Let’s Not Give More Narcissists More Power

Let’s Not Give More Narcissists More Power

Would you agree we’re living in an age of narcissism and the narcissistic? Certainly, we have seen corporations topple because their leadership was out there primarily for their personal gain; they weren’t concerned about the well being of their customers, employees, and their stockholders. They didn’t care how the demise of their companies might reverberate throughout communities, the country, and even the world.

They might have claimed they were doing it all for Wall Street and their stockholders. But were those their true motives? Probably not, especially if they were true narcissists. And while I didn’t know any of those who self destructed personally, I have read about and known a narcissist or two. Hence, I suspect some of them were indeed narcissistic.

Narcissists are Defined By their Behavior and Thoughts You should always look at the behavior of someone and pay little attention to what the person says or who that person professes to be. And when it comes to the narcissistic, you should give little credence to the entire image projected. The image is apt to be something well crafted. Hence, it speaks little of the truth–the truth about the character and true intentions of the narcissist, that is.

The trouble is, so many of us are apt to be taken in by the mask and costume the narcissist wears. We don’t ever lift up the mask to try and discover the real man who wears it. And by the way, I intentionally used the male pronoun here because most people exhibiting unhealthy levels of narcissism are men. But back to what I was saying. If we did lift that mask and then stared into the eyes and soul of the actual man, we might not like what we saw as a result. We might discover a self-centered man who lacks empathy. We might be overwhelmed by his indifference to others while he struts about displaying his grandiosity.

But it is good for the narcissist that most of us don’t look beyond that well crafted image. He has accomplished what he set out to do. Well, except he believes the image represents who he is, too.

Yes, all of us are inclined to believe in that image.

The narcissist needs for us to be fooled. He need us to believe that the crafted image represents the real him, so he can manipulate us and use us for his own well being–or that of his narcissistic friends, too. After all, they are the only beings he recognizes as human beings worthy of his time. He might be in competition with them, but they hold his respect because they too are players.

No one else counts. They are the little people. They are of value only if somehow they can be of service to the narcissist. But since the narcissist does get so many to fall for the image and into his web, they do this, too.

Narcissists can Create Havoc with what We Hold Dear

The narcissist disregards the rules that might be in place to protect people, society, and the environment from people like him, actually. He does whatever he pleases that serves him and his fellow narcissists. After all, in his grandiosity, he doesn’t see the rules as there for him, but merely to keep little people in check.

The narcissist and his narcissistic friends believe they should have free reign to do whatever they please. In their minds, they are superior beings. They know what is best for the rest of us–or so they might profess. Of course, they want to cover up their true intent.

Because they are narcissistic, their true intent is typically self serving. Their goal is to accumulate more of two things: power and money. When they have more power, it is easier to make more money. When they have more money, it is easier to gain more power–and so it goes on and on.

Because narcissists measure their worth or success in the game of life primarily by how much money and power they have, it isn’t surprising that so many of them aspire to, then end up running, large corporations, organizations, or the government.

Of course, this isn’t to say that everyone who makes it to the top is a narcissist or suffers from unhealthy levels of narcissism. That would be unfair to the people in these roles who do care about others, their country, and their fellow citizens of the world, and who strove to get into powerful positions so they could serve humanity.

Still, it might be important to keep this fact in mind, that many narcissists see public office as a vehicle to greater power. Yes, you might want to keep this in mind as you evaluate candidates and try to decide who should be your next Congressman, Senator, or our President.

Remember, this might be easier said than done. Those of us who don’t suffer from unhealthy levels of narcissism can find it difficult to see the truth about narcissists. We so want to believe other people think and act as we do. Indeed, if we feel compassion for others, including our brethren throughout the world, shouldn’t our leaders feel that way as well?

It would be nice if they did, but that isn’t how narcissists think.

And also realize, for the most part, they do not feel. If they do, they tend to have one emotional response, and it is anger.

You’re Either for the Narcissist or It’s War

If you aren’t for the narcissist, you are against him. In the mind of the narcissist, that makes you the enemy. Of course, enemies must be destroyed.

The narcissist will declare war, and you won’t even know why half the time. You’re left shaking your head. But that doesn’t stop the narcissist from seeking what he deems as retribution for your disloyalty.

You will be destroyed by whatever means necessary. The end always justifies the means. Yes, that’s how it is in the mind of the narcissist.

Can you see how with the narcissist, you’re put in a no-win situation? Even if you try to appease the narcissist, he will just continue to use and abuse you for his own selfish ends. And while you might be feeling good about yourself because you’ve turned yourself into a pretsel trying to be cooperative, you’ve probably only fed the narcissist’s attitude that you’re an inferior being. You just proved it again because you were manipulated into serving his selfish ends.

Don’t Expect to Change the Narcissist

Some people think they can tame or change the narcissist. That is highly unlikely, however. Perhaps you would best serve yourself and our worldly brethren by ensuring a narcissist never steps into a position of power in the first place. This way, the narcissist can’t go on and use the world and its people as his chessboard and his pawns.

Source by Dr. Diane England



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