Sociopaths are for Lovers Sociopaths are for Lovers

I’ve figured it out, and it’s not pretty. I know what it takes to have a high success rate with the ladies, but people may not want to hear it (or, in this case, read it). However, knowing what it is and being a writer for this site obligate me to share this information. Some of you are completely clueless about it, taking all your cues from unrealistic romantic comedies. Others are already aware of it but don’t want to admit it to others, or even yourselves. The rest of…

Sex, Lies and The Narcissistic Personality

Sex, Lies and The Narcissistic Personality

Recognizing, for the first time, that your long-time lover has a narcissistic personality can be a devastating discovery. For many, the shock never goes away, lingering long after the narcissist has done the usual Devalue & Discard and disappeared to find other sources of supply. Often it takes years to pass before the “good” partner finally even begins to dig into the research needed to validate and put a label on the questionable behaviors of the other partner. With so much time invested in a relationship, it’s difficult to accept…