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16 thoughts on “10 Warning Signs You Are Dating a Narcissist: Sam Vaknin Interview

  1. I finally realize that my father was not a super people pleaser type person, as I once thought, but rather a SUPPLY junkie.  It was the BS he was feeding himself that drove him relentlessly while ANY supplier works fine.  What insight!!  When I left the family business in late teens he disowned me, me his buddy and best friend horrid as that sounds and never forgave me into his death.  Thanks to Mr. Vaknin's profound insights and book I can now see the mechanisms involved in my early/late years and how the pathological narcissist keeps their hand on the control knobs AT ALL TIMES~~EVEN WHEN DEAD!!!   My compensations~~~>becoming more educated, more successful than he and pushing all patronizing and adoration from anyone way way away (easier when Autistic) while finding the same "lovers" as he-but now never again.  Thanks Sir.

  2. Do you think you could manage to be a little less misandrist? WTF?

  3. I vehemently disagree with Dr viknim… Barack Obama is not a narcissist.. The GOP Congress is.. They are owned by the ultimate narcissistic billionaires and wall street lobbies.. Why don't you study them doctor? Barack Obama will go down in history as one of the best presidents ever in spite of the racial bigotry he's had to endure from a wack predominantly GOP Congress!!!

  4. I agree with 100% with what he said EXCEPT,when he said that they will apologize and grovel at your feet to get you back when you break up with them,I dated 2 narcs,and both felt that they were above apologizing,calling to say sorry,even admitting that they did something wrong,even when one gave me an STD,he denied it to the end,and never fessed up to it,and he was the only one I was with.Both never gave a damn if we never talked again,it was like, ok whatever!!!

  5. That is an interesting talk.

    He is wrong about Barak Obama never saying that he was mistaken. I saw an interview where he did that.

    There is a current presidential candidate who I think is almost certainly a narcissist.

  6. barak Obama is not a narcissist, and vakin is offensive on that score. Clintons would have been a better target for the smear, think of the hundreds who have been made ill or died due to contaminated food, think of the trashed economy… think of monica… think of a plane load of people waiting on the tarmac for bill to get his hair cut…  think about the new economy old rules don't apply… blah, blah, blah…

  7. Very interesting. However, I clearly remember Obama saying "I screwed up" soon after he was soon elected. (I don't remember the context, and I can't find the video I saw back then).

  8. More people need to hear this message! I had a good friend/roommate who was going through the process of divorcing her COVERT, ABUSIVE NARCISSIST a few years ago when she shared with me some recordings of conversations that she had made between the two of them. TALK ABOUT PLAYING MIND GAMES ON SOMEBODY!! Oh my God, this man would not only lie to her, but he would EMBELLISH those lies in such a way that it is downright CREEPY! WHEN YOU LISTEN TO IT, YOU'LL UNDERSTAND EXACTLY WHAT I MEAN. It is some sick shit. So, go to the following link:

    Please share with others, so they don't feel alone and "crazy". Gaslighting IS PSYCHOLOGICAL ABUSE, done so for the purpose of DENYING a person their TRUTH, and because this is their idea of "fun". They truly feel delight WHEN THEY DUPE! Deception is bad enough, but when you actually feel proud of yourself for getting over on someone you were SUPPOSED to love, honor, and cherish…well, that's messed up and sick! IF YOU ARE WITH SOMEONE WHO REGULARLY INSULTS YOUR INTELLIGENCE FOR THE SHEER SPORT OF IT, LEAVE…now!

  9. i am married to one, its hell.

  10. The world would benefit if Mr. Varkin examined Pope Francis under that same microscope he did Obama.

  11. the gender bias/prejudice of narcissists and abusers being inherently male rather than female as well irks me as i know this does not always match up with reality and as the predominant prejudice within society has created problems and supported abuse. not so sure about all of what it says about Obama either as congress and the republican party actually has vindictively plotted against him and if anything the general attitude of the republican party seems to fit more with narcissism than anything else.

  12. Sweet, sweet info here. NM and GNM convinced me to marry when I had second thoughts. I told them that I had discovered lies he told. They quickly dismissed them and convinced me to get on with their preparations. Thanks for this post as it is a warning for anyone thinking and wanting to make the right choice.

  13. For more information on psychopaths, narcissists, sociopaths and issues of social control in society please check out my website at:

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