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10 thoughts on “22 Signs You’re Co-Parenting With a Narcissist

  1. Starting to notice a trend here in your videos, it can't be possible that all narcissists are male and all of their victims are female. Maybe you should have an unbiased person review your videos and have them screen how you use your pronouns.

  2. This is my mother and the father of my children if I have ever heard it. My ex is the worst, he stole my children 6 years ago this week, I had found a way to get out so I had left. 2 weeks later he showed up where I was staying with cops, had me arrested and left with my children. It took me 2 years to find him, I pay and get it in court where he is, they still wouldn't give my children back, I have done this 3 more times and in the middle of another court battle now, and I have proven the abuse over and over and still nothing. My children do not understand why their father acts the way he does and blames them for everything. I have great kids and they need love not hate. He is so bad that he shaves their heads like his and tells them they have to keep it that way, he is always telling me I'm a bad parent. Just last week him and his married girlfriend told my children that I was a W*o*e bc I married a man that saved my life and have been seeing for over 4 years. classic right. Thank you for posting this I need to know that I am not crazy.

  3. it's really weird. My NBM (narcissist baby momma) is spoiling my son. especially around Christmas and birthday. but maybe one thing that isn't talked about much is i think she has already taught him well how to keep secrets. he is turning 8. that is one thing that I didn't get till now. i am an open book. not much to hide. she on the other hand…

  4. I was raised by narcissists and subsequently married a narcissist. She never knew that my values mattered. In fact, she taught our daughters that I am unbalanced. The implied lies and relationship problems I watched my daughters live through were painful. All the while, I was being blamed. Everything is about their mother.

    I don't know any of those people anymore. It broke my heart. It's best this way.

  5. Great video- full of information that is so useful. One other trait of a Narcissist is stooping to new levels every day. Sorry for the mishap- you rock!

  6. From the time I was 6, I was raised by a NPD covert step-father. I am just learning this about him. Invading boundaries such as coming into my room at anytime he wanted, telling me what I want or not, denying my accomplishments, controlling everything about me and my mother, not attending anything having to do with me and later, my children. He couldn't attend my children's events or come visit, because he was 'sick'. He had time to visit his own kids and extended family.

    He didn't like people from certain countries or religions unless it was HIS religion. He told my mother, his 'feelings were hurt' if I didn't call him Dad. So to keep her happy I did call him 'Dad' when I absolutely had too. It goes on and on. Thank goodness my real dad, took us often so I was exposed to 'normal' people. My mom's side was also 'normal'. This step-father, schmoozed her.

  7. this has happened , my son has been the victim of a narcissistic mother ( my wife ) and when I tried to protect him it became worse , rage out burst's , and I wanted him raised with both parents in the house "HUGE MISTAKE " then hind site is 20/20 ' I should have divorced her 12 yrs ago when the red flags of mental abuse started … our son is 18 now .a high school drop out & a narcissist as well and I believe he has Fragile X syndrome as well," intellectual disability" ( she refuses to have him tested,& he could qualify for disability ) as she would be the carrier and wont take the blame ..she is perfect ya know …!…he acts just like her ..they go back & forth …there co dependent narc's …so I'm divorcing her and he's on his own , and she refuses to make him support him self , @ 18 there leeching off me and I'm on disability (bad back ) …but work part time driving truck casually still ,,,

  8. The narc was actually jealous of the new baby boy, not the baby girl. he wouldn't let me nurse him!

  9. Thank you for posting. It was very validating to hear this. It is so heartbreaking to see children suffering from the neglect and abuse of a narcissistic or antisocial parent. Thank goodness more people are raising awareness and exposing this issue. Lives are at stake in a very real way.

  10. Enjoyed the video, the examples were very helpful. Sometimes it can be confusing to spot a narcissistic parent because these parents appear to be self sacrificing, devoted and caring towards the child in front of others. The child is confused because because at home they don't see any of the public personal of the self absorbed parent. I watched this video twice and couldn't believe how spot on you were with my childhood experience.

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