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37 thoughts on “Are You A Narcissist?

  1. I don`t have the ability to care about what other people think about me, the choices I made The opinion I hold and I have an Unapologetic attitude, is this Narcissism?

  2. I wouldn't say Im a narcissist because I never really cared about what others think and prefer to do things on my own and just wish to stay alone with my lizards (which Im doing right now)

  3. damn the fat cow has returned.

  4. Watch 10 Laci Green videos and if you can't see how she's a narcissist you might be a zombie.

  5. So Aspergers is kinda like that in a way well I'm an aspie so yea.

  6. "disorder" always trying to slap a label something

  7. how to find out if you are evil?

  8. Fuck this ugly cunt on the left!

  9. Scored 20 on the online tests.

  10. Personality disorder is diagnosed in some places as mentally ill. These people are over the top and too intense I don't see it falling under the mental health umbrella.

  11. Funny, I type in Narcissist, and Laci Green came to mind.Sure enogh, YouTube agreeded and this video come up. LOL

  12. I am a natural narcissist/psycopath. Since I was very young I used my superior intellect to manipulate others and achieve my goals. I have an incredibly developed ability to understand others, but I do not care if they suffer from my manipulations etc. Because life is to precious to me to waste it for others. If I succesfully told a great lie as a kid, or won a intellectual battle with adults etc ( children were no match ) I would feel like I had taken Cocaine! But I lost 50% of my narcissistic/psychopathic abilities because some psychiatrist destroyed my brain with drugs, I know feel terrible because of it, I dont want to live a mediocre live. But, I refuse to give up and will fight to become even better than I ever was!

    I would like to talk to people who also experience narcissistic or psychopathic like symptoms, or just people who would like to argue with me, my Skype is:

  13. Better a narcissist than a feminist cow. Am I right?

  14. If you had ever been the victim of a true Cluster B Narc, you wouldn't be so flippant….look up gaslighting…Narcs are abusers from the same Cluster of disorders as sociopaths and psychopaths and these disorders can blend too

  15. I don't know how I got to a video about a narcissist that is hosted by a male hating narcissist. And I still don't know why Will is here.

  16. Your collar came unbuttoned. Right side.

  17. the black kid likes to hide jalapeño poppers inside his nose

  18. Lacy is a narc, no doubt about it.

  19. Todays new word boys and girls….your first name here…last name here….SHEEPLE

  20. @Canadianbacon…LOL…EXACTLY..LOOK at meeeeeeee

  21. I always find it annoying when people confuse "not understanding" with "not caring."

  22. then does trump have narcissist has he check yet he should

  23. I somewhat agree.

    I am more intelligent and more driven than most and I tend to be the one sorting out my friends problems. Of course due to circumstances there are always going to be problems that I can't solve on my own. That is where those same friends help me. However my downfalls come not from my own flaws but simply dire misfortune. When you are 17 with no family to support you in the center of a job crises without being able to go on the benefit you sometime need to rely on friends.

  24. I have every tendency of a narcissist except the one about empathy, I try not to be narcissistic but it's part of who I am, many of my friends are extremely narcissistic and its kind of annoying, even though I know that makes me a hypocrites lol

  25. If anyone here's a narcissist. It's Laci.

  26. These idiots……….not even going to waste my time watching this…

  27. Not a narcissist. Just a new, genetically superior breed of superhuman to rule over these unworthy peasants.

  28. I just want to make love to my self… If i just had a portal gun…

  29. i am a narcissist for sure but i have good reasons to be one too

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