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19 thoughts on “The Decrepit Narcissist’s Supply Needs Change as He Gets Old

  1. It is amazing how than hand pick the exact person for there needs!

  2. My ex narc has his next victim already and it only took approx: two weeks I was shocked that he disgarded my son and I after almost two together and is now living with this other person… I left while he was at work otherwise I could not have done it, he hoovered me for the last nine months and said everything again I wanted here and then he would vanish for a month and then he would be back and so on; he finally said its over and wow where did this other woman come from? A lot of people say their ex narcs looks happy with their latest victim; but to tell you the truth my ex narc doesn't look happy at all; at the train station in the morning going to work she is bugging him and bugging him to hold her hand; his body language is like yuk leave me alone… I don't get it…

  3. why its not good to marry divorcees.

  4. Chips and dip—-Yum!!!!    By the way, if he's married, message the new woman on facebook and tell her.  She may not know.

  5. This so resonated with me. I love how you use the word Hedonist. As a HS English teacher, I teach Oscar Wilde's novel The Picture of Dorian Gray, and the character of Lord Henry so reminded me of my narc in many ways. And he was exactly that—a hedonist.

  6. This video is spot on. Thank you! My ex narcissistic partner moved on to someone who everyone tells me is such a downgrade from me appearance-wise, and I was smart enough to figure out the exact precise reason why this new victim was targeted. My ex N partner was very active in theater, and he had wanted to direct and set design a certain particular show he loved for a good year at least. Most of the community theaters around rejected his proposal to do the show. The board of directors at the one theater local to where we both lived even voted him out claiming he had a toxic personality, disregarded their rules, and was very difficult to work with. They didn't like how he basically came in as a new person and tried to run things his way. Well, lo and behold, only one community theater in the area is doing this exact show he wanted to do, and guess who is directing it? The new supply. I know my ex N most likely emailed this person offering help and assistance on the show, and most likely from that point on the mirroring and seduction began which is why they are now together. I reached out to warn the victim about what he is dealing with, but unfortunately the warning fell on deaf ears.

  7. My ex's new gf is , shall we say "facially challenged" and therefore probably very insecure about her looks. She has her own place, so he can live off of her, and she apparently supports herself, so yep, money ,and doesn't seem as with the program, street smart or brain smart as some of his past friends , and definitely not anywhere near as cute . Naive ,probably, works out a lot , so she can provide sex. He is probably working the least he can ( he also tries to work for ex gf, so he can try to fuck them again). I feel sorry for this woman ,she will be devasted in the long run.

  8. WOW! So totally spot on! The classic ex-athlete, who at @ age 50+ ,wants to 're-discover' me! LMFAO! Right. More like no one thinks he's HOT anymore. Hahaha

  9. So the disorder never goes away?  I just changes?  Oh gees…

  10. Yep, mine wants to eat bad food, surf the internet, drink, and smoke cigarettes while someone works. The kids have told me that he lies in bed for hours sometimes if he doesn't have to be at work while his new girlfriend gets up early and goes into her office to work from home. They say the new girlfriend works all the time.

  11. My narc moved on almost instantly after our 16 year marriage. We are still technically married but he moved on with a new girlfriend almost instantly during our separation. I've been wracking my brain trying to figure out how he could just abandon a 16 year marriage and move on like nothing ever happened. I've also wondered why he chose a woman who isn't all that pretty but now I wonder if he chose her because she has like you said, "the things he needs." I think he wanted a woman that has a good salary that he can mooch off of.

  12. Talk about hitting the nail on the head in every way!!

  13. Excellent!  Explains much if not all of what I am seeing happening with my husband.  He is 63 and this is his last chance at fame/infamy.  It doesn't matter which, just as long as his name is known to many.  I do believe there is a way to know if these people really do come to repentance:  They will spend the rest of their lives making amends to all the lives they have destroyed, and asking for NOTHING in return.  That I believe is the only way to believe they have TRULY changed.  God Bless

  14. If my ex narc found a new girlfriend Id be happy. Not for either one of them but because I would hope his attention is finally off me! Id feel sorry for the new woman but in my head Id be thinking "ohhh you poor thing. ….Its only a matter of time. Escape as soon as you can!!"

  15. Yes, it certainly does peak my curiosity, if in fact the narcissist doesn't change with their next partner? or victim? In a way thinking about it is a double edged sword. Sometimes it would be good to be a homing fly on the wall with a micro camera and bug for the detective work. On one hand it would be a relief that if the same crap is going on to the new person you would know that it wasn;t you. On the other hand it would be 'I PITY THE POOR BASTARD' .Anyway that behavior was taught to my kids too and as it seems to be in the research that its taught to the next generation…the next and the next..So even tho because of the alienation aspect and exile, I pity many poor bastards I never will never know subjected to the yet to ne awakened nazi dictatorship under witch they will be ruled

  16. god, that poor new woman. her life is going to get worse than she ever imagined.

  17. This is an amazing spot on video!!! Thank you! Now if victims can find a way to download this material into their hearts rather than just their minds… That's the hard part, figuring out how to place reality into the emotions not just into the intellect.

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