‘NARCISSIST’ Official Trailer

‘NARCISSIST’ Official Trailer

AVAILABLE ON DVD AND ON DEMAND NOW – An anti-romantic comedy, in which the friendship of two aspiring actors is put to the test, as they use their former insecurities to become masters of picking up women. As they gradually become immersed in a world of pick-up artists, headed by master pick-up guru ‘Enigma’, friendly competition turns to something more sinister, as their attitudes toward women, relationships, and how they think of themselves radically changes. www.michaelhenryfilm.com Likes: 0 Viewed: source

How to Deal With Narcissists

How to Deal With Narcissists

To get us started, I will give you the actual psychiatric definition of someone who has the Narcissistic Personality Disorder just to make sure I don’t leave anything out. This comes from the standard text, the DSM-IV, which psychiatrists use to diagnose people. Here’s their definition: A pervasive pattern of grandiosity, need for admiration, lack of empathy, as indicated by at least five of the following: 1. a grandiose sense of self-importance 2. is preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love 3. believes that he…

Be a Sexual Narcissist, Go to Jail

Be a Sexual Narcissist, Go to Jail

Thank goodness for Facebook, otherwise the police would have to work a lot harder to put sexual predators in jail. What used to be bragged about in a bar, “I grabbed her and did X, Y, and Z to her,” is now a tweet, a text, a blog subject, or a posting by the perpetrator, complete with accompanying cell phone photos of crime scenes, evidence, and unclothed body parts. For the entitled sexual narcissist (save your Congressman Weiner remarks), who can’t wait to tell others about what he has done,…

Muslims’ Intolerance

Muslims’ Intolerance

Beliefs are production of human’s minds. Some beliefs help humans to have a better life, and some do not! Islam is a belief system, which is the product of a selfish and a narcissist man’s mind. This belief system brings more harm to people than benefits. The people, who practice Islam, call themselves Muslim, and they are mentally enslaved to an imaginary being, and to some religion opportunist individuals! Muslims consider themselves superior to other humans who do not believe in Islam. This mentality, gives Muslims the excuse to harm…

The Easiest Way to Stop Attracting Narcissists

The Easiest Way to Stop Attracting Narcissists

“The most reliable sign, the most universal behavior of unscrupulous people is not directed, as one might imagine, at our fearfulness. It is, perversely, an appeal to our sympathy.” – Martha Stout Recently, I wrote an article for people who feel like they are a magnet for  narcissists , where I covered the traits and beliefs that are likely to attract them, and what to do to stop drawing them into your life. However, there is another way that will weed them out very quickly. And that is to not show…

Your Narcissist Partner – 7 Signs of A Narcissist

Your Narcissist Partner – 7 Signs of  A Narcissist

Most of us enter relationships hoping for a healthy, supportive, giving partnership where there is mutual love, respect, and fulfillment. With a pairing of two emotionally stable, healthy people who truly commit to and invest in one another, this scenario is well within the realm of possibility. However, there are instances where a partner’s behavior makes this nearly impossible. It can feel as if no amount of effort seems to change anything for the better and that one partner’s actions consistently seem hurtful and bewildering. One possible explanation for this phenomenon is a personality…

The Narcissist – Taking the Credit – Shifting the Blame

The Narcissist – Taking the Credit – Shifting the Blame

The high-level narcissist is a master of taking credit, whether deserved or not, and shifting blame, whether justified or not. After all, in their minds, they are entitled to all credit for success and since they are without fault cannot possibly be blamed for failure. These narcissistic characteristics can best be demonstrated with some examples. Robert was the General Counsel for a publicly traded corporate conglomerate. His in-house legal staff included lawyers who handled the company’s litigation. Robert was a fantastic armchair litigator. From his comfortable leather chair in his…

The Narcissist’s Voracious Greed

The Narcissist’s Voracious  Greed

Greed has been with us since man walked upright upon the earth. Greed is a relentless, insatiable desire and drive to possess more than one needs, often at the expense of others. Most Narcissists are greedy. They are constantly planning and scheming (even in their sleep) how to expand their power base and increase their material largesse. There is no end to greed. The narcissist hungers for everything in and out of reach: money, property, power, adulation, fame, dominance over the lives of others. Narcissistic greed is ultimately driven by…

Narcissism and autism

Narcissism  and autism

Nothing wrong with narcissism but too much of it can kill another person it is a personality that is where someone is attention seeking all of the time with high inpertance. I have some narcissism and we all do but thats healthy n it is a story about a boy god in greek mythology who looked in the water and seen his reflection a in love with his face. It is on the psyco spectrum of disorders as it is more higher than bipolar and borderlines but not so much…

Narcissistic Personality Disorder – Who is a Malignant Narcissist?

Narcissistic Personality Disorder – Who is a Malignant Narcissist?

QUESTION Number 1 – Who is a  Narcissist ? Dear Dr. Vaknin, I read the excerpts you placed on your web site with great interest. I wanted to ask: Isn’t your definition of malignant narcissism too wide? Having read it, I think that it fits my neighbours, friends, and family to a “t”. Everyone seems to be a  narcissist  to me now! HELP! ANSWER Yours is an understandable reaction. All of us have narcissistic TRAITS. Some of us even develop a narcissistic PERSONALITY. Moreover, narcissism is a SPECTRUM of behaviours –…

Body as Event – The Narcissist

Body as Event – The Narcissist

Body as Event: Gender, Gesture, Perception was the performance portion of my thesis in philosophy, political science, and film. This thesis considered concepts of knowledge-power, identity, and the phenomenological experience of the body within a compulsory heterosexual matrix. The Narcissist was one of three characterizations of woman that was used within the performance. The character of the narcissist is one that has at once alienated herself as both object and subject, and at the same time, embraces the qualities of the of the feminine sex symbol. Likes: 0 Viewed: 46…

▶ Westminster Hyperlapse – London (April 2015) – Scott Garcia “It’s a London Thing”

▶ Westminster Hyperlapse – London (April 2015) – Scott Garcia “It’s a London Thing”

My first video to VIMEO as the photography company, Photography by Justin & Emily (Justin Krause Photography), so what better than to upload one of ME just messing around with one of our GoPros in Westminster, London on a hyperlapse tip! Come and check out the website http://jstinkrause.co.uk for more of our work! Somerset based UK & International (Destination) Wedding, Portrait, Event, Commercial and Travel photographers! Props to Scott Garcia for the garage classic “It’s a London Thing” One of my fav tunes ever! Likes: 0 Viewed: 23 source

Beware of the Disguised Narcissist

Beware of the Disguised Narcissist

The disguised narcissist is cloaked in a garment of humility and self deprecation. He/she gives the impression of having a deflated sense of self and a diminished ego. The disguised narcissist presents a picture of being like everyone else, just plain folks—-but he isn’t. Distracted by his offhand, low key manner, many of us fail to notice that we are dealing with a certified narcissistic personality. Restless, power and money driven, the disguised narcissist speaks more forcefully through his actions than his words. The disguised narcissist is a ruthless competitor…

The Habits That Make You A Social Media Narcissist

The Habits That Make You A Social Media Narcissist

It is very hard for us to stay away from social media today. Everyone with an Internet access has an account on at least one of the popular social networking sites. But why are these sites so popular? It is because social media now offers us ways to connect and have fun like it never did before. However, recent surveys suggest that people turn into  narcissists  when they are too much into social media activities. If you are a regular into these sites and own a keen eye, I am…

Signs of Narcissism

Signs of Narcissism

At certain times, we all have narcissistic tendencies. We want our way, we like to be admired for our looks, body or brain and we react negatively to criticism. In a nut shell, within limits those very traits can be relatively normal. It’s important to note, however, that there are extremely unhealthy levels of the narcissistic personality. These high levels of narcissism will take out the innocent and the weak of heart before they can even realize what hit them. Since someone with Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) doesn’t normally wear…

Narcissism – How to Survive Being Their Caregivers – Tips to Keeping Your Own Sanity

Narcissism – How to Survive Being Their Caregivers – Tips to Keeping Your Own Sanity

Caring for an aging parent with narcissism is very difficult position to be put in. Many care givers find themselves in the unenviable position of providing care of the elderly narcissist at the cost of their own survival. Care giving is stressful, at times overwhelming and promotes guilt. The aging narcissist finds this to be a perfect scenario. Care giver stress is real. When you choose to take on the role of care of the elderly and aging narcissist you may not be prepared for what is in store for…

The Narcissist Partner – 7 Signs Your Partner Could Be a Narcissist

The Narcissist Partner – 7 Signs Your Partner Could Be a Narcissist

Relationships have challenges due to the fact that two different people with different personalities, histories, and thought processes are trying to live in harmony. With good communication and effort, two emotionally balanced people can forge a relationship that is mutually happy, loving, and fulfilling. However, there are certain people who possess a type of mental “hard wiring” that causes them to think and behave in ways very different from most of the rest of us. Unfortunately, these character traits are usually very destructive to their interpersonal relationships. Narcissism is one…

8 Head Games the Narcissist Plays – Ping-Pong, Anyone?

8 Head Games the Narcissist Plays – Ping-Pong, Anyone?

Narcopath Manipulation Characterized as Games Narcopaths (malignant narcissists, narcissistic sociopath) are masters at playing mind games. They play to win and take no prisoners. They are sore losers and if they don’t win they will often react in a fit of rage and stomp away like a little child. I have to say upfront, I am not comfortable calling what a narcopath does to us as games, but I can’t think of a better alternative. I used manipulation characterized as games, but that’s a mouthful. Anyway, every therapist I’ve talked…