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39 thoughts on “How the Narcissist Uses Gossip

  1. Dear Inner Intregation Could you PLEASE do a video about breaking your No Contact Rule after about 5 months! I am having a very hard time dealing with what I have done & Im beating myself up about this. Cannot believe I let him back into my life!! Thank you so much!!

  2. Just watched your hour with George Simon then clicked on this. So my question for you would be…Do you think the evolution of social media has contributed to prolonging our adolescence and thus magnifying the 'toxcicity' of this kind of behavior? And how can I put this….thanks for the unexpected distraction at the midpoint. (I hope my last comment won't prejudice your response to the former)

  3. What do you think about situations when a narc has slandered you to everyone they meet..and whole groups of people think youre a horrible person. Do you just "forget about it all" or …what is there to say about it? It's very unfair. I've left my country.

  4. you fully understand,one leads better with best example, mature,wise, approach,suits public arena .change for personal best,good luck.

  5. gossips are idiots,laugh all that off.

  6. your attire is not appropiate, and dreadfully immature jizz decript..take a look at yr own vid Personal development wrx best with example,

  7. Thank you so much, I just recently came to the realization that I have been a victim of a narc all of my life. My older sister, I was a victim of her terrible gossip and lies. Our mom passed away 09, it has gotten worse. She has sucked my dad in, and I tell you my family is a mess. I have broken off all ties with her. Her daughter has broken ties with her,of course I got the blame for it. What I would like to know is how do I get my dad to understand the damage she is doing, and has done. He hangs on her every word. Thank you.

  8. I'm listening to you and having one particular person in my head. BTW, first time to your channel. Sometimes I think these channels have personalities that come across as harsh to me. You seem relaxed and easier to watch and listen to. Thanks.

  9. You have a good way of describing these sick dynamics. Thank you.

  10. Thank you very much for this insightful video, you are a very strong and beautiful inspirational woman who speaks with grate passion. Having studied this subject of cluster B's for the last two n half year, I can fully relate to this advice as I to have been through this very dark situation. Keep the videos coming as this type of knowledge needs to reach more people.

  11. I am going to feature your channel on my channel this week. I relate to what you say and how you say it, I believe many of my viewers will appreciate your style and wisdom as well.

  12. I know just what you mean. I had a "friend" (now no contact) for a short time who loved all the dirt on other people. Much of it was lies and GOSSIP (lol) that I debunked. I thought she would appreciate the truth but I think that was the equivalent perhaps of ruining someone's orgasm. #GreatAnalogy

  13. Dan

    You're so accurate and cute.

  14. So,so true and so damaging. I have pretty much phased out all of my so called friends- they were so fickle

  15. Your descriptions are so colorful and accurate.When i watch your videos i feel less alone and not crazy.Keep making them

  16. a twist on this, my narc ex barely cared about my successes or good days, but if I came home and said how crap my day was she would perk up immediately. if I said, hey I just wanna relax for a min I'll tell you about it soon she would get so angry at me. wtf? talk about low empathy. she would fight with me about it!! what a jerk. if I told her how great my day was she barely seemed to notice. so strange.

  17. Hahaha, yes this is exactly what happens! And sometimes it is too pathetic to even comment on. I found it one of the things that was so see through….. Lol. I was blind but now I totally see, lol.

  18. spirits are involve everywhere

  19. "brilliant…thank you! the older I get the more I realize just how many despicable people are out there. i spent most of my life thinking that people had the same inner framework than i…boy, was i wrong. we are surrounded by predators and parasites that use mimicry to blend in and feed off of us.

  20. So wait…. you're telling me you love narcissism and you look THIS good!? marry me bb

  21. 4.39. The best part.

    Seriously though. Narcs and borderlines are more common than people think. Only issue is – they are not all the same.

    Identifying them therefore, becomes more difficult.

  22. hey your a beautiful soul !
    i ge you as you speaking from your heart
    love being sent to you from IRELAND XOX

  23. Dicks lol, awesome. I'm surrounded by dicks my wife is a dick lol. I dig listening to ya thanx

  24. This perfectly describes a person I knew in high school. She was always so close to everyone or created the illusion she was. The first time I met her was in the bathroom and she goes, "Hey, I know you don't I? I just met you last week…" I did not know her and never formally met her but she proceeded to tell me how she knew me and immediately shared gossip with me about the hostess at this party were apparently were both at. At the time I thought wow, she's so nice and must really like me to share this information. I soon found out she did the same thing to everyone, including me. I ended up working with her for awhile after high school and I had to be super careful of anything I said around her.

  25. " Warning I make a bit of a vulgar analogy here so don't listen if you're easily offended! " : I had to laugh 🙂 Really nice video, gives me some extra insights in the behavior of Narcs. Some years ago, I needed to park the car, buttons were pushed, I saw that one neighbor from across the street talking to another. At a metal door, an open wide corridor between two houses. I had to brake, yes, forgot the two wooden planks almost flying through the front window. I've set those wooden planks against a lamp pole in the street, knowing there is an older woman and in the mean time I was F*cking angry. NOw I will say my opinion there, against that neighbor from across the street, neighbors with my parents. I said my thing, he replied in ' yeah yeah ' in a way it was boyish and who are you from me (You are so so low …). And I said something, one step closer : ' What did you … '. Suddenly the neighbors are 'diving' behind that steel door. Exactly one year later, I as doing a story as a complaint about some government department for work, also that older woman is for me a Narc, this case closed, she made advantage after a 3 hour story, saying my testimony, cause I was tired, she was tired : Reached 50% in 3 hours typing ( It was to much work for her to do my testimony on camera ! – Because … of … rulez and rulez to win … ). And then … you have to imagine an old closet standing there, the door opens like a mummy walks out, iiiieeeeeepppp …. . To cases put against me, outdated, one was 6 months old, one was a year old. That last one was said : " That neighbor woman was concerned about you that you were angry ". The wife of the neighbor across the street ! It was not really a case, but a concern ! It's like a big gossip, but using the police against me as a power-trip too. It's a creepy thing, all together. And I know the neighbor across the street as being a school-teacher, they have a big neck, and being … T-phobic too, but too my parents they are … lies. And what I see, let's say 2x, maybe now 3x, those Narc-people can have Bubble-Heads, I call their behavior on the street on a bicycle, cause they know that I know … , they have teeth squeezed together and shaky looking to the left and the right. As they cannot find a kind of behavior. Like that fake teeth squeezed together smile. This year, let's say I park the car around midnight, And I see that across the street woman, they tend to see to you and invoke another action to push the buttons : Mostly a smile to bully and laugh with you. As I know from years ago, in a company, those people have to ask always questions when there is a midday break and later they are befriend with the companies boss.

  26. When I was a child my friends were the golden children and I was the scapegoat. My mother would pad their egos and then turn to me and trash me. She also spent HOURS on the phone maliciously gossiping to all of her friends.

  27. My ex narcissist always talked shit about everyone including his family members, I also found out he was bad mouthing me behind my back to my so called friends and his family our neighbors our landlord his friends he constantly said bad things about me behind my back all the while telling me how much he loved me, again.. Sick fuck

  28. I feel like my ex narcissist used triangulation with his son. He constantly talked about his son how good he is how important he is blah blah blah yet the only things he did with his son was watch movies or watch him play video games every other weekend it was the same thing every time he had him they never left the house his son barely showered and the blinds were closed it was the weirdest thing I've ever seen. When I started to catch on to my exes behavior he started using his son telling me I need to spend more time with his son I need to watch him play video games I need to take him places or else.. Lol which is so funny cause he would grab my phone out of my hand if I was texting my kids and he would punish me if I slept at my daughters house. I can go on and on but I feel like he used his own son for triangulation, sick fuck!!

  29. parasites must be purged! your solutions are so non-violent…easier said than done, but never impossible yea!

  30. I think that when a person is able to gossip about someone else for me, this same person has the ability to gossip about me to someone else. They are bad comments that contributes nothing to the improvement person.

    Normal people talk about things, smart people talk about ideas, stingy people talk about people. – Plato -

  31. ohh yes such good typical examples !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11

  32. Thanks for this. I often feel that maybe I shouldn't be talking about the narcs as I don't want to gossip and be like them, but this cleared it up nicely.

  33. hahahahaha. omfg. hilarious!

  34. LOL! Your explanation 4:32 minutes in the video made me laugh so much…LOL! I know several of these people, (my neighbour and my narc father…and they are good friends!). Thanks for the video…♥

  35. You are so right on! Thank you for the great video!

  36. Great video!
    When did you meet my mother? This is her to a T. I always wondered why people so readily opened up to her about very personal things about their lives. She pretends to be so interested, and people just tell her their deepest darkest secrets sometimes. Then she tells everybody who will listen. So sick. She always says she doesn't know why people tell her things. Pfft! Whatever! It's because she's nosey and pries, and asks the most inappropriate questions, all so she can get her supply. Gross! Such an ugly person she is.

  37. Words hurt not matter what they said about sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me. The NM used gossip to triangulate my brothers and I. They only way to be close to her was to listen and participate. My FOO was destroyed by gossip and numerous other narc tricks and abuses. Great advice to stay clear of it!

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