Conversations with Narcissist about distributing the estate

Conversations with Narcissist about distributing the estate

My NPD mother needs to be the centre of attention, she is entitled to anything and everything her mother leaves behind now that she is dead (whether they were estranged or not). She is not happy that she’s been left out – and guess what, it’s my grandmother’s fault and mine too. Never hers. She can never do any wrong or feel any empathy because she is a malignant narcissist. Likes: 0 Viewed: 8 source

The Narcissist – A Golden Child Without Limits

The Narcissist – A Golden Child Without Limits

When we are struggling with grandiose, ruthless, self-entitled  narcissists  in our personal and professional lives, we ask ourselves: “How did this person develop into such a self-absorbed, unempathic, deceitful individual?” The answer is not in the stars or the genetics as far as we presently know. The personality of the  narcissist  develops very early in childhood as a result of his (her) interactions with mother, father or both parents. In many instances the future  narcissist  is chosen for special talents, intellectual brilliance, physical attractiveness, athletic prowess, or a combination of…