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48 thoughts on “Differences Between Psychopath and Narcissist

  1. My ex husband definitely plans his actions and uses his new wife and sometimes my children to carry out his attacks.

  2. Hi Mr. Sam I been following your studies for almost two years now. I suffered the manipulations and abuse from a psychopathic narcissist for 7 years and I just wanted to thank you because everything I learned from you has played a big role in the process of setting me free. I truly admire your courage, knowledge, honesty and sincerity. God bless you :)

  3. Hello sam, thanks for your videos, recently I left my family due to scapegoating of me and sexual abuse of a child. I believe my mother is a narc and my bro sociapath. we find out he molestered his step daughter he admitted to only doing it once, but dhs stated it had been numerous times. the mother of this child did not charge him so he walks free…..she remained in contact with him so her daughter could see him my mother supported this. My bro has a first wife with 2 sons and he had part time custardy of them, I asked my mum if she had informed the first wife of his sons of his actions molestering a child and doing ice.
    My mum stated to me that she was not going to tell her as she didnt trust her with info. ..I told her first wife had a right to know and children had to be protected, so I told her, she immediately suspended contact and went to court. My motner and 4 other siblings turned on me for telling wife, they told me I should of delt with it as a collective and i just wanted to look like a hero and they felt misrepresented. its a very long story but my mother supported him in court and ignored my existence, my family continue to have a relationship with him and allow children around him…my mothers parents also no longer want anything to do with me bit they do him..
    I have always been scapegoated but this was the last straw for me…..

  4. I still cant tell the difference. I have people in my life that i refer to as cluster b clustfucks because I really cant tell if they are psychopathic/narcissistic/bipolar/histrionic/borderline/just negatively affected by past relationships with a disordered parent, sibling or SO or some combination.

    I have an undergrad in a psych discipline , moved to neuro in grad school yet still feel clueless on this ,while I understand the psychopath or how one is formed

    (I completely disagree with Hare that they are evil, and now so does science as the first ever non criminal based pool of subjects were tested and it was found that they respond to emotional stimuli , but must be prompted. So they do have empathy . Also , Hare did his research primarily based on interviews with inmates. Inmates whose only observable external traits were manipulativeness, pathological lying and a desire to be seen as tough/hard. I know people who very much do have empathy, but if they were asked questions by an authority , especially a psychologist, they would have responded the same way because they grew up believing weakness and sickness are synonymous with displays of emotionality)

    I dont really know enough about the other disorders so when i hear something i think "oh that sounds right" but never sure.. I suppose it doesnt matter, toxic is toxic

  5. I must a bit disagree with this session. First of all narcissistic, sociopathic and psychopathic personalities are three different types of personalities, that are significantly different to each other. In many ways they are similar to each other, but as Vaknin refers, narcissistic personality is not prone to break the law as opposite to sociopaths and psychopaths who have a tendency to break the law as they are categorized as "antisocial personality disorder".
    Sociopathic personality is more common in lover socioeconomical croups as narcissistic personality is more common in higher socioeconomical croups. Narcissists have a bit above average IQ at average. Sociopaths have a bit under the average IQ at average. Narcissistic personality will seek social power via job, via involvment in politics etc. while sociopath will steal, do drugs, sell drugs, go prostitution and kill people and be a gang member and will also lie pathologically.
    Psychopath is a bit of a mixation of a sociopath and a narcissist. Psychopath is more like a narcissist, but he is antisocial as well. In a result psychopath is someone who seeks social power via job, will drive with nice car, have a nice home, lots of girls and besides that, he will do drugs, he will involve in criminal activity, organized crime and he is prone to commit a homicide. Psychopathy is not concentrated in any socioeconomical group and it is equally common in all socioeconomical groups.

  6. So would you say a psychopath is a narcissist with an internal locus of control?

  7. I am inclined to believe that psychopathy and evil, as Scott-Peck would describe malignant narcissism, emerges along a continuum: a grading of evil from those who swallow up whole countries and murder people (psychopaths) with the effects of their sordid ambitions and cruelties – Stalin – and those who focus on one individual by intentionally or callously through willful ignorance ignoring their needs in favour of their own – the sort of Mal Narc Scott Peck describes in his book POTL. Their intention to do harm is neither here not there. They harm, and that is all that counts. To not see it like that is to disregard the needs of children and animals in the equation. For example, snce when does a small baby or young kid who knows nothing through immaturity view their victimhood based on whether their parents are cruel to them intentionally or callously through ignorance when their is a world around them they could have explored to modify their behaviours. This is not true ignorance it is laziness and self absorption. All that matters is that the child hurts and may not get over it without help and it may irreperably harm their life. That is all that counts.

  8. My understanding is much clearer now, thank you.

  9. So when my narcissistic father says when he threw me under the bus it wasn't because of mal-intent, I tell him, "I know. Even mal-intent assumes intent and what I know about you is that you never intended anything regarding me. I simply didn't exist to you. You had sex in front of us kids NOT because you thought it was exciting. You did it because we were nothing more than furniture in the room to you." There's not a whole lot of comfort in that Dad and Dan has already killed himself over this.

  10. I read up about this and came across the difference between sociopaths and psychopaths and in that description it was the sociopath who showed no anxiety, very calm, and calculating, while psychopaths might be more out of selfcontrol, even show signs of anxiety and paranoia. Very confusing, but guess that's why so many claim high society is full of sociopaths. You could not succeed if you could not fake it and control yourself.

  11. Sure is a big difference!.There must also have been times when some traits of the psychopath, such as low anxiety,were seen as personality strengths until too late!

  12. I agree on the continuum of psychopathy. Also, I've read that it's sociopaths who can live without people and not psychopaths. Everyone has their own definitions and it's a djungle to find a clear answer. A narcissist can be a psychopat, but need not to. Anti-social is just a collective term for alot of disorders, which not all of them lack empathy. A very ill choice of word, as it has double meanings. An introvert is anti-social in one sence, but not in the other necessarily.

  13. What others told me is that there are benign narcis, who do not like to hurt others and only love attention, like entertainers and such. And then there are malignent narcis, and they are psychopatic by nature and find joy in others pain.

  14. I hate that they even use that term when diagnosing psychopathy, as all introverts, not matter how empathetic, will score points just for being withdrawn and introverted. Indeed, alot of psychopaths are not the slightest "anti-social" in the way of hiding from social life. They are acting in social interactions in ways that are not nice towards others, like lying, gossiping, stealing, and in that way being "anti-social". Big difference.

  15. This tells the difference as such: the narcissist need their admires and "source", so they'll stalk you if you try and get away, while the psychopath does not need admiration and a "source" at all, so he/she will not bother trying to get you back. Maybe just "get back" at you, and once that's done leave you alone? This fits with my estimate about those I'm inflicted by. She who tried to swindle me does not care I cut the bonds, while her cohorts are stalking me as I wont listen to them anymore.

  16. As an introvert,I sometimes worry about the misunderstandings the term'anti-social'can cause.It is neither good or bad in itself to be an introvert or extravert.A psychopath can be gregarious.The real reason this is worse than narcissism is not about who can survive longer on an isolated island but the greater danger and cruelty the psychopath is capable of!

  17. Agreed, I never knew he was diagnosed but he has a classic psychopaths background. Psychopaths love to be called Narcissists rather than Psychopaths, Call them psychopathic and they feel exposed, call them Narcissistic and they feel flattered in an empty sort of way hahah yeah but that is interesting tho I will be sure to check that out. Thanks 🙂

  18. He does – he was diagnosed as a psychopath in a functional MRI, which shows that his limbic system doesn't communicate properly with his frontal cortex. Hare developed this technique in prison studies (if memory serves) and is the author the Psychopath Checklist. I think is this video is partly to resolve the threat to his ego by being incorrect in his self-diagnosis. But he does deserve some kudos raising the subject even if ultimately it is all about him. Interesting to watch regardless.

  19. in english, english moth fuk* 🙂

  20. As a narcissistic psychopath i can agree that in my current relationship i fake the emotions. Still, would hate fore my partner to just be gone.So in an odd way i do care. At least that's what i tell her and hey…. it makes her happy.

  21. Me to and I still need to keep listing to these videos to stay away from my husband.I been with in misery for 17 years They make you hate love or look at love like nothing but pain that is evil tearing ones heart and soul to pieces.Then smiling about the pain there is no difference to me between a psychopath and a Narcissist the side effects of being with one can make you feel like your dieing.I ask my husband to leave 4 days ago for the 100th times leaveing them or being with them you suffer

  22. Atheism should be in the DSM VI.

  23. Psychopathy runs on a continuum, from extreme narcissism, or malignant narcissism as per Vankin to antisocial behavior. An anti-social is like a predator, attacking/striking/killing first without compunction while a narcissist will attack only if back into a corner, the threat of the true self being exposed.

  24. Yes a very diverse CV, I noticed that too. But then again I think your history shapes you, and it takes a lot of experience before you can make these kinds of analysis. Most of those experiences in finding yourself won't be very pleasant.

  25. psychopaths arent always "bad"

  26. He is a very rare self aware type of psychopath who enjoys sharing his great knowledge on the very topics that afflict him lol nah who knows man but he has a pretty psychopath like past if you look into it

  27. and its frightening that some psychopaths have cia connections, there should be a book written on the sophisticated type of psychological abuse that these types use, it is unique and very fucking sick

  28. its no fun when they threaten to kill you and have their friends spy on you and gas light you and fuck with your car or steal from you or try to coearce you into crime with them, its no fun watching them pistol whip people or threaten your mom by burning the house down, its no fun when they sadistaclly recruit some fuck to mess with you and create sexual inuendos, its no fun when your ex uses proxy recrutement and also has sex with those proxies, these people are fucking sick

  29. my brother has anti-social personality disorder and my ex is a psychopath and one of my old friends is a narcissist, and I'm co-dependent, I no longer have these people in my life, and I am constantly re-searching and reading about these disorders and recognizing the red flags and at times hyper-vigilant always trying to see if person so and so has a cluster b personality disorder, these people are traumatizing and they ruin lives on so many levels

  30. Seems like Psychopaths have an easier time even though they are arguably worse

  31. I am the auther of what "malignant sunflower"?

  32. A psychopath is seen as a far better leader than a narcissist because narcissists are weak. The psychopath always has that bullet proof self confidence,social charm, the calmness, and the determination in the face of adversity which the narcissist lacks.

  33. these things go together like peanut butter and jelly tho. one fuels the other.

  34. that is true I have seen a documentary about it.

  35. Yikes!! I have often wondered about which category certain persons in my life fell into. You really cleared it up. Only one actually appears to be psychopath. That is some scary stuff.

  36. Just how there are billions of ppl on Earth – there are billions of individual diagnoses. I truly believe hybrid exists. Also, take into consideration how the brain is an adaptable organ too. If certain circuits are used less, who's to know if that brain region becomes extremely similar to it's counterpart? Yes. Narcissists are blase towards others, but that action is very calculating indeed. I've met both types and ironically one reminds me of the other.

  37. True, but they may be a narcissist aha

  38. Sam,
    Would psychopaths ever prey on narcissists? Thanks

  39. take it easy. true psychopath would not be concerned about this at all.

  40. …and children, who once tried for murdering numerous women and stuffing their bodies into huge plastic barrels, testified that he was a loving father and husband.
    He seemed to feel nothing…ever. Just pretending.
    One thing is for sure: for either a narcissist or a psychopath, we are nothing more to them than tools with which to achieve their goals…in relationships, we are their 'normalcy prop' –an ITEM that helps them appear normal to the outside world.

  41. I disagree with Sam's description that pyschopaths cannot form relationships. What I mean, is that they are perfectly capable of pretending to have empathy, kindness, etc. in an interpersonal relationship, while internally feeling nothing. Also, psychopaths do not necessarily 'rage' at people. They experience an inner rage, but it manifests as numbness,rather than fits of anger / crying, which is common in NPD.
    Read "Anything You Want me to Be" –a story of a serial killer who had a wife…

  42. hi. i would like to now wath is the diferences beatwen psychopaths and borderlines?

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