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42 thoughts on “Confronting Narcissists Directly Has Explosive Results

  1. wow its midnight here and I'm just watching the part when u say it's midnight there lol that's when I do my spells lol u r incredibly funny I love watching ur videos

  2. I confronted my parents as a calm adult after they babysat my 9yo son and he came home w scratches on his back. They became enraged on the phone, my mom the narc was silent… My dad the enabler went aggressive, rage, I could hear him grit his teeth. I then realized at that point I remembered that "dad."

  3. I haven't argued with my narcissist for over a year. However, it is really hard because the anger just builds up whenever he messages me. He texts me every few months so no contact currently (I have blocked him from social media but I don't know how to block him from texts and we didn't talk for 6 months so I thought he'd given up). But the next time he messages me I AM going to have a go at him because the anger inside has built up beyond my threshold now. Idk what to do, I WILL have a go at him due to my anger at him. I have scored high for borderline personality disorder tests (35-40) due to my intense emotions which usually only last a few minutes. He has made my feelings of emptiness 100X worse and completely abandoned me with no closure. He purposely hurt me almost everyday for over a year and got angry with me when I pretended not to feel hurt by his evil actions. I'm so glad we're not talking or seeing each other but next time he messages me I will have to let my anger out.

  4. I'm glad you mentioned the name of the song XD I need to listen to it after hearing it…

  5. 'Run to the hills ring tone'-Awesome haha. Love your vids man. Cheers

  6. A an American, no offense from your comments. You're spot on. I also lived on Merseyside for ten years so I'd probably cut you that much more slack.

  7. Could you be mistaking the 2nd person view with Dissociative Personality? Sounds like it to me anyway. Just my take on it. Cheers, KG

  8. I kicked my narc ex-husband with extreme self control and believe blindsiding him ( no chitchat…just "Get out within 24 hrs) somewhat helped. Later I became afraid of him, yet in fact my rage towards him propelled my certainty that it was over. After coping for years, knowing I was getting abused required little to spark my fire…but digested the massive firestorm by learning he had been having endless sex with men throughout our ten year marriage! I sincerely feared I would assault him if he remained near me. He checked himself into a psych unit for profound depression…haha…lied gloriously to psychiatrists who provided endless attention. Tons has happened since then. Btw he's an ardent Conservative here in USA while I still Feel_ the-Bern.

  9. Awesome ringtone (3 years late, I know 😉 – Anyway, thanks again for your insights!

  10. My N knew all about my devastating and tragic past and still chose to imply that my empathetic demeanor and past as a victim is the sole reason that I called him on his BS. And then, cut off all communication with me. There's hardly a day that goes by that I don't think about taking my own life. Do you think I give a shit about what he may do to me or what I allowed him to do to me? From my research, many of these personality disorders overlap and they need to be called on the bullshit and be held accountable. I do not roll over and play dead. I can make him as miserable as he has made me because he's met his match with my intellect….the difference is… I use mine for the good of humanity.

  11. are you saying that not confronting them is better (just running away from them presumably)?
    cos if you don't confront them you're not giving them the chance to let you know that they truly are or truly aren't a narc

  12. why do they hammer on ethics and moral behaviour and then do exactly the opposite

  13. Best way to deal witha narcissist? Beat them, man handle them and Knock them the fuck out. They will be so butthurt and traumatized that they will never be the same guaranteed

  14. I think your take and information is right on the money! Thank you very much. You have been a huge help to me already. Do you plan on speaking in California at any point?

  15. If you understood the object relations of narcissism as a developmental condition the pejorative use of the second person would make sense. This is the problem with sketchy partial non clinical approaches like NLP and why they are suite to coaching and little else – they lack any depth on developmental perpsective. You need psychodynamic theory to understand this. Further – I see you refer to yourself as a psychologist – when you aren't – that's a protected title and is therefore illegal. You shouldn't misrepresent your qualifications. This is lay persons theory and lacks any substantial understanding and should be made clear to people as such. Yes it may help to understand and present a combative position, but this is far from full in its assessment or even accuracy.

  16. 2nd person perspective, their own tv show where they are even the character, but they are their most favored character. they watch the show, "oh i like that character, fuck the rest!" perhaps jokingly, but it sticks. i know i had favorite characters, or ones i liked better – a narcissist might choose one and attach.

    a difference between tv and life is one can change outcomes in life. tv is preset, but not life. a narcissist choose the incorrect actions.

  17. Do you, Richard, ever do speaking engagements….abroad?

  18. I started calling out my narcissistic ex over her bs and turned the tables and she FLEW OFF THE HANDLE! I went through the crazy discard and smear within days.

  19. "I'm not editing this video, you'll just have to suck it up." ROFLMAO! On a serious note, I love your videos!

  20. How to be not sick of fear

  21. my narc "Old Friend" knows he needs to retire. Now, out of the blue with no provocation, HE stands about 10 to 12 feet away, stops moving and then "word salad" is projectile vomited out of his mouth for about a minute. Teeth showing and over pronouncing each word, while his body and the upper half of his face does not move (botox). It is scary… what is THAT all about!??

  22. One of my friends were raised by an extremely narcissistic mother, he always tried to get her approval. Then he was put on wellbutrin/klonopin and something snapped with my friend, he was coming accross just like his mom, I think he had all these feelings but wasn't displaying them… We are no longer friends currently though.

  23. I think they blow up because they identify how f&&ked they are
    And how this conversation humiliates them because they have always had this conversation because there insane

  24. That's not how you confront them.

  25. I had an awful week with a Narc partner and this had me hysterically laughing..Richard you are so amusing and chatty, its like having a giggle with a girlfriend! Thanks for making my dreadful day, end in a laugh….and at the same time I was learning from your words! Long may you be you! Hah ha..and allow us to partake of your knowledgeable information!

  26. I've been watching a ton of your videos lately. I was on the verge of a breakdown of sorts, dealing with my mother who, by any definition of the word, is a narcissist. When your alarm went off and you said, "Why is my alarm set for midnight? Because that's when I do my spells!", I honestly thought I was going to die from laughter. Thank you for all of information you share with us, and thank you for the silliness sprinkled throughout the serious shit. It was the first time I genuinely laughed all day. Thank you.

  27. definitely trauma at the heart of this. Also dissociation from emotional pain, which explains why cluster B and CPTSD are a spectrum with a variety of presentations in different people.

  28. I really appreciate your videos and just have to put my two cents and say that I grew up with one who had no trauma in their life. I could be wrong but I believe that everybody is different and they have character and empathy or they just don't.

  29. This guy is a narcassist, ironic or standard procedure?

  30. "I do love crack, but i haven't got enough time to be giving out that many blow jobs to strangers.."

  31. Sorry Americans…..don't go all, um, American on me!    lmao  You are right about Americans being naïve but the thing is that they are WILLFULLY that way.  And the ones who aren't, are basically sociopaths.  And if you are both decent and intelligent, well, you just become a target for everyone because the naïve idiots think you are "negative" when you highlight problems, and the sociopaths want you dead because they are the problem (and they run the fucking place)!

  32. You're HOT just saying. Thanks, and fun to listen to. xox Canada

  33. Just WOW at your message as a whole. The comfort you bring in your delivery along with the surprisingly added bonus of the male perspective is right on!
    Your new fan, Marie

  34. I just confronted my ex who is BPD and maybe a bit Narcissistic (i have no idea) about not working together anymore as its not a good environment for everyone including ourselves…she lost it and said she was going to take me to a tribunal. Wow

  35. My map of the world's "Funniest Richie Moment" in this video is 5:396:15.

  36. Yes this is very true! I have learned the hard way!

  37. For me, the core of Narcissism is that their emotional development is that of a 4 or 5 year old child. I have a 4 year old that cannot be reasoned with when she wants something and I am denying it. The conversation with her is bewildering, her ONLY goal is getting what she wants. Now that I am becoming aware of all this, I have noticed that conversations with my EX when he wants something is EXACTLY like having a conversation with my 4 year old and it is because they are emotionally the same age. PS: Try Trooper for you next ringtone :)

  38. You crack me up. Love you….. you make a horrible situation a little less horrible by your humor. Keep up the good work. You are amazing. … !

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