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28 thoughts on “Narcissist Never Sorry

  1. Yes, yes again yes.  You are totally right Sam.  As always.  I have watched your videos, read your book, and when ever I feel weak, I watch the videos, read your book again.  This has saved me.   I don't think you have any idea, of the good you have done.  You are shinning.

  2. Holy sh*t you just described my mother 100%.
    Growing up my mother usually had "rage periods" where she would blame everyone she could for everything she could think of, even though it might have happened 7 years prior. My mother has a disease, which i might have a chance of developing too. It scares me a lot thinking about that if i get the disease i might become like her. I would rather die, than let down my family, friends or other people i love.

  3. Is it possible for a narcissist to simply apologize verbally as a means to an end — let's say in a situation where further conflict would expose them or make them lose a significant source of supply? Does merely uttering an apology even if it's false, disqualify a person as a narcissist?

  4. they never apologize because they enjoy their evil deeds. they expect you to apologize even when your right

  5. What is the best therapeutic treatment for someone who has been abused by a Narcissist?

  6. is it possible the narcissist is a under methylator?
    Look at the symptom list.

  7. i hate being a narc. shit genes.

  8. This is the first time I've known anything about narcissists, seems like the are so many ways to spot them. Thank you

  9. Why do they put you on a pedestal so high, buy you everything, take you everywhere and then can stand in front of you and say they don't want you anymore, or even worse they just do a disappearing act and you haven't even had a row or anything which leaves you utterly confused?

  10. Do you think that the narcissist can be extremely narcissist to one person and really nice to others? Or is it just whoever is in their life long enough will be the one dealing with his abuse once the mask is removed? Because I was dumped by an extreme malignant narcissist and he extremely kind and nice and envelope in his replacement…. Is that just to secure narcissistic supply ?

  11. I do say I'm sorry when I want someone to let their guard down. Emotions are like buttons just want to go Parkinson's on them

  12. I hate saying sorry. Cuz I know I don't mean it so it's fucking pointless and I hate pretending. Even when someone tells me their someone died, I know I'm suppose to say sorry but, but I just don't care. It's just a Tuesday ya know?

  13. My narc sister will never accept the horrible things she has done and continues to do.
    I wait for God to bring her to her senses and wake her up!  She has never apologized for anything ever..Even  destroying my wedding day was my fault. Punching my husband on the face.. She was not even invited!!!! She gate crashed and remembers nothing!!!!  She turned my mother against me for that and it was because she hated my husband (whom she never even spoke to). Her life is so perfect and she leaves behind a sea of misery in her wake. My brother and I cant talk because we don't trust one another now.. she finds out through her kids and his what we say. So in essence she destroyed our family. But her life is just fine.

  14. "My narcisstist" never was sorry for anything. Not for screaming at me, not for hanging up the phone, not for calling me "a piece of shit". One time he rationally said "I had no right to say that". But he went on with his behavior.

    He never verbalized any kind of feelings, but shame, hate, anger and his subjective perception of injustice.

  15. How can he feels sorry if he does not regard his victim as a victim…?

  16. Like a light bulb. I apologize because isn't that what your supposed to do. But I honestly don't care. My battle is with the lack of emotions that I'm supposed to feel. I think I finally understand what I mean when I say I wanna be normal. 

  17. Why would a narcissist latch on to someone who has caught on to their ways and tried to leave them multiple times? Why would he grovel to get back his target? I have tried to leave my narcissist many times and have confronted him with many of his shortcomings time and time again. I have done this in an attempt to keep him away. Somehow he always seems to convince me that he does truly love me and want to be faithful. This makes me think that he may not be narcissistic for a time, but then the signs come back and I again push him away. Why won't he let go? 

  18. Seems like some "Christians" are the worst offenders!

  19. like the others,  thanks for all your work and videos, great that they are short and effective,  My dad is 90 and has never changed,,  you description fits him so exactly.  It's scary,,,  It is so helpful,  what you are revealing to us……

  20. Thank you , Mr Vaknin !!

  21. Thank you so much for helping me understand my ex- husband who was United Methidist Pastor, an intellectual, a shop lifter and an adulterer !!! ( of course, every thing was my fault) These videoes are the only thing that has helped me overcome the abuse —- & it has been 6 years!!

  22. I believe I have experienced the narcissistic "cold turkey."  It was at a sports camp at some far away college.  I was away from my family, the coach didn't like me, and the older kids didn't care about me.  There was nobody there my age, only older and younger kids.  I remember, thank God I didn't have a roommate because one night, I was just an absolute mess.  I couldn't stop crying; I called my family and I said I wanted to go home.  (They didn't pick me up, but I knew they cared.)  The next morning, my moods evened out once more, and I was fine.  It was such a bad and ridiculous experience.  Thank you for helping me understand this.

  23. Described my ex-wife perfectly.

  24. I was with someone that you totally described.You are amazing and so perfect at explaining such a complex and deep problem.Thankyou, I understand now.

  25. so much overlap between narcissist and borderline personality disorder. 90% of all this describes my  mom. RIP.

  26. Mr Vakin your videos are great, im involed with a narcissits now, very painful but very interesting they are. the female narcissist whos ageing and loseing her looks is a desperate creature indeed.

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