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47 thoughts on “How to leave a narcissist

  1. thank you for your help, I see now what's being/done to me.

  2. We don't have to be destroyed by these empty people!

  3. this is the most succinct compassionate and wise information on YouTube. detachment is essential otherwise the narcissist can still hook you back into their web. Whether you're 'in love' or whether you loathe them, you'll still be vulnerable to the narc's "charms". My process was
    Accepting reality;
    Refusing to accept dishonest blame;
    Refusing to accept fake affection and fake admiration.

  4. Faith I thank you so much for this, you have revealed something to me that I've been struggling with for the longest time. I've left my narcissists 3times, but went back to her, because I felt so guilty from her crying, and begging me not to ever leave her. She swears that she loves me and that she's not cheating, though I know these are all lies, I still had a very hard time wondering why all of the emotion of crying and begging was all about. I could really feel her pain, but where I went wrong was I actually thought all of this true emotion was really for me, but after your video, I finally realize that, sure all of this emotion is actually real, but it's not for me, it's for her ( me/ her supply ). A huge light bulb blew up in my head, after realizing I am her supply.  It's all about SUPPLY!!! OMG!! -I can't thank you enough.

  5. Thank you for this. It was eerily accurate. I feel like I'm in stage 3 and 4 at the same time. I finally have my self esteem and peace of mind back. I love life again. Now to put my life back in order and continue moving on.

  6. Thanks faith!If it's the mirror affect of the evil narc/ Jezebel! Then we never loved them, I'm thinking! They got us to fall in love with ourselves? Then self love is not the key! From experience self love is the most painful kind of love! Who? Wants to love them selves! Only the narc/Jezebel does!.. At this point I have a problem with my narc/Jezebel at work with going no contact for sometime now! She is copying me! If I don't say anything, she won't! If I don't look at her, she won't look ! I can't seem to win for loosing! Have you ever experienced this faith? Let me know thanks

  7. It do take two to tango.  Damn them but damn me more, for letting my guard down and thinking the hologram I made of some narcissist person is really reality.  Holograms are not reality, so don't rush perceptions and let them reveal themselves as surely they always do!!

  8. was with one for 16 years…I can tell you when they notice they can't control you and give in to their desires and dance they way they want you too..they will skip out fast. .I was lucky he left first because without realizing it was such a relief living a life with someone who constantly needed their ego stroked. You think your giving them love an attention they didn't get from their past relationships when really they have just been using you the entire time to get whatever or wherever they needed to go. I'm must have just subconsciously started saying no to things and it was irritating him more and more..Now I'm with someone who doesn't need that attention and has no motives in the relationship accept to be happy together..Something a narcissistic person knows nothing about…pure happiness.

  9. I married one, we have children. I need help, because after 15 years married and 20 years of knowing him I'm hurting. Need so much thearpy.

  10. You are spot on!
    I left and I'm happy again.

  11. Well I thought I was going to hear another obtuse, vague and rambling fluff-filled diatribe about abuse and sadness and anger that didn't really help me much regarding the difficulties I am going through but THIS VIDEO IS GREAT!!! I wish that this video was the FIRST one I found in my research for answers. It really offers clear insight and great, workable suggestions.

  12. Thank you so much!!!!! I am in the process of going through divorce from a narcissist right now. I was married to him for 10 1/2 years. I have put so much of myself into this relationship,I tried to make a good home for him. I had truly loved him because I hadn't really known him as well as I thought I had. Life has been so rough for me,so much abuse growing up,so much disappointment. It was hard for me to hope in this relationship when I met him,then I did start to have hopes in this to work. This is my second marriage.I am 58. I don't think I have any trust left in men.

  13. Keep well clear of narcissist/sociopathic people, if you've been in any type of partnership just cut them out for life, no emails, phones calls & no contact at all. These people do go away but only when they find another sucker to use, let someone else have the hassle for a while.

  14. Wow this is spot on and what a soothing voice

  15. That's where I am now. I have unfortunately had my revelation of who he is thousands of miles from home. I gave up my house. So now that I have to run away from him I will be homeless. These people ruin lives.

  16. Thanks a lot for your words , so full of wisdom! They are so inspiring! Thanks, thanks, thanks again.I´ve also been through that, and currently a friend of mine is suffering the same situation. Well, she´s been left by him, but she´s suffering and trying to get in contact with him. But I´m sure she will overcome all this and be free. :)

  17. yes! on point! thank you!

  18. I se so many talk like they know what they are doing. That isnt neesserly true. I belive they think the are right they are just so good in justifieng themself they are lying not only to you but also to themselves.

  19. Thank you for this. This is exactly my experience. 30 years invested in my case. You have it pegged.

  20. +Faith Rose God bless you Faith for your courage and your wisdom!!!! Thx you so much!

  21. Hey Faith Rose, I love your video of the repeate it number video, I want to talk with you of a sitiations I am in and I need help on something but I can't leave a comment on that video area. so I am leaving you a message here, would love to talk with you more about it. ! I want to know more about the subject.

  22. He never loved me. Now that I have found out about narcissism and discussed it with him and he seemed to understand I thought he meant it when he said he would find out about this and change. He lied. Pray for me. I have to leave.

  23. Real truth!

    Google: Judi Grace StoryCorps.

  24. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU. I've spent the past two days looking at videos and reading about narcissistic abuse, and my whole life is both turning upside down and making complete sense. You've put this very succinctly, THANKS!!!!!

  25. I have felt pain and much suffering but never as much as when abused by a narcissist!!!!

  26. Blessings …peace and love ..
    I forgave and now I'm finally free and in peace !

  27. I got tired of the lies …
    Catfish ..
    Games …
    Immaturity ..
    Bullying …
    Insults …

  28. I made that list of all the bad things I discovered …

  29. b c

    Adam all is not lost, Jesus died for our sins. remember in the bible one of the worst persons ever repented and turned around…Manasseh. he was terrible, he even sacrificed his own kids to the false gods. its just hurt and pain your feeling. we are all responsible for our actions in life. If you want to move ahead learn to forgive. and even if you feel no one cares, remember god reads hearts. best wishes to you

  30. When I finally had enough. I asked for divorce. had to do what I had to to make him happy(thought was getting cake and eating it too). AM NOt proud of what I had to do to get away
    When finally got divorce weight of world taken off my shoulders. our son was 17 when div was final. within 3 months he broke into my house to kill me. I got away. He couldn't stand loosing control of me. within 3 months he killed himself. left it for our son to find. sad thing is son is ibelieve is narcissistic too. won't have anything to do with me. found out I can read him. been 10 yrs will grieve my son loss rest of my life. Just be carefull when they loose the control they are dangerous…….

  31. I don't think psychobabble titles matter. Some people are just assholes.

  32. How to leave a narcissist:
    Step one: leave
    Step two: Hmm..

  33. Two years ago I went to a therapist to be cured of narcissism. My daughter accused me of it so much over the years and our relationship was so shitty that I decided she might be right about me. Today, I see that the narcissists are my ex-wife and our daughters. Every time they pushed me to the point where I was angry and in a fit, they won. I didn't even know we were playing a narcissists game, but we clearly were. I no longer play the game. I no longer interested.

    I did the best I could and nothing I ever did was good enough. Good riddance to all three of them. I am going my own way now.

  34. Never give a narcissist any sense that you depend on them for anything – they will immediately exploit it. If you have any relationship with them, it must be one in which they know you will leave at any moment they misbehave.

  35. "demonic". what a disgusting thing to say. they can't help it, stop attacking them

  36. Very helpful. Just 2 questions
    1) Can a person who has lived with a narcissist for 30 yrs become like them due to the anger and resentment?

    2) Does it change (distroy) one so much that it is impossible to ever be normal, happy and joyful again?

  37. Very helpful. Just 2 questions
    1) Can a person who has lived with a narcissist for 30 yrs become like them due to the anger and resentment?

    2) Does it change (distroy) one so much that it is impossible to ever be normal, happy and joyful again?

  38. I am convinced that the only way to truly Leave a Narcopath is to move away and live under an assumed name. It can be done if you're determined to do it even with kids. A way will be made.

  39. …"end a relationship,"…that I've come to realize, never was.

  40. I totally agree…detachment is the key. I was raised by a major passive-aggressive narcissist mother, and my younger brother adopted all of those traits as well. I simply cut off all communication with my mother, and stopped worrying about anything that she has said, or may be saying about me behind my back. She no longer has any affect on me. A few years ago I also came to the aid of my younger brother who was apparently suffering a major financial crisis. I moved in with him to help share his costs to help him out…and then learned a few years later that he made the whole situation up, presumably to get someone else to help pay his way. However, he too is a major passive-aggressive narcissist, so over time I just learned to ignore his behavior and convinced myself that this is just his way of dealing with his life. This attitude drove him nuts because he discovered that couldn't "get to me"….and eventually he just moved away. So victory can achieved :-).

  41. yes dude abides i actually have in the past thats not an issue but thanks

  42. The hardest part about leaving a Narcissist is when she lies about her fertility and gets pregnant to trap you.

  43. Stay with him for the kids? And everyone gets to be affected? Just because the kiddies don't say anything doesn't mean they aren't internalizing the self centered message of narcissistic manipulation. Thus, another of narc is made.

  44. I actually stayed with my narcissist to protect the kids..(4)….If I would have left him he would have had visitation and he would have dismantled their minds in a 24 hour period… I had to choose my battle…I won on that one….but for me …it's another story…30 years….and if I had a financial way of leaving I would

  45. Please, please don't take your videos down. I just found your channel. I was raised by a narcissist who has hurt me to my core (my older sister). My mother had me late in life and she was ill. I didn't even know there was a name for this "type of destructive, selfish, abusive, person"…..she never loved me, like she always said, everything was a mental chess game, and I lost.
    I am now 50 years old and I last week I finally broke contact, in one phone call I told her everything she did to me (there was so much physical abuse too like suffocation). So, I'm only on stage 4, I need video's like yours to come back to. God bless you!

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