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23 thoughts on “How To Lay Boundaries With A Narcissist By Detaching

  1. JR

    This is so enlightening. Thank you so much, Melanie.

  2. This is a complete game changer!!!! Thank you! It's the first time after years of chasing this that I understand how to do it without getting caught in his web again. i can do this! Thank you so much!!! ^i^

  3. What if you are married?how can you apply this method of detaching?

  4. I needed this. Thank you so much.

  5. what she says is quite resolved.but they are dimensions she will not mention on here and the logical hand and guidebook.which is okay for now maybe your positive intake will not match what negative info will be understood.

  6. Excellent truth. But… they seem to want a person so much more when strength & individuality is obvious.

  7. Thank you so much. Being honest with ourselves as you are speaking about the real issues, I can't thank you enough for this video as it has truly become liberating. Now my healing will begin.

  8. I'm definitely healing myself from my own traumas…… And yes my relationship with the narc drove me towards healing

  9. All your videos are great Mel, thank you for that. I am wondering over if you are an aspie and have adhd is it then possible to be able to understand if your partner or parents might be a narc or not…
    I my self have AS and ADHD. I have lisend very much on your videos and find them very good.
    I am from Sweden and a just might be living with one. Life is very dificult to say the least.
    I am sorry if i have have been spelling some words wrong.
    Do you think you can make a video on this later on ?

  10. Another great video Melanie. I think that it would be very useful to do some role-play examples for your audience so that they can see an examples of tricky narcissistic behavior, common unhealed reactions to that ….. followed by examples of healthy behavior.

    For example: Narc tells co he/she's worthless. Co will usually say 'no I'm not and you are wrong and here's why' and there's an argument that follows. VS – Co saying to themselves 'hmmmm, I don't want to ever have a person communicate with me like that again' and then out loud 'That is totally unacceptable…goodbye…forever.' And then walking away from that relationship and never looking back.

    Setting that kind of boundary is something that I think is hard to communicate to Codependents (like I was).

    Let me know if you'd like to work together on that.

  11. This video is so much like a prayer for me. I listen to it quite frequently. This has been most helpful for me! Thank you!

  12. what a great video! Thanks so much.

  13. Thank you! What you say is spot on for what I have been going through. I have yet to detach from the covert narcissist in my life and watching your videos is helping me get there along with my therapist. I had to educate my therapist about the reason I was with this narcissist, the spiritual reasons, that he is holding up a mirror to me to show me where I need to heal myself and with the help of my Higher Power within myself as well as the people such as yourself and my therapist who I have been led to to assist me in this journey to emotional/mental/spiritual wellness.

  14. What an awesome video. My issue is that my compassion for the narcissist in my life is what has kept me stuck. I let everything slide because of my focus on his abusive childhood, seeing him as a hurt child. But compassion with expectations is very different from compassion.

  15. you are so wise. This helped me so much to understand my situation after breaking it off with my boyfriend whom I now know he really was a narcissit following 2 counseling sessions and your videos. thank you

  16. It is very hard to detach and move on,when they are what you say"children in an adults body".A big part of me know they are crying out inside or are they?

  17. thank you for. you. and your wordd of wisdom

  18. I can't thank you enough for all of your videos you are Divine wishing you the best

  19. Please create a blog for this video. It's so very helpful, I tried to write it all down!

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