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29 thoughts on “Sex with a Narcissist

  1. This makes perfect sense! My last narc partner thought he could trap me with sex and mentally abuse me. Eventually I had enough of his abuse and ended the relationship over the phone which really surprised him, because he couldn't see it coming! He thought sex could overcome the abuse, what a fool!

  2. Either way we are doomed,?????!!!!….to give or not to give.
    I have a question, then what is the alternative? (Why don't you tell us this in your blog, so we know what we should be looking out in a person, that ISN'T a narcissist.?

  3. hi i think i get what you are trying to say, but sorry i think you just repeated yourself too much, but i think i know what you are trying to say, tell me if i got it right; …..That they don't see you as a human to respect and enjoy that special moment between two loving human beings, but just someone who will just give them sex to make them feel good internally and externally, that they managed to obtain sex from their partner when ever they are in the mood for sex. Just like when someone is hungry, they just go fridge to get their food supply….. or in a more cruder way of saying it, when a man wants sex, he just goes to a parlor to obtain sex from the sex-worker and not thinking of her as anything more than a thing to obtain his sex supply off, and not seeing her a human being just trying to make a living.

  4. I don't think a narc thinks anyone is above them, sorry not mine anyway.. Everyone was beneath him..

  5. Refreshing, perfect! Love the humor! 🙂 xoxoThese are the most upbeat & honest, most sincere & informative vids so far, that I've been blessed to come across. Perfect timing & encourages me to laugh again … Bonus: while I learn your vital nuggets of wisdom. Thank you!

  6. At least I did something right! lol I don't think the near immediate devaluation after our fantastic romps would have hurt as badly had the sex not been so good. I think it's quite possible that I have been able to walk away from him is also because of sex. There was a key element that most often I felt was lacking in his bedroom skills… genuine love making. I craved it and no matter how hot he could get me, it just didn't fill the key need I sought from the interaction. I'm sure I wasn't anything but a masterbation tool.

  7. Where do we find real men

  8. enduring for 7 freaking years…

  9. Yes, you did make perfect sense. it doesnt quite fit my narc, he would have to discuss sex to say whether it was good or not. that would delay him cleaning himself up afterward and that wouldnt happen.

  10. That makes sense. But I have a question: Why the narcissist create a big fight the next day after sex even though he was very happy and satisfied genuinely ?

  11. That's why I don't have sex with men since 10 years. Which means that a lot of them (not all of them of course) are narcissists.

  12. very good videos. just curious what your background on NPD is? thank you!

  13. Sex with narcs keeps you using your stupid horny brain instead of your logic brain. So you keep agree to their demands and keep making stupid decisions.

  14. in the beginning its always gold standard until you see through the bullshit and expose them. what boggles me is how narcs that are overweight flabby slew footed disgusting weird looking pervs consider themselves grade A steak. I truly wonder what they see when they look in the mirror

  15. As horrible as this sounds, there are narcs who want you to do horrible things in the bedroom, just so they can control you. The worse it is the more control they have. They are twisted souls.

  16. this is true…i know someone who is a narcissist , pulled someone in every workplace to live and have sex with to gain narcissistic supply ….then showed aggressive behaviour towards victims….in the end they all left for good…what a shamble narcissist…

  17. ding ding ding ding.. this is also an insight as to why sex gets bad once they knock your feet out from under you and you don't get up as fast as you used to.. Living with a narc leads to you being systematically demeaned all the time, to erode what makes you superior supply to them.. Life with a narc is all about short term gratification rather than working on long term goals with struggle and success.. Their future faking is a string along or bait to turn you into inferior supple,, and once that happens, sex goes bad.. and yet they seem to be enjoying themselves more.. creepy hindsight,, yuck..

  18. My ex withheld, and withheld and withheld. I pretended not to even notice (I was actually glad because by then he repulsed me!!). Then one day out of the blue I said "ohh by the way, you don't feel neglected with the no sex thing do you? I just haven't been up to it lately. Sorry."
    I refused to give him the satisfaction of thinking he was 'punishing' me!! LMAO!!!

  19. Thanks for the feedback! And again for your channel!!

  20. Hi ! First of all, TY for your enlightening and personable videos! I am realizing that this N definition is what is the WTF behind more and MORE of the issues and behavior patterns in my current 16 month relationship… So thankful for your insight! On one hand I am feeling empowered at this new knowledge and the clarity it is giving me ( I KNEW I wasn't crazy, difficult, stupid, etc etc), and on the other hand I must admit that I am sad and pretty heartbroken-I felt this was my best friend and that the feeling was mutual….
    I wanted to comment about a sexual dysfunction question that came up….you commented that you'd also be interested… Here's my experience – He is a healthy 40 year old man with high sex drive- No way at all will he give me any pleasure other than pounding the crap out of me! If I try to experience the encounter along with him, he loses his erection and gets pissed off! He will lose it if I say anything, do anything- its dawned on me that I am merely a body for him to get off on and if I participate at all, that breaks his thought and his erection is gone! What I mean by my partition is like I'm getting into it, i mean its SEX, I'm in, ya know? NOPE! Not with this guy…. After he finally gets "his" , that's it – hes done… I am left there like, really? Not even gonna TRY and give a girl a little pleasure? He wants oral constantly, but has NEVER gone there with me, I'm surprised when there is a tiny peck of a kiss involved and that feels so awkward that at this point, he can just keep it! Cant tell you the last time he told me I looked nice or any other compliment…
    Alot of porn on his part, that seems to be what gets him going… At first I felt that he must not be attracted to me or that he lost his attraction, but then i chalked it up to maybe the porn means nothing, and just because I'm not into it, why judge if he is…
    Anyway, the sexual dysfunction seems to be a problem for my N, having to use (fantasy, not real, etc) stimulation to get and maintain a useful erection and until he can orgasm….Stimulation that absolutely does not include intimacy on any level with an actually live consenting human being.. So sad , actually..
    I too would like to know if this is also a characteristic with these kinds of people.

  21. I was with a cerebral narc/socio who was celibate, boy did he use that as supply when I wanted him to work on his sexual issues, he used my wanting him to try to be sexual and the fact I found his character thus HIM very attractive, yet he was going to withhold and leave me without him changing, caring working on his issues was a great source of supply to him.

  22. D C

    Real Talk. By The Way, You Were Cracking Me Up Laughing. Great Video…Thank You!

  23. My performance is very important to my esteem and I like to prolong this act of love as long as possible. I was very upset that both my narcissist wives always urged me just to get it done. Just as hard on my esteem. The last one used to tell me she wanted to feel like I couldn't control my desire.

  24. There is the control side, sex is just a commodity and tool for the covert narc. They use it not for creating a true connection or to strengthen the relationship in a healthy way. It is used for manipulation and without regard for the other persons feelings.

  25. Is it common to find narcs with erectile dysfunction?

  26. I can see that quite a lot of this is actually me. I always feel wrong in myself about this, like I'm not doing the right thing, but this helps me put my finger on it. I have a lot of work to do…I did think however, that what sex was really about… was control. In my belief, there is just something about it that gives them a bigger place in your life and being, a sort of unspoken right over your life much more than before you had sex. That's why I feel my narcissist went to so great lengths to guilt and manipulate me and swamp me. I'm so glad I was strong enough to say no, no and no, and hold on to myself. They wanted control. But maybe it was just supply after all… Does anyone else feel this way?

  27. I did not enjoy sex at all with my ex due to his emotional withdraw from the relationship… It was awful, and it felt just like a chore almost every time.