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49 thoughts on “Common Professions of the Narcissist

  1. My narcissist husband is a very good physician and he cares  a lot about curing his patients. And he makes sure that the residents doctors he trains are very happy and satisfied. I am the only one who gets to see his real ugly face.

  2. Narcissistic therapists abound, but also narcissistic case managers. Every narcissistic case manager I've been stuck with have all been female. Is there a reason why narcissistic women in therapeutic fields gravitate to case management services? Social workers, in my experience, are not narcissistic compared to case managers. I'm struggling now, and some insight (from anyone) would help. Thank you, Dr. Vaknin.

  3. OMG! what about Chefs???

  4. My ex-narcissist is a judge. The minute we were done he tried black balling me publicly..  He was so hurtful and still is..

  5. "This is a very worrisome state of affairs. Narcissists are liars. They misrepresent their credentials, their knowledge, their talents, their skills, their achievements. You can't trust a narcissist." Yet so many people fall for their lies and buy their acts/ In fact, their "followers" will attack and turn on you if you dare to go against them or try to expose them. They are so good they are at manipulating others that even their prey will lay down their lives to save them!

  6. "A narcissist medical doctor would rather let patients die than expose his ignorance." Very powerful and true statement.

  7. I think my lawyer id actually a narcissist … :-O

  8. Well, now I have the feeling that it is far fetched, really. Teachers, lawyers, doctors. And WHO does NOT like affirmation, acceptance and praise from the peers or superiors? it is only human. You are also a teacher, or maybe even a guru, producing these videos and looking for an audience. The whole society is becoming more and more narcissistic. And like all other psychological disorders, there is also a positive side to the medaille, not only a shadow side. Many narcissists are gifted and contributed greatly to the society. Why dont you talk about it at all?

  9. What do you do when you watch the dismantling of someone you love by one of these people? My sister has changed from being a good natured, optimistic, self-sufficient woman into an emotional punchbag for a man who is high up in the police force who can be the most charming, engaging, seemingly compassionate person on the surface, but I've seen him angry, sarcastic and has a way of destroying my sister's self confidence that is artful. It's like their house is a kingdom and he has one subject. He knows I see through him and has started laying the poison about me, all under the guise of being a concerned brother-in-law. I don't know where it will end.

  10. Military and law enforcement…..I'm not EVEN surprised.

  11. Teachers and Police probably the worst narc professions. Then sports coaches and clergy. Of course sports professionals too but they have some hurdles to jump to get there. For women, anything that's perceived to be a glamorous, show biz, modelling, TV, cabin attendant.
    Then of course there's the narcs that are too intellectually challenged for the above professions so get into security or into sales. Real estate and car sales of course. Maybe even sales reps for tobacco companies.

  12. Some narcissistic people do not enjoy being forever stressed-out and strict, secret-keeping manipulators with only a destructive purpose to their actions. Often their narcissism results of life circumstances, as a survival response that is primal and naturally dangerous without training and honing of the skill-set that this response potentially brings.

    The only way to overcome going over the deep end into sadistic narcissism is to consciously desire to transform this unsatisfied, deceitful tendency into work that is useful for the world. It sounds impossible but it needs to be possible for these people to have a place in the world. They do not all deserve to be condemned.

    Narcissists will never be happy until they can make their mark on the world in a way that changes it, for better or worse, and ensures that they are remembered. It's not wrong in and of itself unless it hurts others. And yes, it is possible to be narcissist and to have a heart, as well as the mind to want to transform all destructive behaviours into productive ones.

  13. Mechanical engineer texas a an m degree… narc

  14. You have very kind eyes.

  15. You omitted the most important title a narcissistic predator should not hold and that would be President of the U.S.

  16. Professions where they can abuse others and get access to vulnerable people. Where they can "spy" on others.

  17. does anyone really buy this guy's shtick? after watching about 10 videos, it's clear that the term narcissist (as he describes it) is a wholly relative denomination which could reasonably be applied to, well, everyone in the first world. the sole utility of it seems to provide a nice, shallow sort of comfort that certain other people could be somehow lesser than ourselves via an institutionally recognized form of egotism. clearly, though, i am a narcissist!

  18. How come you got so obsessed with narcissists?

  19. I was expecting him to say the psychology field, too. Narcs love being therapists.

  20. But you forgot to mention female professions. From my experience personally, id say personal training (fitness industry) stripping, and escort work. Lots of attention from those professions for your body. 

  21. Love your videos. Very helpful.

  22. They seem to cluster around power and attention

  23. You are soooooooo right ! My mother was a teacher and a full blown narcissist. And abusive on top of it all. She didn't like children, she just liked the authority she had on them.


  25. as a lawyer I can tell you that that is where is MOST of the worlds narcissists are… There is a reason for all the jokes…they are all true.

  26. I'd like to know how to stop what my brother is doing. It's not going to be easy and we don't have a legal case.

  27. The sex industry draws them there. Stripping, dancing they are the center of attention using their bodies. So what happens when they start aging and not as desirable being a narcissist?. Do they self destruct?

  28. You forgot the IT industry. There's many there, including myself.

  29. You know where you can find them as well……in counseling, coaching and therapist positions. You have to be real careful when you seek help.

  30. One narcissist in a leadership role in the workplace can bring the place down.  I have worked in two such places.  I left both and shortly afterward they both became smoking ruins with many people out of work.  All I can think of is, "I told you so!"  They're not all Steve Jobs, for cryin' out loud.

  31. Mitt Romney fits the bill.

  32. my sister, a retired NJ high school teacher, used the students as her abject servants to ridicule or punish as well as reward if they became her "trained seals. She also destroyed school property by inscribing sexual acts between her leas favorite on the desks so they would be blamed. No one would ever suspect her………..she laughed at her narcissistic one-up man ship. 

  33. My narcissist is my French teacher. We started dating until I realized he had other people on the side. Dumped me and then flirted with other students right in front of me like we never went out, then started another affair with a classmate. Cold and harsh. All the while trying to get money out of me. I am amazed at how bold a person can be. No remorse whatsoever.

  34. Hey fuck you man… The world is nothing but my narcissistic dream! 

  35. Once again, so accurate!  The NP has always stolen from employers because she felt "under-paid" and shafted by every single one of them.  I got her a job in LV with a very well-known doctor; world famous.  She ultimately destroyed that too, and erased all of his medical files.  Being employed with one of their partners, I was called to the CEO's office and told "not to worry; I was not being fired."  I was so worried; I am the one who recommended her because of her talents, and my livelihood was now threatened because of her behavior.  One can only imagine the embarrassment I felt; and there had been a memo issued telling my coworkers not to talk about it to me.  Surprise–she struck again!!  No one can help these people, and they will eventually end up unemployed and seek more destructive ways to make money, even resorting to crime. 

  36. Politicians. Did he mention them?

  37. Narcissist are often in the entertainment industry which includes acting or even exotic dancing. It's an obvious choice in career for the fact that it is an attention hogging and manipulative position.

  38. You forgot engineering, I think. That's the worst of them.

  39. I think these professions are a bit overstated, possibly because it's Sam's more familiar territory. There are PLENTY of narcissists in other parts of society, from contractors to plumbers to poets. Yes poets. Homemakers as well. Mine N was a WORKING CLASS HERO and superior acting as any another type, just less obvious which is, ultimately, more disappointing. I avoided choosing a professional person way back thinking that it was insurance against narcissism due to fearing my N. father who was a successful professional. No such luck! Engineer narcissist are aplenty too. Sam also neglected to mention sports, a significant classification. So just watch out in all fields, all sectors of life.

  40. I have another job: support worker at Old People Homes, not only that position helps them in the "nice person act", also gives them access to old peoples finances and possessions.

  41. Although he often speaks merely of the most extreme cases of narcissism, and as he said, this is only 1% of the population, the features he speaks of, the backdrop of the behaviors and all the underlying reasons for the thoughts, feelings (lack of feelings) and motivations of the narcissist are so thoroughly and brilliantly explained here. I have been a psychotherapist for 13 years, have studied human behavior and psychology for many more than that, and I believe the videos this man has posted on YouTube explaining NPD are very well done and brilliant. Someone here said some nasty things about this man. Perhaps he understands the disorder so well because he, himself has it. I don't know; I don't know the man. But I can say he has explained this disorder with a clarity and thoroughness and insight that I have not before heard/seen.

  42. Could you tell me why you chose this topic? Were you a child of a narcisstic parents or a parent?

  43. they can be 'extremists' too. Social work is infested with them thanks to bad NLP 

  44. Heike Anderson, it's ironic that you're saying exactly what a narcissist would say.
    People also think doctors are great people but in reality many are psychopaths as they lack empathy. It helps them in their daily work as lack of empathy means you can cut another person without feeling anything. For a "normal" person, it's too traumatic to do that repeatedly.

  45. I suspect the current prime minister of the UK is a Narcissist or a Psychopath.   He's doing serious harm to vulnerable sick and disabled people over here in the UK, that much I do know.   I also suspect one of his colleagues to be Psychopathic.   I know I can't be sure (not being a mental health professional or anything like that), but I strongly suspect it.   I can well believe those with such conditions are commonly attracted to the political field (without believing they are all like this of course).   The potential for attention and influence over people must be very attractive to them.

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