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45 thoughts on “How to Take Revenge On A Narcissist

  1. I like your video I am doing that naturally. I am taking revenge.

  2. Great Video.Very Empowering!!

  3. Very helpful. Just catching on to Narcissism. Been a victim all my life. Now I isolate.

  4. I mean manipulation is something we all to do, I believe, but surely what makes it right or wrong is our intention at the time. e.g. to coax a child out of a dangerous situation is a form of manipulation, but it has a good intention behind it, ie. the prevention of your child of burning his hand in a fire.

  5. Would you say there is a tiny bit of a narcissist in all of us? It seems cruel to me to reject a certain class of human beings for weaknesses that I believe we all possess to a certain extent. Agree or disagree?

  6. Don't buy into the new age bullocks. Confront them don't reward them. Don't bless them. Don't reward bad behavior, then you will be living in truth. Stand up for yourself then turn your back and walk away forever. Be brave. Good work Richard! You see right through the lies. I can only imagine the horror you've been through as I have. True freedom is being genuine. Live in truth. My mom is dead and I'm so relieved. She was truly a wicked bitch to the last bite. I'm free at last.

  7. The problem with "provoking" someone to reveal they are a narcissist in front of others, is that others are watching you do the provoking and may well believe you are trying to get a rise out of a normal person to paint them falsely as a fool.

  8. I know why people refuse to be saved by the therapist sometimes, because its too hard to take the red pill all at once, so you go blue pill until you're ready otherwise your brain would explode and your ego and overall internal system. I did it to myself, like realizing the monster I was with but still taking a week or two to still "love"him and enjoy the "connection" we had for an extra moment. I would wake up and still find that feeling and feeling balanced during my day because of it. Once a friend gave me an advice against my narc and got so mad at him because it wasn't him who was entitled to do the cut within me. It took a while but I already did it. This is a very hard awakening

  9. Glad to hear an educated person state that reframing /revenge can be helpful. I engaged briefly in scam baiting a former lover who was conning me for money. It was empowering   to become just like him to manipulate and expose him. But it was a sad realization  what a simple , pathetic human mess he was; living to rob women and claim to love them. He woke up and ran to his computer to talk to me thinking I was a woman he had met years ago . He said he remembered meeting me and giving me his email address, but I had just tricked him. He went ballistic when he found out I scammed him….  I  have no trauma in regard to him .  Thanks for this video, it is  Awesome . Ha !

  10. This has helped. I tried running and he told the court judge I didn't care about my daughter. I have to stick so closely to him, like glue. I started calling him a liar to him directly and exactly what he's lied about and I can prove it. I'm changing the game!

  11. they work in every organization, they are extremely common…..actually I think these days the are the norm…..if you have something they want and you can't defend it….you will spend your entire life fleeing……because they are every place and totally out of control…..

  12. Yes! Fantastic I need this style of threapy.

  13. thanks. i needed that! i have let my narcissistic family play me like a puppet for years. i recently discovered what they are and i have been angry at myself for not speaking out or sticking up for myself. i started slowly speaking out, but also i stay away from the family as much as possible. you have given me strength. also you're funny. laughter is great therapy! don't change…you're really cool.

  14. You're going on my new imaginary mental council =)

  15. You're hilarious, astute and very helpful here. Thank you for taking the time to share this.
    I'm in this place right now with a leader and I have to agree. When you're stuck in a place with a narcissist, you can't adopt victim mindsets and come out unscathed. Better to use your intellect because this person is just what you say: a cheap trickster punk using his blather to control the masses so that he strokes his ego and lines his pockets..

  16. My life was utterly completely ruined by narcissism the primary narcissist in my life: my mother. A core feature of this damage has been the fact that I attract narcissistic psychopaths like a magnet. The tragic thing about this circumstance is that you must become consciously narcissistic to prevent yourself from being utterly destroyed by these circumstance. The best I have been able to do in this war has been developing the ability recognize these people and circumstances and letting myself escape. At this point in my life this means that I am pretty much alone. I believe any "revenge" against these people and circumstances is to truly escape and thrive to the best of your ability.

  17. The best thing I advise anyone who is dealing with a narcissist who has a severe personality disorder is to run as fast as you can. You can't put yourself down into their evil world. Anyone who has any empathy can't deal with an NPD. They are mentally ill and you will just be putting yourself into more distress! My Narc would kill cats as a child and would get excitement out of causing havoc and disorder. It's like dealing with a demon!

  18. The beautiful dog deserves a couple of treats for listening so well to the lecture.

  19. Awesome thank-you!

  20. I tend to favor grey rock over revenge or beating a narcissist at their game. That said, there are times when they need to be exposed, in front of their "crowd". Good video.

  21. How may a narcissist typically feel if his hoovering tactic was unsuccessful because the victim has developed firm boundaries; the narc has now become devalued by the victim. Is the narc likely to feel insulted and give up trying, or would they see this as a challenge, perhaps thinking that the victim is not serious about keeping them at a distance and will eventually cave and give in to the narc

  22. Do you live in the UK? My nark is from Southampton. Can I send him to you? Lol. We were engaged up until a few days ago. I finally decided I'm not going to love with this and he's not going to change.

  23. Interesting, and thanks for the free info buddy! I know some kids who could use some of this.

  24. revenge is mine so saith the Lord… This video is ridiculous

  25. This is a bit too complicated. Perhaps next time you could break it down to simple steps to go by.

  26. i live how he breaks this down it 3 times on my media center ..thanks for the education sir just got a subscriber

  27. 'hello boys and girls" ??? thats a narcissistic red flag right there pal. Think youre above everyone on Youtube, do ya? Then I see your eyes….youre a narcissisrtic douchebag…clear as day. I figured that out in 10 seconds of your vid.

  28. Great video, thanks for sharing (engaging, inspiring etc). Does that work for those who have kids with a narc as well? And how does one save the kids from being utterly exposed to this cruelty from their parent?
    (Another question, Another topic, I know)

  29. Excellently done. Kisses to Max. Great co-host. UR so so correct about holding on, drowning in feeling wounded.
    10 years ago I DARED to not travel to my NarcMother's for Christmas. I had been a consistent supply for my NM. The attacks became virulent and so spectacular that it woke me UP! My mother went batshit crazy. Attack, attack. Then she would say, "It didn't happen". She'd Call all family and friends about how mean I was. Finally, fed up this is what I did… Bought a telephone recording device. Recorded these crazy unprovoked, cruel, demeaning, screaming phone attacks. It took no time to fill a hate filled CD. Make copies. Send in the mail to anyone who seems to buy her BS.
    Walla! It felt so good to be VALIDATED!! Everyone thought it was just them. It's only human to want validity and understanding. Don't wait till your 50!!
    PS: love the accent.

  30. Someone should make
    "NARC the Movie" a spine-chilling True Story……

  31. doesent manipulating the narcisist turn me into one?

  32. Best video on narcs! Thanks for giving us some tools to fight back! Thanks for having "cajones!"
    Many of us on the "spiritual path" are told to turn the other cheek, etc. I'm tired of being a bullied victim. I don't want be a criminal. But even though I am "spiritual" I feel I have a right to defend myself to have a sane, peaceful life.
    This narc who rents a room in same house, shut me down, when I didn't jump to her tune. I also experienced childish temper, gaslighting, projecting, gossiping to landlady, etc.)
    So I just withdrew as well. Threw up a stone wall and went on enjoying my life. I have no need for ANYBODY's CONFIRMATION! NOw she is writing me notes and recommending guys for me to date! Me, I didn't even ACKNOWLEDGE the creepy letters she shoved under my door.
    I think she has a problem with aging. This weekend, I think I'm going to put on my "hoochie mama" clothes and high heels and go out looking like a teen queen. I must get your book! Stay strong! We need voices like yours!

  33. Thank you so much! I just, 1 month ago, discovered that my husband of 15 years had a 2 year affair. The interesting thing is that I had been a codependent in denial all those years. Your video has provided a lot of information and I will definitely get the book. The benefit of discovering the affair is that I'm finding out a lot about what I was going through all those years. I thought I was going crazy most of the time. I can now look back and identify so many of his magic tricks. Much appreciated.

  34. Awesome video! Merciiiii!!


  36. I just found this video for the first time and I have to say wow! Every part of this was spot on! I'm studying a lot about narcissism and I loved what you said because you explained it very well! How could I contact you if I wanted to ask you a question?

  37. This is not good advise… If you are having trouble with someone and it's really them that is the problem you must cut connections and leave it at that….. When you begin to start plotting and scheming your revenge against someone, and that revenge requires contact with the problematic individual you are only setting yourself up to be in the continuous presence of the problem. Not only physically but mentally. If you must have revenge try to remember that the best revenge in life is success… Cut problematic people out…. Gain your energy and clear thought back then go forth and be happy in whatever it is you do….. And also….. Learn the difference between Narcissists and Psychopaths….. I hear a lot of people on Youtube describing Psychopathic traits as Narcissistic traits….. These are two very different personality conditions and should not be confused. For instance… I'm a Narcissist and I care about anyone going up against a Psychopath enough to take the time to write this WARNING. I'll receive no payment for it. No thanks. No nothing. But my narcissism doesn't mean I'm not socially responsible…… Psychopaths are the ones you really need to watch out for…. I'm not saying you wanna rush out and date a narcissist either…. I'm just saying that one group is dangerous because of a genetic personality assignment while the other is the product of a stressful childhood…. Huge difference there.

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