The Narcissist

The Narcissist

My second film for Sight & Sound: Film with Nick Tanis for Tisch School of the Arts at New York University. Featuring Miki Benyamini, Nora Unkel, and Tosin Adefuye. Crew: Cinematographer: Caroline Roosje Assistant Camera: Eric Levin Production Assistant: Scott Schuler Likes: 0 Viewed: 41 source

Victims of Narcissistic Abuse – Ways to Rebuild Your Self-Esteem

Victims of Narcissistic Abuse – Ways to Rebuild Your Self-Esteem

When you have a brief encounter with a narcissist, you might not realize that the person has a personality disorder which is typified by being very self-absorbed and lacking in empathy for others. However, when you are a target of narcissistic abuse, and are in a relationship with this person, your every day life becomes confusing and painful. Before getting into ways you can rebuild your self-esteem, let’s take a moment to describe the behavior of a narcissist for those who might not be clear about what the term means….

Ganesh Venkatraman: I am a Narcissist

Ganesh Venkatraman: I am a Narcissist

Actor Ganesh Venkatraman is a self-confessed narcissist. As an actor he feels it’s only fair to be concerned about the way you look. But he says isn’t obsessed and has found the right balance between narcissism and critical obsession. The other star trait is tantrums. Ask him about that and Ganesh is quick to retort. He says he isn’t one with tantrums. Watch Gurpreet talk to the brand ambassador of the Chennai International Fashion Week 2013 and find out if he really has no starry tantrums! Likes: 0 Viewed: 14…

3 Red Flags of Narcissism

3 Red Flags of Narcissism

1 – He’s too good to be true. In the beginning if he seems too good to be true, he probably is. There’s a reason for this old adage. When you meet a   narcissist , he appears to be your prince in shining armor. He sweeps you off your feet and is incredibly charming. You are in disbelief that this man possesses all the qualities you have been looking for in a mate. Listen to your gut and trust it. Don’t believe everything he tells you.  Narcissists  have an uncanny ability…

Jewish Psychopaths (I/III) The Jewish Family

Jewish Psychopaths (I/III) The Jewish Family

The most pressing challenge that faces us is forming organizations that are immune to Psychopaths. All of our societal troubles stem from the fact that Psychopaths infiltrate and soon dominate our Systems. This is true in religion, in business, in government, in research, in teaching, in health care, in social services and so on. It is not trade that is the problem in the Corporate Structure. It is not religion that is the problem with organized religion. It is not social work that is the problem in the social work…

The Anatomy of a Narcissist

The Anatomy of a Narcissist

Self-absorbed. Self-centered. Selfish.  Narcissist . These are a few of the terms that we normally attribute to a person with an overwhelming sense of entitlement, a belief that they are the center of the universe, and to a person who doesn’t consider how their actions affect anyone else. These individuals will not change unless they choose to. Therefore, understanding them, and knowing how to deal with them is the circle of control you have to work within. If you are on the path of attaining balance and peace in your life,…

The Narcissist in the Workplace

The Narcissist in the Workplace

To a  narcissist-employer , the members of his “staff” are Secondary Sources of Narcissistic Supply. Their role is to accumulate the supply (in human speak, remember events that support the grandiose self-image of the  narcissist ) and to regulate the Narcissistic Supply of the  narcissist  during dry spells (simply put, to adulate, adore, admire, agree, provide attention and approval and so on or, in other words, be an audience). The staff (or should we say “stuff”?) is supposed to remain passive. The  narcissist  is not interested in anything but the simplest function…

# 2 – Do You Know A Narcissist 2015-05-24 AM.mp4

# 2 – Do You Know A Narcissist 2015-05-24 AM.mp4

What’s Bothering You? How to have a clear conscience # 2 – Do You Know A Narcissist? 2015/05/24 AM – Genesis 4:1-16 Introduction of Narcissist’s jokes… Maybe those help explain what narcissist behavior is like. We looked last week how our conscience went wrong with Adam & Eve in the garden of Eden. They disobeyed their godly conscience & sinned. And every sinful act since then is a result of them falling away from God. So let’s pick up the story & look at what happened when they had a…

Narcissism is All About Him

Narcissism is All About Him

Narcissism is a character trait that involves self-admiration, self-centeredness, and self-regard. Everyone has some degree of narcissism. It is what motivates us to get dressed and wash our hair in the morning. However, like many things, narcissism falls on a spectrum. To the far right end of this spectrum lies the extreme or pathological   narcissist . This person’s narcissism is so severe or abnormal that when diagnosed, is classified as Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD). Very few people realize that NPD is a real disorder that has been recognized by the American…

The Narcissist: “Raw take actor Daphnee Duplaix”

The Narcissist: “Raw take actor Daphnee Duplaix”

Written, produced and directed by Ulysses Porter Brown No camera tricks, no editing…just a raw uncut take of actor Daphnee Duplaix showing her skills. Look into her eyes as they begin to tear but she refused to let one tear drop…crying? Not in this character’s DNA. Watch the entire take to appreicate how Daphnee took this complicated material and made it look easy. Likes: 0 Viewed: 165 source

What is Narcissism?

What is Narcissism?

A pattern of traits and behaviours which signify infatuation and obsession with one’s self to the exclusion of all others and the egotistic and ruthless pursuit of one’s gratification, dominance and ambition. Most narcissists (50-75%, according to the DSM IV-TR) are men. The Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) is one of a “family” of personality disorders (known as “Cluster B”). Other members of Cluster B are Borderline PD, Antisocial PD and Histrionic PD. NPD is often diagnosed with other mental health disorders (“co-morbidity”) – or with substance abuse and impulsive and…

We have Putin at Home or what it’s like to Live under the Thumb of a Domestic Abuser Dictator

We have Putin at Home or what it’s like to Live under the Thumb of a Domestic Abuser Dictator

Not to undermine the pain that Ukranians have faced with Putin’s evil invasion, but I can relate. Fo rme it’s been a long siege slowly eroding my sense of self and self worth. After finally recovering fully from 1.4 years of covid long haul after two bouts of covid itself, I have experienced utter hell brought about from the narcissist’s nonstop abuse and screaming fits. Pets are very sensitive to stress. Covid is also reactivating old illnesses in pets and people. (Note: pets do NOT transmit covid to people, it’s…

The Narcissist and His Charmed Circle

The Narcissist and His Charmed Circle

We hear the word “ narcissist ” frequently these days. A  narcissist  has a personality disorder characterized by specific psychological and behavioral traits. These are grandiosity- a larger than life attitude about himself/herself; excessive self entitlement – an extreme sense that he is of greater value than others and can have whatever he wants; omnipotence – feelings of total power over their world and other people; self-absorption-putting oneself at center stage with the spotlight on them.  Narcissists  are often very charming and magnetic. They fixate and psychologically seduce those they perceive will…

The Cyber Narcissist

The Cyber Narcissist

To the  narcissist , the Internet is an alluring and irresistible combination of playground and hunting grounds, the gathering place of numerous potential Sources of Narcissistic Supply, a world where false identities are the norm and mind games the bon ton. And it is beyond the reach of the law, the pale of social norms, the strictures of civilized conduct. The somatic finds cyber-sex and cyber-relationships aplenty. The cerebral claims false accomplishments, fake skills, erudition and talents. Both, if minimally communicative, end up at the instantly gratifying epicenter of a cult…

Give Me a Second

Give Me a Second

Winner of the US Bank for Creativity award at the Palm Springs Art Museum’s annual Fine Arts Creativity Awards student art show. Artist Statement by Jonathan Serna: Jonathan Serna Self Loathing Narcissist Multimedia (Digital video and photograph) I make things in hope that people my age can [find/understand] a little more about themselves. We live in a time where gratification has become instant and where the gracious has become gratuitous. We are living [un]consciously in the face of the unknown itself. I feel that we are losing [ourselves] in this…

Divorcing the Narcissist

Divorcing the Narcissist

Narcissism is categorized as a personality disorder by the mental health profession (Narcissistic Personality Disorder – NPD). Of course there are very few individuals who are formally diagnosed with NPD, mostly because few, if any, actually seek out therapy. Dealing with a  narcissist  during a marriage can be a challenging endeavor; however dealing with a  narcissist  during a divorce can be almost impossible. The  narcissist  will often look to manipulate others, especially partners, ultimately to control them. Projection and blame are often key elements to their manipulation. When a partner…

Let’s Not Give More Narcissists More Power

Let’s Not Give More Narcissists More Power

Would you agree we’re living in an age of narcissism and the narcissistic? Certainly, we have seen corporations topple because their leadership was out there primarily for their personal gain; they weren’t concerned about the well being of their customers, employees, and their stockholders. They didn’t care how the demise of their companies might reverberate throughout communities, the country, and even the world. They might have claimed they were doing it all for Wall Street and their stockholders. But were those their true motives? Probably not, especially if they were…

Edward Snowden and the NSA Surveillance Programs – Breach of Security or Breach of Freedom? – June 27, 2013

Edward Snowden and the NSA Surveillance Programs – Breach of Security or Breach of Freedom? – June 27, 2013

What do you think of Edward Snowden and his role in leaking classified documents to the media and revealing that the National Security Agency has been monitoring our phone and Internet usage? Is he a traitor or a hero? Could he simply be a narcissist looking to get famous? Or do you not care about either him or the NSA surveillance programs? Our June presentation and discussion looked at it this topic and also analyzed it from a constitutional standpoint including the 4th Amendment breaches. Even though cell phones and…

Getting Over A Narcissist

Getting Over A Narcissist

I am often asked when the grieving ends. Everyone is different. You can’t put a time frame on the healing process. What I do know is that the longer you avoid your pain, the longer it takes to recover. We must confront our pain and process it in order to heal and move on. Writing about it helps, expressing ourselves helps, meditating helps. All of these things help, but it is up to you to put these things in motion for yourself. No one else can do it for you…

Conversations with Narcissist about distributing the estate

Conversations with Narcissist about distributing the estate

My NPD mother needs to be the centre of attention, she is entitled to anything and everything her mother leaves behind now that she is dead (whether they were estranged or not). She is not happy that she’s been left out – and guess what, it’s my grandmother’s fault and mine too. Never hers. She can never do any wrong or feel any empathy because she is a malignant narcissist. Likes: 0 Viewed: 8 source

The Narcissist – A Golden Child Without Limits

The Narcissist – A Golden Child Without Limits

When we are struggling with grandiose, ruthless, self-entitled  narcissists  in our personal and professional lives, we ask ourselves: “How did this person develop into such a self-absorbed, unempathic, deceitful individual?” The answer is not in the stars or the genetics as far as we presently know. The personality of the  narcissist  develops very early in childhood as a result of his (her) interactions with mother, father or both parents. In many instances the future  narcissist  is chosen for special talents, intellectual brilliance, physical attractiveness, athletic prowess, or a combination of…