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25 thoughts on “Are You Dating a Narcissist? – by Donna Barnes (for Digital Romance TV)

  1. Feminist bullshit everybody knows that women are more narcissistic the men!!!

  2. has nuthin to do with the sex. i am a man that was abused by a narc woman. its a brain malfunction and some people choose to not feel but they really could if they wanted. soul agreement with the devil

  3. What if I suspect that I was with a narcissist with another narcissist? We both had narcissistic qualities that we praised each other for in the beginning of the relationship, but by the end we tore each other apart. I think I have changed. I don't use people to get my ego stroked anymore. I went no contact with him and he has consistently violated that boundary.

  4. My ex girlfriend was a narc and destroyed my life. I hope that everyone realizes that there are as many women as men that are narcs.

  5. I don't agree with your comments stating that there are more narc men than women. That is not true and it has nothing to do with sex. My ex narc girlfriend had no empathy which is the key to uncover who is a narc. Look for that since narcs cant love you. My ex girlfriend destroyed my life, treated me like an object and dumped me like yesterday's garbage. I hope that we become aware of this toxic personality disorder that can suck you into a tornado of lies and drop you from 10000 feet into the ground for you to get hurt. No contact is the main way to recover from the narc abuse. Good luck and stay away from men and women narcs that have no empathy. Peace.

  6. My ex was a covert narcissist, and had a secret hard core porn addiction, cheated on me online and gave $150k to a romance scammer (some of the money was mine and my family). He left me three weeks before the wedding. I even had to declare him missing with the Police because he did not even leave me a letter. We found him in less then 12 hours in another country. Two days before he went he let my parents pay bills for the wedding without saying a word. I was with my ex five years seven months and he was lying to me from the third date. He told me lies about all his family and friends in an effort to either play the victim or the hero and I fell for those lies.

    Some NPD people don't obviously hit those ques above because they enjoy mind games and they need you to praise them constantly. So they buy you nice gifts for example. They listen to you intently to figure out how to emotionally manipulate you. It's part of a big game to feed their egos. – Kristy

  7. Such a beautiful woman you are. I learn a lot from you… LOVE

  8. About 5 months ago, I got out of a 4 year emotional roller coaster of a relationship with a guy I think fits the narcissist profile – selfish, self-centered, liar, cheater, etc. I tried so many times to move on and he made it so hard – saying all the right things to make me come back and making so many promises of being that great boyfriend I "deserved." In the end, he wound up breaking it off with me b/c I guess he couldn't handle following through on any of those promises and I wouldn't just wipe the slate clean. He broke it off – he needed to focus on himself, etc. 3 weeks later he was with a girl – a girl that used to be a girl he would connect with when we would break up – but for some reason he always came back to me. I know I don't want to be with him – but I am "stuck." Stuck thinking that the "great guy" I waited 4 years for him to follow through on – did he change for her? And knowing he is with a girl that he said he would never be with – and is the exact opposite of what he said he was looking for. I would think someone who has such a high opinion of himself – would be embarrassed to be with this girl. I just need to know if she got my prince charming and is living my happily ever after and maybe I just wasn't worth it?

  9. The woman narc's are more cunning and get away with more damage because the cops believe woman over men.

  10. I'm dating one and I'm trying to figure out how to ask him to leave . His son lives here too half the time but still lives with his mother. What suggestion can you provide.

  11. I had a narcissistic boss and he used to insult me in an incredibly condescending manner and when I said that is not alright, he said " I can't criticise you" as though I'm the NARC!!! beware of projection…. do not accept insult disguised as criticism, constrictive criticism never makes you feel damaged or hurt

  12. Be careful with a covert narcisssist they are humble and appear to be a nice person but does just as much damage if not more.

  13. Very nice video, great information. I just think too many times people feel like female narcissisist are a small minority and men are so much more likely to be narcissisist. Lots of videos refer to the narcissisist as "he". I bet the ratio is closer to being equal than most people think. I am a secure, confident, strong minded man. However i made the mistake of falling in love with the wrong woman, "a text book narcissisist". She crushed me like a bug beneath her powerful foot. I was manipulated, lied to constantly, cheated on, she stole from me and more. March 14, 2014 was the date she discarded me like stale gum. It still hurts like hell. So many people don't realize the damage and devastation these people can do to someone's life. She had no remorse for crushing my world.

  14. This isn't true. A narcissist is capable of feeling empathy, this is a description of someone with antisocial personality disorder

  15. narcissist sounds a lot like psychopaths / sociopaths.  btw this women in this video looks like a narcissist to me 9 out of 10 women are narcissist.

  16. About 30% of NPD cases are women, still huge in numbers.

  17. this should be thought in school

  18. Why can't you video be shared? 

  19. More common in men?  I don't think so!  There are narcissist men but there are FAR MORE narcissist women!!!  Who are the entitled princesses?  Who thinks the opposite sex should pay, even if he makes less money?  Who gets custody?  Who gets alimony and child support?  Who is more likely to be arrested even if the woman was the violent person?  Who is more likely to file harassment charges over silly offenses?  Our society favors women and women still complain they want more….entitlements… should revolve around them more….she can slap him without consequence….buy me jewelry/flowers/clothes/shoes…."I'm not giving anything til he earns it!!!"  etc.  It appears you probably council mostly or just women.  You're ignorant, in denial or both.  Example….two men strangers show up to a party wearing the same outfit.  Two women strangers experience the same.  The men leave after making a new friend.  The women leave after making a new enemy.  This is the most common behavior of the sexes.  Guys would say, "Nice outfit!!!  I like your taste!!!"  Women would say to other women, "Who does she think she is wearing the same as me???"

  20. very interesting. good vid im sub'n.

  21. Wow…such good advice. I seem to have gotten a lucky escape. Thank u Donna

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