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25 thoughts on “NPD Confronting the Narcissist about being a Narcissist – Animation – gaslighting diversion

  1. I could have written myself. Please Jesus God in Heaven help me. I cant live like this.

  2. I could have written myself. Please Jesus God in Heaven help me. I cant live like this.

  3. I could have written myself. Please Jesus God in Heaven help me. I cant live like this.

  4. Oh my gosh, this is exactly the scenarios with these types of people. Wow. ! I have never seen this phenomena put so succinctly. Especially, in cartoon form. Kudo's. This definitely says it all. Now what should we as recipients of this crazymaking behavior do about it?

  5. ATTENTION VICTIMS: This is also classified as Domestic emotional abuse. Look up the victim symptoms, if you have had them longer than 3 months go seek a counslor to help you properly heal. Blaming you for everything is a huge sign of emotional abuse it can have very damaging affects on you.

  6. yes, it is pretty much this. constantly turning the tables on you until you are so confused you can't even remember what they did that upset you in the first place. this cycle of manipulation continues indefinitely. don't wait for it to change because it never will. just walk away and save yourself as soon as you can.

  7. ….is he my ex??!! scary that these types exist…

  8. LMAO so accurate!!! its like my narc ex boyfriend as a cartoon

  9. When a person acts as the guy does, there will never be a solution. The best thing to do is walk away and never go back.

  10. Better chances of getting thru to poko the chimp.

  11. damn this is so real. thank you for sharing this because it puts some things in perspective for me. gaslighting is so toxic

  12. The overtalking is soo on point.I get that if I  talk about anything, it is so rude and disgusting. I am recently realizing all of this and now I can at least have videos like this to relate to so I know it is Narc behavior that I am having to put up with, hanging on by a string. though. It took me my whole life to realize that I have a severe covert parent {mother} in my life. Me and my father
    {Rest in Peace}sure dealt with it our whole lives and were fooled and sucked in wayyyy too deep. I'm still stuck with the thing.

  13. This is so true and sounds very familiar

  14. So true to reality its funny to watch here but when ur in it its so frustrating and confusing like the twilight zone they constantly say things to make u say what??? But I heard its intentional to make u doubt ur sanity which can actually make u crazy

  15. Great example work! Haha sooo true. mercy

  16. My ex husband is a narcissist, and right before I left I had the opportunity to record him on one of his narcissistic rants. Typical gaslighting, deflection, victim blaming. He is crazy.

  17. You put me down you put me down my sister she's just like that!!! She says it all the time 

  18. This is exactly what it's like, all I asked is how come you don't you ever ask me how I'm feeling, after asking you? reply OH SO NOW I'M A UNCARING, SELFISH, BITCH!!! me: That's a bit over the top isn't it? Then the overtalking begins and you can't get a word in.

  19. Oh my god. Dead on. She cheated on me with some total dirtbag, then came back for some more narcissistic supply (I was soo stupid back then), and I gave it to her. Did everything to be good to her. Meanwhile, she keeps seeing the dirtbag, as 'just friends'. When I told her that made me uncomfortable, SHE was the one who felt she had the monopoly on being upset, and I was the one with 'jealousy issues' and I was 'overly controlling' because I just told her how I felt about her still seeing the dirtbag. She literally gave me the silent treatment for a week and became furious, JUST because I told her that her actions hurt me. Needless to say, she was cheating on me AGAIN, I see that now. But somehow, I was the one with the disturbing behavior because I confronted her. I was the one feeling bad while she went on her merry way doing the other guy.

  20. oh and yes they DO keep on talking outloud to themselves even after you have left the room. One Narc I knew actually talked to himself for about 20 minutes non-stop and finally said to me "are you ok? You have been totally quiet for the past 20 min" I told him "you were doing a fine job of talking to your three buddies on your own. Why would you need me?" He asked what I meant. I said "you, yourself and you"!

  21. yep this is EXACTLY how it goes!

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