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19 thoughts on “How the narcissist keeps grown children dependent on them.

  1. Cannot hear this at all–sound is very low. Too bad because I really wanted to hear it.

  2. Amen. Suffered 36 years my self , only God helped me be free , still struggeling mentally and every time i see or meet my nascissist father.

  3. no law or instution to help. Other laugh and blame it all on the child demanding that they due moore for a parent.Sickest one of all. " you dont do anything(for me), why do you want to volunteer there? called your potential employer"

  4. Eva

    Thank you for this video and for exposing so eloquently the sad reality of what narcissists do to their children. My father, the narcissist, and my mom, the enabler, have both done this to their children. Luckily, I always had a very independent spirit and didn't allow myself to be infanticized. But my younger brother has given in and it's truly devastating to me. He is in his late 20's and totally dependent on my parents. At the same time, they throw it in his face that he is and complain about it to me. When I have told my mother to start treating him like an adult and he'll act like one, she's like an impenetrable wall. So she does most of the infanticization and he does most of the mental abuse, putting my brother down because he's "no good at anything," lazy, a loser, a bum, etc. It's heartbreaking but I believe my brother can rise above it.

  5. "The daughter goes from one disaster to another" Sadly too true.

  6. Anyone else having problems hearing this even with volume all the way up?

  7. This is a very familiar set up in narcissistic families.
    It is very sad when it happens to an adult child.

  8. pretty much all hispanic parents especially mexican parents do this to their kids.

  9. I love your channel subscribed<3

  10. Thank you for this video.  I found it very clarifying….. BTW I am pretty sure you are an empath.  Do you think so??

  11. Join fb group called empaths and survivors of sociopathy.. you seem to be very sensitive and kind and bright..

  12. My socio ex bfriend's malignant narc mother demanded he leave me, he was 47 and he dropped me like she was his owner, he is 47, he is like a zombie puppet. HE is not an adult, her emotions are HIS, she decided i'm an ogre and he treated me as such. Very ugly.

  13. The sound is perfect, great video

  14. So few people talk about how the abuse continues into adulthood, and how the victim feels additional shame and hopelessness from still being abused as an adult.. Thank you for being one of these few who have the guts to talk about it.

  15. yes, i m. In every single words..

  16. this is absolutely devastating! but as another commenter said if you are raised by this it is hard to understand and overcome! my mother tries to do this to me but i joined the navy when i was 18 and i stay away from her as much as possible! if you want to learn to survive you have to just get out into the world and do your best and accept your mistakes and wrong choices! i went to catholic schools all my life and when i went on my own i did not have a clue what i was doing but i just did my best!

  17. I keep thinking I'm crazy and that I'm making things up and blaming where I shouldn't be, but I think this may be what my father has done to me and my siblings. We are all at least somewhat dependent on him financially–and, of course, he's a saint for this and we owe him so much. I'm torn because I feel like this is true. I am grateful to him for what he does for us. But at the same time, I'm so confused. I feel like I am not capable of anything. If I ask him for help with something, he takes it over. A few years ago, I asked him for help filling out a medical form because I have major anxiety and think I can never do anything right. He took it from me and did it himself. That was not what I asked him to do. Shouldn't he be helping me through it so that I can realize I can do it myself? Instead, he took the form from me and asked me some of the questions–adding on a completely unnecessary question of "Are you exposed to secondhand smoke?" (he asked that because he knew that my boyfriend smoked). Anyway, I might be getting sidetracked. I keep wondering now if he has purposely made us dependent on him–though I haven't completely figured out how yet, so maybe I am crazy. But whatever the case, we are dependent on him, so it is necessary to do business-type dealings with him. And when this happens, it is very common for him to say some very confusing and conflicting things that stress us out, then later he will deny that he said them. Other times, he will tell us that he told us to do something that we do not remember him ever saying. Now I'm starting to realize that we don't remember probably because he never said them. He has also corrected me on things that didn't need correcting. One time, he said that I hadn't used the correct term for something, but I know I did. And there is no way in hell he had simply forgotten that that was the correct term–it was something he had taught me in his own field of expertise. I think he wants me to feel like a child who can't do things on her own. My siblings and I are all over 25.

  18. Your face looks so sad. You deserve all the happiness in the world. Have you been to the Reddit sub r/RaisedByNarcissists? It's an excellent resource for understanding/dealing with narcissistic parents or other toxic individuals like partners or extended family. Abusers & Narcs are banned from the sub and the poster is always believed and understood to be coming from a situation of abuse. No contact is generally advised in most cases as you cannot change them.(No judgement on the sub if circumstances make no contact impossible.)Stay strong.

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