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37 thoughts on “Does the Narcissist Ever Face Karma?

  1. i fear they won't. i will not know about it anyway if it did. it seems there's a never ending supply of new partners so the narc is always too busy with "new lives" every so often to have time for anything else. it is annoying however that outsiders view them as happy & popular while their discards are seen to be cast asides who must've been "the" problem. "Mr. Popular" is the sought after "star". the PTSD victim is alone & messed up

  2. 06:50 – "Slips in their mask of normalcy"


  3. Is there such a thing as Karma? I even often wonder if there such is a God who punishes the wicked people! We want to believe that people are genuinely decent and honourable for the right reasons.

  4. Karma operates, I believe, as a kind of spiritual physics – it just does what it does. Every action we take is a datum point fed into that physics, so 'rushing karma' is a kind of meaningless thought; if you try to rush karma, you're simply creating new karma – for yourself! Karma translates from Sanskrit into 'act' or 'action' – it is morally neutral and simply reflects the spirit in which one acts. Sometimes it takes a long time for what IS to show itself for what it is, but it all comes out in the wash in the end. Patience, self-care and being non-judgemental all help. Good film, good advice, thank you :)

  5. A great inspirational reminding video, thank you!

  6. most of them repel most ppl and these ppl are also empty emotionally so yes instant karma. and they come into our lives to make us stonger in areas we were weak. its all karma its all connected ;)

  7. I have a view on 'Karma'… The idea of 'karma'becomes pleasing for people because of it's power to sooth us deep… soothing an aching soul. All to quickly we start to use it like a medicine, which it wont work as. We can even become uber disappointed if we don't ' see the karma work before our eye's like some kind of spell or witchcraft. Nope. Ego repel's any kind of Karma.. what attract's it? Your Inner power to truly Forgive. And the inner power to Remember that as you take your own path through life, at times, it will be you that want's to feel forgiven on the journey. Ego forget's that fact so well. Ego can be like an engine that turns on as soon as the concept of forgiveness is disconnected.

  8. Sacred space = SANCTUARY!

  9. What they reap, they HIDE….including bad karma……

  10. I'm Currently using the name Karma, lol because I've always wanted to say, Hey, my name is Karma, and I've been dying to meet you. I'm so tired of reliving this nightmare.

  11. Hi, I don't necessarily like the term karma (all hip Eastern spirituality terms annoy me greatly) but I do think once we've identified that the person is or even just may be a narcissist and is causing us damage without any regrets, we need to walk away, protect ourselves, build ourselves back up and SCREW what happens to them. I don't think that a person living such as a crappy life, because their life IS crappy, is to be envied. Let them deal with their own shenanigans, all I know is they can't hurt me anymore.

  12. Karma is thorough and never forgets. I went no contact with my narcissistic parents a few months ago after memories of my father sexually abusing me resurfaced. I managed my father's business website but since going no contact I hadn't done anything new to it. I was doing some work last week and had to check all the websites I manage including his. When I went to his site, the site looked the same with the logo, setup and everything but all the content was mysteriously gone. The list of services, contact info, photos of his work all gone. No one has access to change his site but me or the hosting company. I called the hosting company for another reason but was going to ask them about his website. But I never got the chance because when they finish helping me with my issue, they hung up. Karma stopped me from trying to reverse the karma.

  13. Yes, I strongly believe so because he read exactly what he sowed. The one I knew was a very heavy smoker and the one day had a heart attack mowing lawn and needed surgery. He wouldn't quit smoking and he kept it right up and he was mowing lawn again sometime much later and he dropped dead. He's at the funeral home now pending cremation and his no one wants to have a service or pick up the cost so yes people do have bad behavior backfire on them

  14. No disrespect but you have some nice boobs. And also you're dropping a lot of knowledge!

  15. I had gotten an email from a narcissist I know yesterday. This personal has all the traits. I know they have done a lot of terrible things to people with the usual narcissistic patterns. They said that their life is very messed up now so I am better off without them and forgetting them. I am so surprised this has happened. I do not know what it is that happen but I deleted the email with no response. I don't know if they are looking for attention. This is a great video just in time for me.

  16. These thoughts of karma have been screaming inside me lately! She was one of those I like to call "a Facebook Buddhist", part of the mask she wears, such freaking hypocrisy, so I find myself saying things like, "She'd better hope that there is no such thing as karma, because if there is, I certainly would not want to be in her shoes!" I know that these types of thoughts are not healthy for me! She still occupies space in my head! It's been 2 months since I have had no contact and I'm still struggling with boughts of anger for how I allowed her to violate me so maliciously and sadisticly! You see, despite all the heartless and cruel things she would say and do, I was still good to her, and kept trying harder and harder to be good to her by continuing to give and give my time, love, energy, and a lot of money. And all I ever got in return was worse and worse emotional and verbal abuse. I have been "stonewalled" for so long I feel like screaming! My voice has been squashed and silenced for so long that I wish the whole world could know what a monster she really is! For the first time, out of nowhere today, I actually started crying for the first time. I just feel so deeply hurt, because I tried harder than I ever had my entire life to be a kind, loving, unselfish, and generous partner. It freaking hurts bad!!! I know that I did all I could, and that I was good to her. But my heart keeps wanting to tell me that I've failed in some way. My rational reasoning tells me that I did nothing wrong. I just want to tell my whole experience to someone, a lot of which would be hard for most people to believe. Again, for this reason I feel silenced, like nobody will listen to me. So I have started to go to ALANON meetings. They do seem to help a little, at least I feel a bit better after each meeting, but it seems to be only temporary. Just want you to know that listening to you does help and does give me a sense of not being alone and silenced. Thank you for that.

  17. Yes, I believe in karma. I used the term "consequences" when explaining to a relative that that's what my mother is feeling with my being permanently gone from her life. My dad was a sociopath/narc–crazy mean and a woman magnet by the way. He was a police chief and a 51 was chased out of his profession and couldn't get a job in his field again because word got out about him. He tried part time jobs in gas stations or hardware stores but got fired from every one due to his temper and meanness. The last 35 years of his life he was estranged from his daughter, stepdaughter, niece, nephews and brother. He'd try to make friends but scare people away with his cruel talk. All he was able to do was read because he couldn't get along with anyone. He died alone except for his silly wife, who was his accomplice. This is karma.

  18. Psalm 37 tells what happens to narcissists if they don't change.  PS God is love.

  19. I ask you to focus more in the in-home narcissists, mostly parents and siblings. We can choose our partners, our friends, our bosses, but we can never choose our family. There are many topics approaching the almost permanent narcs' control over you, from his grave, for instance, through his will.

  20. After my narc ex discarded me schadenfreude was all I felt I lived for. In my obsession to learn about our disordered dynamic came to understand the importance of accepting your heart. Just before she abandoned me she had her undeveloped heart intake valve replaced with a mechanical damper. How could I not have seen karma was the reason for the poor me, why me issues she was already living with. She always said, "I don't see why god never saw fit to give me children." I used to point out to her that it likely had more to do with the fact she was critically anorexic as a teen. In creating the bulletproof well to do false self facade in which she lives she has allowed her forgotten true self to become a broke down dilapidated dump. I'm glad that god saw she was never fit to be given children.

  21. Yes, I agree of course. Bible also says : "all that is concealed will be revealed". Probably, it also refers to karma.

  22. There is no karma for them. They continue to be like they are and survive every challenge until they die.

  23. I don't believe in karma as I don't believe in anything new age. I believe that we are all connected – all part of one body – the body of Christ. As a result, when we 'sin' or do something to hurt another, we are mostly hurting ourselves and that hurt will come back on us, especially if the person we are trying to hurt is in a state of grace. I have found these people destroy themselves as 'sin' is never satisfied. I am much older and you will see the destruction. My ex is less obvious, but he has a miserable marriage, an unsuccessful career, and a generally unhappy life. My husband's ex is being hounded by creditors, has disordered kids and her life is pretty much ruined. My sisters cut me off from my mother while she was dying (mother shares blame here too) and wrested control of my mother's estate (I was POA) and we're spending money like drunken sailors but in the end they were stuck with bills and I got my inheritance they were trying to cheat me out of (they are demanding I pay these bills). And my sister is divorcing her husband (ironic since they tried to destroy my marriage). Lots more to the story but that's the gist. They reap what they sow eventually. The bible calls them back biters.

  24. I believe the Bible when it says, "You reap what you sow," which is similar to karma. Pop culture says, "What goes around, comes around," and other like expressions.

  25. I do truly believe the truth reveals itself

  26. the bible says "what a sow so shall he reap"

  27. You are very right, I have had similar experiences in my life; adv. the truth will reveal itself about what these people are all about. There might be times that nobody believes you but adv. the truth will come out and other people are going to see them esp if you are an honest person and be able therefore to see the facts for what they are, the truth will come out. Like you said there is no need to 'push the karma idea' as sooner or later others will face the same issues and even karma will come their ways, not for us to worry, for us to worry is about ourselves and take care of ourselves.

  28. As far as karma, one thing I can suggest is knowing that real love and true friendships are connections narcissists will never fully experience. It is not a reason to pity them or feel guilty-it is something to appreciate as you move on with those who love and care for you.

  29. I like your definition of karma. I'm glad the religious/mystical version isn't real. It's a cruel and vengeful idea and doctrine….For instance: According to typical karma, a young boy being raped by a priest must be paying for some actions in a prior life. Um, no thanks.

  30. Thank you so much for your book! I am going to my exes sentencing on Tuesday, May 24th after he beat me near to death. Your books have made me feel so much better about facing him and making my final statements! ❤️❤️❤️❤️

  31. Good can come to the victim of narcissistic abuse. In fact, optimally, the victim can finally realize their subconscious wounds from their childhood, and heal them, uplevel themselves and have a happier and more fulfilling life than ever imagined possible: all as a result of their experiences with a true narc. On the other hand, virtually all narcs are trapped in their Fantasyland of Reality that can never change for them; they can never truly be vulnerable and open to a close, loving and supportive relationship with another human being. They can never truly be at peace because they are not authentic and are not their true selves. Their sole focus on their own happiness, wants and needs ironically can never make them truly happy; they will always be searching for that something else that they think will finally fill that void in their soul. But it will never come to them. Karma? I think that sad existence till the end of their days is Karma enough. I pity the narcs of this world.

  32. Many of us become their Karma which the narcissist and their supply would never own. It is true though and the focus on them "getting" theirs does dissipate over time with our recovery. But, please swim in those Karma fantasies for a while. It's part of the healing process.

  33. I hope this is true! I'm so tired of the excuses that people make for them…

  34. Frustrating when a mutual friend hasn't been exposed to their abuse. Time will indeed tell! :)

  35. honestly I've been waiting… patiently but nothing lol I know that sounds awful of me but there's just that voice in the back that says "one day you'll get yours"

  36. karma is real,many people don't realize that littering alone can diminish theirs.

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