Signs of Narcissism

Signs of Narcissism

At certain times, we all have narcissistic tendencies. We want our way, we like to be admired for our looks, body or brain and we react negatively to criticism. In a nut shell, within limits those very traits can be relatively normal. It’s important to note, however, that there are extremely unhealthy levels of the narcissistic personality. These high levels of narcissism will take out the innocent and the weak of heart before they can even realize what hit them.

Since someone with Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) doesn’t normally wear a sign around their neck, how do you spot them?

According to the Mayo Clinic, narcissistic symptoms may include:

  • The belief that you’re superior to others
  • An exaggerated fantasy of power, success, status and attractiveness
  • Exaggerating your own achievements
  • Lack of empathy
  • Using others to get your way in business, relationships or other aspects of day-to-day life
  • Setting unrealistic goals
  • Appearing tough-minded/unemotional
  • Difficulty keeping healthy and lasting relationships
  • Appearance of over-confidence and or arrogance
  • Monopolization of conversations (constantly interrupting)
  • An attitude of entitlement
  • A ‘look at me, look at me’ attitude

There are several very big clues as to if someone you’re in a relationship with is actually a narcissist. Since in the narcissist’s mind they are ultimately more important than others, you can detect narcissistic personality traits by their extreme self-centeredness, manipulation tactics and lack of empathy toward others. Narcissists rarely feel guilt or shame for their behaviors and often place the blame for what they’ve said or done on someone else (projection); ie ‘It’s your fault I did that. If you hadn’t done that, I wouldn’t have responded that way.’

A word of caution: People with NPD can be very charming, but are also very hazardous to your emotional well-being. They and are constantly looking for their next “victim” or “narcissistic supply source”. The narcissistic supply source is someone who will feed their ego and tell them how wonderful they are, how intelligent they are, that they’re a GREAT employee, lover or spouse, etc. The narcissist tell you how hot they look, how in shape they are or how much they’re going to make on their next big deal (usually one of many fantasies they wish were real). In essence, everything is about them. Once the narcissist has obtained what they need from you, they’ll dispose of your relationship to them (whether they’re married to you or not) and leave you wondering what you ever did to make them love you one moment and discard you the next.

Additionally, most people with NPD also have a problem with at least one addiction. For some it’s drugs, for some it’s alcohol and for other’s it’s some sort sexual addiction. Regardless of which one it is, all are extremely dangerous to not only the narcissist, but those in closest relationship to them as well.

If someone you love appears to suffer from Narcissistic Personality Disorder, consider reaching out to a mental health professional. While there’s no known cure for NPD, counseling can help the sufferer and the victim to change the behavior and begin to heal from the damaging effects that NPD can cause.

Source by Julie L Bergh



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