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20 thoughts on “Addicted To The Narcissist : Trauma Bonding

  1. yes, its real, total mind control so toxic and so painfull to see the reality of this type of "love" relationship.

  2. How do we break it? How do we stop it? It's an incredibly unhealthy addiction and I just want to regain my own self control.

  3. Wow, that speaks to me, when she is nice I'm in heaven. When she is crazy, I'm withdrawn, hoping I'll get back to heaven. It is amazing how my lovestory is so typical, once compared to all the narcopath abuses found on the internet. ANd I thought I was special…. Thank you

  4. Im currently recovering from a narc… And your video helps. The passive aggressive thing is true… Anyways im listening to tons of meditational vids and yours to help me overcome it.

  5. now thats a pretty wome there.

  6. I've trolled a few narcissists lately. OMG! To hell with all my presumptions two weeks ago! I feel like the finger that tickles the Pillsbury Doughboy, they're so reactionary! It's like… Aheh! It's like getting, eh…kind of like getting supply, Kind of addictive. Like, maybe a deep fascination with what happens in a petri dish…

  7. I loved(and still love) a narcissist for 10 years. I haven't seen him since May of last year. It all is very demeaning to the target.

  8. "The intermittent reinforcement of the sweet/mean cycle is an evidence based strategy that results in an emotional bond akin to the imprinting of the mother-baby bond at birth." ….Profound, absolutely profound. Brilliant video. Thank you.

  9. Same but different. The similarity is connected to the adrenaline released before the hit. Which is where the brain is the most stimulated, there are plenty of neuro scan research that show this brain activity before taking drugs…. Yes there is physiological alteration as you say, and only through time and distance, exercise, nutrition and sleep can one recover normal brain chemistry, but one's sense of 'existence' and relationships is altered forever. Issues of trust, abandonment etc … and if certain therapists say that this is because of your own preexisting childhood wounds or whatever, it is likely not to be true, more that the therapist has no experience of this kind of relationship trauma. Or is in denial of his/her own trauma and is projecting this onto you.

  10. During my relationship I used to equate it to bending a strong piece of metal one way, then bending it back the other way and repeating this over and over again until even the strongest steel breaks in half. This is the narc's power in a nutshell. It is a formidable weapon.

  11. So true..The interaction was just mind boggling..Lived with for 3 years but it took 2 years to actually separate completely..If I was so bad, why are you still coming around? No contact since July 2015..Stay strong, You All are Awesome!!! ~Hugs~

  12. Impressive physiology Sacha

  13. I understand. Now I see why you really have to fight for your soul to protect it. You have to fight your own urges and old "programming". Hold on to absolute truth. Wrong is wrong.

  14. THis happened to me from 16-20 years old. It's is very destructive, you will struggle for YEARS after the relationship has ended. I only learned recently that my ex was a Narc over a decade later. It all made perfect sense but has been so damaging. Luckily I decided to go through the withdrawal after the end of the relationship because I knew I could be treated better.

  15. I addicted to the, monster

  16. Key word is "target" if you feel your a target you most likely are !

  17. How to start detox when still living with them..?. Kinda like a "step out program" lol. But in a way like the AA 12 step program? ..Baby steps first, and then gain momentum. Also of course focusing on the health reasons why we need to detox from the narc. Because it can literally mean our longevity or a sickly existence and or premature passing. 🙁 I am new to this concept of the vacillation between internal seritonim/cortisal . But it certainly makes sense to me. It prob explains why many victims of long term narc abuse end up with a plethora of health related issues, and immune system problems. ? It's a lot to take in. But ones very life and quality of life depends on it. Thank you for your video's.

  18. I've heard it said that they push you down the stairs, and run to your rescue as you lie there bleeding. They help you to the top before shoving you down again… and again.. and again. Before too long, you're clinging to them for safety.

  19. " Beautiful " and "gorgeous" are two words I can't stand. In my life men who I perceive to be "off", "players ", " manipulators ", " narcissists" ( and I'm usually right because they don't change their MO. Use they same lame language on every woman regardless of what a woman looks like. I have become a people watcher and I notice the losers behave in same piss poor way with every woman trying to catch any woman. when they catch, They then go to mean cycle of degrading treatment. ) I find that male narcissists kind of keep to same script and same tone. Listening to vocabulary only has enabled me to identify the sweet/ mean cycle. Not 100% but in my day to day people watching, when I see a narcissistic male trying to catch a new female victim, " beautiful " and " gorgeous " are vomited out to victims. on the outside , you as an observer say to yourself how in the world can a woman fall for such a loser? But this physiological connection, the increased serotonin levels in target makes a whole lot of sense when a person is being bombarded with love bombing. this is also why it is so hard for a woman to walk away, even when they are in mean cycle of narcissistic person. Thanks. I had an understanding, but now I OVERSTAND this.

  20. Yet another reason why detoxing from narcs is more difficult than getting rid of a substance addiction is because with e.g. heroin, at least society tells you that it's bad for you.

    Whereas, if you happen to be e.g. stuck in a relationship with a narc on whom you (and, worst case, your children) depend financially, society tells you that "you're doing fine!"

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