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49 thoughts on “Narcissists – Full documentary

  1. Jenny McDermott and sequester zone fit the bill

  2. Here is a list of what Narcissists usually do to their targets :

    – Insults their target very often. Then lie when confronted about it, or say it was a joke.
    – When confronted with their behavior, they pretend to be innocent and play the victim.
    – Everything is always your fault, even when it's obviously not.
    – They always have a justification for every bad thing they do. They think they're always right.
    – Very controlling, they tell you how to live, but they can live anyway they want. Very hypocritical.
    – They accuse you of what they're doing to you (RED FLAG!), it's called Projection.
    – Portraying themselves as angels outside, when they are actually demons with their family and especially their target.
    – They want you to fail, while pretending to want you to succeed (they're very convincing).
    – They never say they are sorry for hurting you (RED FLAG!).
    – Poison your favorite activities, they don't want you to be happy or to get pleasure. They also poison other useful activities like important skills which will help you in the future. They DO NOT want you to have skills, they want you to be as weak as possible. They don't teach you anything.
    – Subtly lead a smear campaign against their target, so they isolate it and make sure they don't get help.
    – When you want to leave the relationship with a narcissist, they beg you to stay with them and cry crocodile tears. They are the best actors.
    – Sometimes nice, sometimes cruel. You never know where you stand with them.
    – They pretend to be "victims", and they blame the target for their own behavior.
    – They are incredibly arrogant and sadistic. They see the target as weak, and deserving to suffer.
    – They think they are models to be followed.
    – They are spiritually dead although they might loudly profess some kind of Spiritual Belief.

  3. Sounds like ALL of the current political and banking class.

  4. pretty sure I'm a narcissist but after watching this…I'm not entirely sure.

  5. I am surprised people are still watching this video when they can just be watching presidential election speeches, those are much better examples of narcissistic behavior.

  6. seems like frank is a piss head tosser.

  7. Donald Trump, a severe case of narcissism.

  8. I'm sure narcissism and/or psychopathy is how Donald Trump wiped the primaries clean… by whacking politicians with 16 sticks of the Republican tree (including a Bush) until "the cheese stands alone"

  9. Agreed 100 percent. A must-see documentary for anyone. This human trait/analysis is far more common and dangerous than most people would think.

  10. I answered yes more than 5 times 

  11. The guy who has no empathy should not be worried about his job, in fact, if that came out he'll be running the place.

  12. I'd like to kick the high achiever in the balls

  13. So under this reasoning the Catholic church and other organised religions with omnipotent religious leaders with records of abuse, complete control of their followers, brainwashing/indoctrination of children are also cults with narcs at the head? Why only show the new age modern nonsense.
    Tradition seems to wipe the slate clean on this one. Christianity started as a cult has it just remained one in some of it's current and more mainstream forms as well as the newer ones? .

  14. Frank is just a bit of a dick.

  15. I think that the Brian Blackwell case shows how the narcissist is overconfident in believing his own lies. If his mother came in with a knife, he would've just killed her with the hammer and claimed he killed both in self-defense. The part about his mother bathing him could've been embellished into full-on incest.

  16. I wonder sometimes if a narcissist only succeed when he has a captive audience? If you bark "just wait" when that guy bulldozes over you, then whatever he's doing may not work.

  17. Obama is a classic narcisist, very dangerous man

  18. When I watch Sam's videos on Youtube, somehow I got the sense that he might be a narcissist. Imagine my shock when I found out I am right.

  19. "……but I don't live in New York" <——- I wanna smash the dude who said that shit right in his fuckin face with a 4ft tire iron, til I can longer lift my arms…..cuz FUCK THAT PUNK….

  20. Pre-2008? So Frank Tuff's Liverpool project failed then.

  21. I am a Narcissists but I never care what someone else think's of me! I am Me! I like to stay hidden and control thing's looking ignorant while being in charge and leaving no sign of personal involvment just laughing!

  22. Sad…describes some of the closest people to me…especially the sense of entitlement and lack of empathy. Interesting video….thanks for uploading it!!!

  23. OMG Donald Trump is a narcissist… and he's running for president. God help us all.

  24. He drives the best car? But he's just driving Toyota….

  25. Holy crap. That was the best twist ending to a documentary I've ever seen.

  26. omg i amswered 7 times yes , lol am i ?

  27. Man I knew I was narcissistic, but I feel like this video, I do have empathy, but its not a strong as other, I love talking about myself & the way i look, I always try to be the best and think I'm the best, I always try to get my way and I can be rude to certain people. But I dont think its bad enough to be a disorder

  28. holy crap!!!!! what a useful video. at first I was thinking I was a Narc, but I answered no to many of the questions related to the disorder. but for the rest of this video I think it should air on tv nation wide, because it is so informative. but Narc studio heads wouldn't out themselves that way. it would be like a magician giving away trade secrets.

  29. I've been told that I just think of myself.I really don't though.I have such an open heart but get so screwed over – so I simply tell them that "ok"-"guess what"? "My world revolves around myself"-so FUCK YOU! Cuz nobody ELSE cares about me! SOMEONE has to!!!

  30. @38:15  – Impossible ?!   – Ha !   ,  just have a chat  with my father   !  lol   ;)

  31. without any doubt whatsoever, I watched this documentary better than any of the 2044 viewers that watched it previously……I also watched it better than any of the subsequent viewers…FACT.

  32. load of bs if you ask me we all are like that. what makes us humans the top of the food chain

  33. I think I might be a bit crazy! A sociopath and I'm a egomaniac and a bit of a Psychopath but in a nice way.

  34. Narcissists: The Donald Trump Story

  35. It is settled then, this doc is boring and comments are shit here too.

  36. Why nobody mentions Tom Cruise? He's the shit, the Narcissus of our generation, and a short motherfucka.

  37. Frank is an ego-spaceman. Shit show, unreal, larger that life character, self-indulgent piece of british crapcumentary. Is this fukin bbc??? Fukin british faeces of tv!

  38. You after be a bit mad to get to the top! greedy, selfish, thoughtless etc…I would like to know who decides what's right and wrong! surly that person or God is up their own ass LOL

  39. mostly people that are narcissist are rich

  40. Sam Vaknin is an idiot with an insight of a goldfish. People say he's not even Narcissitic, people say he has Borderline and Psychopath. He also admitted to buying a fake doctorate diploma. He can't even spot narcissists, he thinks Obama is a narcissist which is almost definitely not true.

  41. Most of the suffering in our lives is created by our minds. The mind creates and sends you negative emotions and thoughts and if the mind is creating something it can stop creating it. People have begun to believe that they are their minds and this deception puts the mind in control of us. The truth of life has been revealed and for the first time we can take control of our minds and be fulfilled by life all the time. You can live and experience a perfect life you just have to know it to do it. Physical pain cannot be avoided but luckily it only accounts for a small percentage of our lives but once you know the truth you can live with only the real, only the positives of life. It is just changing perspective from the perspective of the mind to the perspective of your true self, (Consciousness). The truth as it relates to conscious life has been revealed and it can and will turn this world right side up. Google Truth Contest and read the top entry. The truth will set you free.

  42. My ex has all these qualities, lack of empathy, hypersensitive to criticism, sense of entitlement, feeling superior to others, everything being a one way street where she needed freedom to sleep with others, but I couldn't talk to another woman. So why do I actually miss her? Maybe because she was also charming, funny, good looking, successful, smart, ambitious… As long as everything went her way she was amazing to be with.

  43. how do i get followers???????

  44. I wish my ex would only CONSIDER to watch this…especially the end should give him goosebumps…but wait…he isnt even able to get goosebumps out of emotional reaction :O hes an 8 out of 9 though I think theres more traits of NPD like the whole valuation/devaluation,manipulation,gaslighting and projection of their own flaws isn t mentioned at all…then he would rather be a 15 out of 9…

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