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26 thoughts on “9 Signs of a Secret Narcissist | Covert Narcissist Test

  1. This video was so right on. The only thing I could add is at 7 Empathy you should show the Narc feining sympathy then laughing at the other person.

  2. her children can only count if adopted or maybe the kids ar really old, because in biological realty they are her creation, he was emeshed into the cell used to grow them. Only room for one, so sad. its bacckwards like children must give so much fuel and filter his or her ego as in a projection or escape goat of makes them look best. Really sucumbing to pressure? dont they like it?

  3. OMG, This was so great, i recognised, the signs here in a friend i had for nearly two years, and they did nearly all of these things, this is spot on, dose anyone else agree?

  4. Omg Hahahahah xD I can't take this seriously at all. This is meant to be funny right? Oh god this made my day

  5. This is my mom, exactly.

  6. I disagree with the alcoholism sign

  7. I couldn't take this video seriously. The voice over is mocking and lacks professionalism that is required when dealing with such a serious issue. Richard Gannon The Spartan life coach is a good place to go to find help ,raw truths and a serious well balanced view of Narsassism. Peace

  8. Love. this. OH MY GOD.  Now, I am gonna say something and  hope it doesn't trigger anyone, I just needed to talk for a minute. If I end up wrong about my suspicions, I am sorry. But I keep wondering if my mother is this. Unfortunately I:a. live with her and my father.b. HAVE to live with her and my father.c. have pets that I do not own that she has threatened to get euthanized if I try to leave.d. she has stated that if I get state help, she wants some of MY money. O.Oe. she gets my aspie father to scream at me very easily. poor bastard. her hand is so far up his ass it's a wonder he can breathe. He has diverticulitis now, do you know that? wonder why… hrm… yep that's a mystery.f. I fear I have already started turning- see White Oleander, Dracula, The Howling, Alien, etc. g. The last time I tried to record the crazy, she had my enraged father rip my purse, which had my flash drive with the proof on it, from my hands. And called the cops because she  SHE SHE and dad (whom she turns into her flying monkey regularly) had caused me to become so terrified and confused I became hysterical and fled the house. Then the next day they badgered me into erasing the vid. But no, everyone thinks I'm the fruit loop, due to her telling everyone so. I mean good god it must be true since saint ruth says it, right? ugh. Praise makes me feel confused and frightened. that's a big clue right there.but no. I'm the cray cray paranoid daughter. Um, mom? You caused this. you and dad, in your horrible moments, made me fear people, and because of you and Dad, I am terrified of authority. but I force myself to interact when my energy allows, despite me being an HSP introvert. And I am not paranoid like YOU. You actually plot against the neighbors out loud and believe aliens run the govt, You're a BitchCow, I HATE asking for help, and you threatened my furbabies and threaten to commit me because I call you on your shit, and you call the cops on me and claim I'm trying to attack you when all I am doing is lifting my laptop above yours so I can show YOU this cool thing YOU might like. You're the sick one. But of course, YOU are the victim. Always you, you you. And the tears? MY GOODNESS. You. Bitch.;) EXCELLENT video, I just had a horrible experience with a bastard psychiatrist who shamed me while my mother acted as if she wanted to marry the prick, so this really brightened my day. thanks man! :))) BEST WISHES TO EVERYONE WITH THIS ISSUE IN THEIR LIVES! Don't give up. They all DIE some day. Eventually. maybe. O.o Btw, I'm 32 years old and can't work due to stress. Ugh.

  9. Please… the over dramatic narration…. awful. I'm sorry, but its very off putting.

  10. Not entirely sure what the comedic tone in this video is all about but narcissism is quite real and quite irritating.

  11. This could be turned on the victim as well. So if the parent is giving( to a narc child) only to discover lies, drug use and demon face etc….
    Then the narc child plays victim and acts like everything they actually did, is what u did or do. it is the craziest ever!
    why would one continue to give to a monster? enough, is enough. I give, but my few rules not to difficult. Don't lie, dont do drugs, be home by curfew, and be respectful. I get the opposite. I am done! No more giving!!!!

  12. This is clearly an anti- christ agenda, using the symbolism of religious articles of faith to put darkness for light. While there are some worthy works done to describe people who suffer the disorder of anti social behaviors that do show themselves to be suffering some measure of mania and repetitious maladies, this is not really one of the better works I've seen, though it might be a brilliant work to describe some really villainous person with a lot of twisted manipulative traits that are not desirable traits.

  13. This video is excellent.

    I avoid talking or starting conversations because she is disrespectful and walks away or starts yelling.

    Yes, she never argues in front of other people. Yes, again, we each have a favorite child.

  14. This sounds like my grandmother.

  15. This vid is done very well, the drawing the narrating the comedy, pleasantly surprised.

  16. I want to known if someone can traduct this video in french . thanks .

  17. Great no boring long introductions and blah blah blah, just straight into the topic.

  18. Wow I got 12 out of 9 !! could get more. The strange thing is that the victim ends up feeling SORRY for the Narc, HELLO ? The victim can sometimes see the cycle, every 10 days a blow up over something so trivial. then sulk for several days,

  19. I enjoyed so much your video jajaja, what a nice way to present such a painful subject. Subscribed

  20. renee zellweger in brigit jones

  21. If someone is a true narcissist you need to get them out of your life. It doesn't matter if its a parent or a friend you've known for a long time.

  22. Someone has Mommy issues. LOL

  23. Wow that was sexist! I understand that it's just pronoun, but always using 'her' instead of 'him' or 'the suspected narcissist' or 'the person' is just really sexist.

  24. the DEMON face– EXACTLY!! Oh LORD– and giving help to the Helpless… what a stupid act! Do not talk to these people– these people need to walk the plank, and shiv them OFF– ASAP!

  25. I'm so sad this was aimed towards a woman. Haha this video would've been perfect for my situation the narcissist guy. Dammmmmit!!!!!!!!!!!

    But AWESOME video

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