Why the Narcissist Gives Us Up | Narcissistic Partners & the Relationship Agenda




Devalued and discarded by the :

A   narcissist isn’t able to wholly bond with a human, but he’s clever at getting others to depend on him. This psycho bond and total idealization stage is a sham the sociopath creates in order to create that bond, which makes you vulnerable to the manipulation and verbal and mental abuse that will always follow.

…………………….When you’re targeted by the sociopath / narcissist and deemed an affable vic for their power plays:

the idealization stage starts. You think you’re entering an exciting, romantic relationship and that you’ve met the love of your life…but what you’re actually entering is a game that you’re guaranteed to lose. Only another psycho or a badass who doesnt take any shit could handle this kind of crap.

NPD Abuse Recovery on Twitter: "Recovery from a relationship with a narcissistic sociopath takes a while. YOU WILL HEAL, they will self destruct!":



When we first meet the narcissist who becomes our partner, we are usually at the peak of feeling good in our lives. Rarely, if EVER, does a girl/guy hook up with a narcissist at a low period in his/her life. This is why I beg to differ with outsiders who state that it is a victim’s lack of self esteem that keeps her/him in these types of relationship…that allows the narcissist to treat us like shit.  On the contrary, it is our self-esteem and confidence that attracts the narcissist in the first place because it exemplifies for him our future demise at his own hands. This is why he has no problem sucking up during the Idolize phase…indeed, our eventual (and inevitable) fall from grace is well worth it. Everything is a means to an end to someone with a personality. Initially, the narcissist makes us feel so special and so connected that we imagine (incorrectly) that there’s simply no way he could really discard us or give us up for someone else. But he does, over and over and over.

I think that when a narcissist discards us, one of the reasons we wait for him to return (aside from the fact that he’s conditioned us to do so) is because we just can’t fathom the fact that he could actually give us up. And that’s what he does – he gives us up.









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