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11 thoughts on “Ghosting By A Narcissist – Due To Fragility and Paranoia?

  1. mgtow sounds like a cult. its weird how men think women are controlling and ruining mens lives, yet mgtow has a leader? i thought mgtow was about being your own man not following a leader…men lol

  2. Wow this guy is completely BONKERS, seems to me that in his own completely misogynistic way he is doing half the human population of the the world the biggest favour ever, I can't think of someone I would less like to be in contact with! So "RIGHT ON MAN" keep it going it works for us too! But it's interesting how this guy who quite obviously has some significant psychological issues wants to put the problem outside him self, my husband is a bit of a blamer and I try to help him see that when he blames what he is actually doing is ( avoiding taking responsibility for feelings of anger), but this man takes the cake! How many billion of people is he blaming ?

  3. Doesnt sound like a narccist, seems anti-social and private.

  4. 'The sisterhood' are a frightening force to discover. The basic ingredients that make it what it is are as follows:
    1) Media representation of men as non-emotional, competitive, mercenary, manipulators who respect only wealth and violence, who cant empathise, or sympathise with anybody, are obsessed with social status and image and have a sense of entitlement and born into privilege and objectify women classifying them as either whore or servant with no ability to relate to them as individuals rather than stereotypes because they're too stupid to be able to differentiate between false standards in the media and reality… You may not have noticed the amount of air time this message had, along with the plea to boys to not be like that when you grow up… but as a boy growing up it erodes away any sense of the idea that everything is okay the way it is… we are to contort ourselves to fit the ideal of repressed masculinity and activate and embrace our feminine side, for the good of all of nature and for our species to survive…. etc….If you are unfortunate enough to be of a sensitive nature and subjected to the bullying and aggression of the other males in your peer group, you may find some solace in the hope that when you're an adult you wont have to put up with being considered 2nd rate because the new age of gender equality is going to be there and you'll be finally allowed to be interested in whatever interests you without being called a fag or made to justify what you are doing and why you aren't playing football… because it's not about stereotypes any more… As a young teen you might be left a little bit traumatised and suicidal when the girls in your age group don't notice you but are regularly out clubbing with the local Mafia thugs doing tricks for cocaine and drinks and a ride in a customised muscle car with the guys who's younger brothers are the ones who have been pushing you around and treating you like crap since the first day of school, and the girls you'd write poetry for or would listen to them practise the flute just to watch them get lost in the music for hours being passed around and discarded after use by some really ugly guys who have no redeeming qualities you can see and yet the girls queue up for it even fighting over the right to be tonight's lucky lady and when you ask what they see in these men, they'll say "he was a charmer, he made me laugh, he's really okay underneath", or something similar and your heart will sink as you understand that what women want and what they say they want are not necessarily the same thing and you may begin to get the distinct feeling that this is not actually going to end well for you since you know that you are not like those men you see… being given such loyalty that you think they are unworthy of… I actually hated me for being me for a long time from 13-19 and the girls try their best to maintain that lifestyle till their late 30s by which time your opinion of them has diminished a bit. If you are strong and determined in character then you might have survived the suicide years and the targeted violence that your peers have subjected you to for years upon years… You may have even come to a place of self acceptance or at least meaningful self enquiry and broadening your world-view and no longer hate yourself for being you, and found more agreeable peers in sci-fi novels and philosophical classics and been transformed by music and culture and had Socrates and Plato to call on when you needed a role model and someone to inspire you to carry on… and women, well, the same messages continue in praise of the superior qualities possessed by women and as for the one's who broke your heart first it's remedied by the powerful repetitive use of the message, "Not all women are like that"…. and you believe it. But your experience is one of a mixture of angry women fighting against oppression… (and that will be me rather than the men that actually disrespect them because they're too dangerous to be spoken too with anything like criticism..) and nice one's who like to be friends…. which of course you value as any connection is a precious thing and even the angry ones are only fighting back because it's been wrong for too long, and you learn to apologize to them for the state of the world men have left it in…. a few years later and you're not feeling so lost and/or guilty any more… you have a more self accepting view and are okay with some non attached connection to meet your needs for affection and intimacy… But then a miracle… you see some one and they see you and you fall in love and things that never added up are falling into place… you love the world like it was where you actually belong after all… it's amazing, a deep and passionate physical connection going deeper than you ever imagine as well as mutually beneficial and supportive relationship… and just as you think to yourself, "to think I doubted it could be real…" she dumps you and cuts you off stating that basically all that stuff is crap, you just weren't "man enough" for her liking she likes to be used and disrespected and her men to be more aggressive and dominant in groups because it 'reflects badly onto her' that I am not respected… women have used their power to bravely express their true desires after generations of oppression and subjugation … they have found their unified voice to say, "since we have a choice now… we think, there's nothing more attractive as a quality in a man than social dominance… we like a man to be a real man and not pathetic and emotionally receptive… and after she has gone… other women come along and rather than showing awareness of your feelings and offer comfort for your loss they give you a list of the things you need to change in yourself to be worthy of respect which amounts to being more like a gangster and using and abusing them… (at their request) as if the lack of understanding was n't bad enough, they'll still say things like "not all women are like that…" as an attempt to reassure you that it's worth turning yourself into whatever is fashionable for the time… which will still get you discarded at a non specified time because women have decided that commitment isn't what they really really want after all either.. never was… it's not female nature, they confess now! So if you want to be of use to them and get some action in a sexual sense then it's all about joining in with the pretence and being whatever they want and not asking for anything in return just awaiting your invitation and dismissal because it's women who are fixated with aggression and dominance and hierarchy competitiveness and status and men comply because that's simply how you rate us… A man reading this would at least feel the build up of expectation and loss and understand how it would feel and yet might feel compelled to hold back offering support in case he gets judged as falling below standards in acceptable behaviour! a woman on the other hand might take the whole thing to be a criticism of her rather than the sharing of a perspective that was actually played out like that and had many many examples of outrageous cruelty and meanness demonstrated by women to flesh it out if needed… including being written out of existence as a punishment for having been supportive…
    2) That's all fine by you.!
    Excuse formatting errors, I had a break and then deleted some stuff by mistake…… not sure if it still makes sense or skips a bit

    Shorter version… Men are held to be responsible for all of life's problems because of the way we abuse our privileged status and reject the superior emotional intelligence and sense of community possessed by women… We are fixated with hierarchy and status and imposing our world-view onto others and objectify women placing value only on their looks rather than on the person within and as such miss out on the natural intuitive wisdom, depth of connection and nurturing instinct they possess, which our society is in severe need of. We need to respond to the call of the 'divine feminine' and develop an internal openness to sharing our vulnerability and healing our emotions… (So you can exploit my vulnerabilities and use my old trauma to hurt me again? Telling me that I am needy and pathetic and have no backbone.. And how I am worth nothing to you, you only value social dominance above all character traits in rating the attractiveness of men… real men… not like me. I'm too nice! shouldn't have tried so hard! That is one sick fucking joke it it amuses you.)

    You want to use your empowered-ness to promote social domination as the most attractive feature that a man can posses..? Your choice, so go ahead, knock yourselves out… Just 2 requests…1. quit the bullshit about the fact you don't want that… and 2. don't ever tell me I need to change and adapt… if you can't get the douche-bag that you wanted, that's tough, I ain't gonna be that for you, because you tell me to or anything else in fact, but me… if you can't respect that then that's your loss, your lack of good judgement and your twisted compulsive self degradation.. not my issue that needs addressing… so keep your fickle opinions to yourself… Own your own mess because you made it…

  5. Oh boy. Well he is going insane and trying to get even crazier….Paranoid and schizoid plus some.

  6. I actually feel empathy for him, as he is obviously wounded or suffering from something.

  7. interesting topic Randy. thx

  8. Fuck me. Now how does this tie into your paranoid, narcissistic man hating loop?

  9. for real, it appears to verge into paranoia, it's very creepy, ha just remembered my ex saying I was his "last throw of the dice" and if we didn't "work out" as if we had just met not a 12 year relationship, he was NEVER going to interact with WOMEN again ever. My ex couldn't handle stress especially supposedly from me.

  10. …he seems to forget a female created him

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