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15 thoughts on “Donald Trump, the Mega Narcissist

  1. At least if this man child becomes president it will raise narcissistic awareness to a new level.

  2. Is tenis the best candidate of the repubblicana party? Then, this party is in big trouble.

  3. Trump is an all American gangster. Trump is a thug.

  4. I personally know a narcissist, and he talks exactly like Trump – the attitude, the choice of words, and the perspectives. He rationalizes things a lot and is utterly manipulative. In the end, it is all about himself.

    If you are for Trump, you are probably one of the fortunate and naive people who have not had to deal with a narcissist in your entire life. However, if he does end up to being our president, you will, and you will regret very badly that you have ever trusted him and helped put the United States and the world in great danger.

  5. +Danny 1997 you are probably right to say that our current president has NPD, but this is not just a politics game, it's a matter of degree. Obama along with Clinton, Both Bushes, and Reagan have all demonstrated signs of type 2 personality disorders including Narcissistic personality disorder as well as Antisocial personality disorders. (sociopathy), this is not a bash, it is a diagnosable and studied observable pattern of behavior.

    But… and this is a big but, as this expert in the field of human behavior points out, Trump is quite prototypical and extreme in his Inability to tolerate disagreement, condescending narcissistic rage episodes (calling his opponents losers and stupid), self aggrandizing behavior (The act or practice of enhancing or exaggerating one's own importance, power, or reputation), calling himself "The genius of all time", that level of grandiosity has not been seen in a world leader in the west yet. Trump is on par with Kim Jong-un in his delusions of grandeur and extreme insecurity. He is almost entertaining to watch. except that I see some people confusing his lack of empathy with character. I think the reason some well-meaning people like this guy is because they see he isn't saying what he has to to appeal to the most people and they assume this is due to character or integrity. If you understand NPD, you can understand that the reason Trump acts this way is because his narcissism is so extreme, he isn't capable of toning it down long enough to fake empathy the way, say Obama can and I think that is an even more frightening notion for our future.

  6. Donald Trump is appearing to be an "inside job."  He has so terribly screwed up the election process by "charming" the masses, that he has made it all-to-possible for the "connected crowd" to continue their agenda.  The masses always end up paying for it all, and paying in so many ways.  Thanks DONALD.  There is no future unless we return to a value system with integrity and purpose.

  7. If you are acquainted with narcissism, the "Donald" would be the description.  He is a charmer; promises you the "moon and the stars" if you will follow him/vote for him.  The problem is he is a narcissist; sealing the "deal" is about the "Donald"; not about America or the millions who are seeking a true leader of our values.  Once in; he will not remember anyone but who is in the mirror every day; it is about sealing the deal for "him" not for us.  Sad, but obvious!

  8. Donald Trump comes across as an egotistical, self absorbed narcissist. If he becomes president then eventually after a few years we are all going to want Obama back.

  9. And Obama's not a narcissist? Please.

  10. it is scary but I knew this all along..I was raised by narcs..

  11. I realized Trump is a narcissist from my coworker who is also one, acts exactly like trump, he boasts all the time even volunteering how much he pays in rent which is very high, usually people brag how low they pay in rent, he is very arrogant when he knows something and acts very insecure when he doesnt

  12. MSNBC is just projecting insults on to Trump. He does what wins votes and acting "narcissistic" wins votes. If he isn't too confident, the people would just complain that he's too weak. He might be effective, but he might also seriously mess some up things. The left media bashes Trump and the right media bashes Hillary. I wonder who will win the primaries and become the final two?!? (sarcasm)

  13. trump is dangerous to America

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