Confronting a Narcissist

Confronting a Narcissist

A narcissist has two faces, the abuser behind closed doors and the lovely person every one else knows. This is a very clever way to protect themselves if the abused ever speaks out. Generally you will find that no one believes the abused, narcissist’s always puts the abused on a pedestal to others, It makes it very difficult when the abused finally tries to speak out. A Narcissist will never admit they have a problem, if confronted with their own bad behaviour they will do their very best to make…

Are You Dating A Closet Narcissist?

Are You Dating A Closet Narcissist?

He’s charming, dresses impeccably, talks about his success — but not enough to bore you — and gives you adequate attention. He’s almost too perfect. Could there be a downside to his polished behavior? There may be more to his inner life than meets the eye. NBC anchor Brian Williams’ recent exposure as an exaggerator par excellence surprised many people. Bill O’Reilly is also getting heat for inflating his image. Are these just celebrities enhancing their brand or something more pathological? Seems there’s a fine line between male bravado and…

Narcissistic Set up, Supply, and Rage – Breaking the Cycle -Training the Narcissist in Your Life – Part III

Narcissistic Set up, Supply, and Rage – Breaking the Cycle -Training the Narcissist in Your Life – Part III

If you are dealing with a narcissist in your life this three part series will provide in depth insights into managing their personalities while keeping yourself sane. This series also provides strategies to help you train the narcissist in your life. By: Sheila Robinson-Kiss, MSW, LCSW, Likes: 0 Viewed: 2 source

A Narcissist Husband – 8 Signs He May Be a Narcissist

A Narcissist Husband – 8 Signs He May Be a Narcissist

Relationships have challenges, without doubt. Generally, if both partners are reasonably healthy mentally and emotionally balanced, effort, communication, and commitment goes a long way to ensuring a mutually supportive and fulfilling union. However, there are a certain number of people in the general population who are afflicted with personality disorders, including narcissism. Frequently, the presence of such a disorder leaves the other partner confused and often hurt by the seemingly incomprehensible actions of her partner. While only a mental health professional can diagnose a personality disorder, it helps to know…