see your partner have little qualm about stepping on other people if it benefits him or her.

3.      Idealized thinking is a prevalent theme. Your partner might put others, including you, on a pedestal, only to completely discard or describe as worthless later on. He or she might fantasize about the perfect love, beauty, or power.

4.      Having a grandiose sense of self worth is common. Your partner might exaggerate his or her accomplishments and expect to associate with other high level people. This can lead to feelings of superiority and a haughty attitude.

5.      Your partner may exhibit a sense of entitlement. He or she may feel as if preferential treatment ought to come his or her way.

6.      Your partner might crave admiration and praise to the point that it becomes almost like a drug. This drug has been termed “narcissistic supply” and a narcissist goes to great lengths to obtain it.

7.      He or she may often be very jealous of the accomplishments of others, and actually become angry at the successes of others who then take the focus away from him or her.

Source by Shannon E Cook



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