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24 thoughts on “3 (+1) early signs you are dating a Narcissist

  1. I was married with a person with this disorder but the behaviour was different, simply, all was more important, no time for the family, the most important was his mother and her wishes. I can tell you for sure because I go to the psychologist to recover of all this nightmare when he made feel guilty of all like the mother makea him feel guilty for all too. So not all the narcisist are stalker, the other side too, they do not care at all about how the partner feels and all is. "me me me me"

  2. My first Narc called me all day, texted me all day. If I didin't answer "in time" I was given a tongue lashing to the point where he would or I thought he would hit me. Either or. I thought it meant he loved me. I was only 16 years old and really didn't know any better. If this happened today I would be alarmed, let alone if it happened to my daughter.

  3. Good luck to you, Stella….I too was a victim, I was too young and didn't know what was really happening. I really wish I could've known all this earlier in life. I might have saved myself alot of pain.

  4. i have been accused of fooling my partner at how together i appeared but then a mess when i was faced with tough situations and displeyed normal human struggle or even my over reaction to a situation. was made to feel like a failier when i disapointed her with my clear display of emotions.

  5. My ex narc thought I was some sort of god.  One day she realized I was human like everybody else and she couldn't get over it.  From then on she did all she could to force me to fit her mold of what her god should be like.  I never fit,  it was all my "fault". Then came the never ending dramas, threats and criticism from a.m to p.m. day after day, year after year, until I didn't care anymore.  When she could no longer control me she ended the marriage.  She never loved me,  she was in love with her imaginary god.

  6. Thank you for helping me…I have a clear understanding of my mom and others…..your video's are very helpful 

  7. Yup!!: "You'll be slapping yourself for not standing your ground when you had the chance!"

  8. you should talk about love bombing

  9. These videos are great!  People have such an advantage these days with all this informative stuff out there.  Thank you!

  10. NPD Recovery, YES that's spot on. Thank you so much for your warning. The Christian God bless you. You are magnificent. But The Christian God is greatest though. ♥

  11. This video was most helpful to me as I have began dating after a 15 months strech. I have been working on myself over the past 2 years and I have been in these relationships in the past. I am 50 years old and I will not compromise my happiness for a contolling, narcissistic partner!!!! I have been working on my Recovery in all areas of my life!!!!

  12. your robotic voice is unbearable ! too bad, your learning is very interesting !

  13. My ADD makes it hard to understand everything you are saying. I'm not sure if it was stated but do all those things need to be present in order to call someone narcassistic? 

  14. I wish I had seen this years ago! Thanks so much!

  15. Why not write this info out rather than having some creepy video with a robot voice deliver the information?

  16. Thank you kindly.  This information is so darn helpful and very well spoken.  Ive been on a mission to understand narcissism (and MY role)  for 9 months and am still learning.  Your candor and straightforwardness in this particular video is very good advice for those new to the narcissistic (nightmarish) relationship.  Again much thanks!!  -Victim survivor… left very scarred.  

  17. I cannot believe people do this.

  18. I am pretty sure I was involved with a narcissist. It got to the point that I was just spinning my wheels over and over again trying to explain my feelings with no sign that they were even trying to get it. Flattery, leading to constant questioning of my meanings, to shaming and insults.It was making me sick. I finally just got mad and told them their sick in head and blocked them from contacting me or refused to answer their attempts to contact me.

  19. Bias, whats this feminist crap..

  20. Beware of anyone who shows jealousy. They are obsessed with controlling you or destroying you.

  21. Are YOU dating a Narcissist?,…