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41 thoughts on “Best Revenge For A Narcissist

  1. great background music! who is the singer?

  2. preach brother!!! He will make your enemy your foot stool. vengeance is mine says the Lord.

  3. Thank you so much for this! What a great reminder…The Lords see and will be our recompense.

  4. I am a fan of yours! Keep on keeping on beautiful one.

  5. It's ironic that this main disorder is being revealed and exposed in such a rapid way….its great that the world is awakening to the knowledge of this terrible selfish destructive behaviour.

  6. Amen, we battle not against flesh and blood but the wicked spiritual principalities. The enemy of this world after all is the master of Narcissism.

  7. Loved this msg. Thank you so much!!!!! "Can't comfort your enemy, Gotta crush your enemy!" YES!!!!! I know I will be okay in the end. Thnks again.

  8. They're always jealous of other people & their possessions & think other people would feel the same envy they have inside. I never felt jealous for anyone's possessions so the thought process is absurd & pathetic imo.

  9. Smile and know this feeling shall pass faster with each exhale giving it all to God. Trusting in the powerful & unseen One.

  10. Amen, my brother! After 27 yrs I finally make peace with myself and God. I'm more than a survivor, I'm REDEEMED! THANK U MY BROTHER!

  11. Thank You, you explain so clearly. I do feel like God has definitely gotten me through and is helping me succeed! But, the pain is endless. I'm trudging forward, meeting great people, and doing the best I can, but the pain is awful. And I still don't want to see my narcissists suffer.I have 3! Most people are tortured with one. It's been a nightmare. I don't think they do it on purpose. I think they are just broken children. Why does God allow so much pain?

  12. Very encouraging. Thank you!

  13. I couldnt watch this video. I didnt like the music. It was distracting and saddening.

  14. Success is for you the NPD don't care about you in that way if they aren't able to take advantage of whatever good fortune you attain however I do believe if they heard your life crumbled behind a separation it would please their ego

  15. So glad i found you. You are the truth.

  16. to the context of revenge or one uping yes abandonning and then shining on is the best for both parties. abused and abuser. karma will have its day and just as the narciscisst came into your life to make you stronger after the pain. you too play a role in their lessons. love your enemies from a far. they know not what they do. remember a narciscisst is a child locked away emotionally inside. the false self is evil manifestation for survival.

  17. Thank you! This video is helping me a lot.
    Still living with a Somatic Narcissist… I see him now for what he is 🙂 I can't leave, but now I'm focus to heal my Self 🙂
    Very much helpful your videos

  18. Amen! I so needed to hear this..thank you!

  19. And it's also called ENMITY between the woman's seed and the serpent seed.

  20. D C

    Instant replay and hands up saying, Sooooo, very true… Hallelujah!!!!

  21. D C

    Bobby Womack in the background? Soooo Smooth. Yesssssss, It's a Higher Power Above & He will Always Prevail. Preach Brother. This is a tear jerker, stand up video. Love your work and truth. Peace Always to Everyone tuning in!

  22. Well said Brother. you're absolutely right. Your insight is greatly appreciated. Thus far you've been refreshingly helpful to me.

  23. Wow, your words literally made me tear up. I remember telling the narc abt my new job and gym membership last month and he literally took me down two notches. Oh I made that salary years ago and Oh you can't even budget right why join a gym. Thank u for giving me the strength to know it will be alright

  24. What is he driving a Limo? Limodriver

  25. Excellent video! Having a spirit of revenge in your heart for the narc will only eat you alive, in fact if you do not respond in kind to their evil it will drive them insane, they will do more and more to try to get you to drop to their level, do not. When you carry on and walk away as a good person and be successful this will be like a stake into the heart of the vampire, trust me.

  26. the song is very distracting i couldn't listen to this vid for more than 10 secs :(

  27. I love all your Videos except this one….why so preachy?? have always appreciated your Level headed and laser sharp accessment of this mental disorder & all its Effects on ppl…too many narcs have used quotes from the Bible to cement their evil Theories & intentions…even though I actually agree with your concept of Karma on many levels..I wouldnt pursue this line of thought too much as I think it Kind of lessens your otherwise flawless & genius concepts & approach to the narc disorder….there r thousands of preachers quoting scriptures out there but there is only ONE you exposing & explaining the narc condition with such surgeon like Precision & such outright Professionality..dont let them lump u in with the Sunday School preachers please !!! u r a treasure & am so glad that u r a black brother !!! God bless!!!

  28. ty for video
    I'm a Christian
    so I believe that way
    it just seems like he is sailing along nothing going wrong for him
    all the lies and betrayal s he gave me and told lies about me
    I can say I've seen one thing is loss of all his friends but one
    she's a narcissist herself I think
    i. pray he goes thru something so he can wake up and see what he did to us.

  29. Def worked for me. Once I TRULY let it all go and prayed for God to handle it all he did. Now my Narc is headed to prison where he belongs. (this is my sons account btw) Im Chrisha. Karma works and God.

  30. That's some Good Music. Great Message

  31. Great videos.. I'm learning a lot from your words of experience.. nice jam too, perfect for this video topic!! Thanks much

  32. Thank you so much for this video. it was a "God Send" literally 🙂 I have never felt better after this. Great affirmation and such a spiritual connection I felt.

  33. This video is filled with inspiration!  Thanks so much.

  34. Been with a narc for over 2yrs and only time i have seen the Demon face was when i confronted and revealed certain things about them, its as if their mask slipped.

  35. Been with a narc for over 2yrs and only time i have seen the Demon face was when i confronted and revealed certain things about them, its as if their mask slipped.

  36. I found out 3 days ago my wife I've loved and cherished for 15 years has been having a 5 year long extra marital affair. she's a histrionic narccist. it's the most painful experience I've ever endured. we have a 9 year old daughter. this video gave me hope

  37. Good word of advice my man! your right on. They hate you for your success.

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