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44 thoughts on “How to Cope With a Vindictive Narcissist?

  1. Maybe this is the only way and I'm watching this video because I'm at an impasse

  2. I live with a narcissistic sister. Ugh she makes me wanna kill myself.

  3. Love this is so true, keep up with the good work.

  4. Now I understand that aspect of myself.

  5. Do you think Humbert Humbert from Nabokov's Lolita was a narcissist?

  6. I had talked & texted a man from a dating site, he seemed like a dream come true, he actually took public transportation over 12 hours to 'meet me' and soon after was being odd & secretive talking outside, writing little notes on paper, he was stealing info from my email, & ebay account. Well I did not know this stuff , he tried to act like he liked me, but he was very sexually agressive & odd. I finally told a confidante and he said 'tell him to leave or call the cops on him. ' Well i told the man i did not want a relationship, etc. ' and he left the following day along w/my personal identity info. and credit card #'s and bank acct. #'s but he tried to shoulder surf my passwords but did not get them. He was receiving $ from wiring transfer, his own daughter had stolen money from her work to help him. Well even after leaving the man had set up to have a job here , but repeatedly said, 'i don't like cops' and 'i wish i could change my name.' Well I sent him home and I went online and ended up merely searching 2 hours and finally just typed in his address and the words : Sex Offender and KaBoOm there was his real name, mug shots and all . I quickly searched his local newspaper and he was a WANTED MAN for various crimes including child sex offense stuff. Well he still was not told by me due some some threats and narcisstic control and manipulation tactics they are so well known for, I finally confronted him he had driven someone's car 1/2 way here and I stopped him by confronting him with his REAL name and the fact he had cut a tether ankle monitor off his leg, and was a probation absconder , amongst other bad things. Needless to say, the man retreated to his home town, bought a new ticket to a new town and is playing the next unsuspecting people for $ he is a thief and severe LIAR and controlling etc. a lot like my xx but after the same things free rides & $ , this dude stayed here one month, just moved in, he stole personal items etc from me as well, used my credit card and committed identity theft . I was told by a relative he was NO GOOD, this prompted me to make him go home and i searched till i found the truth. Long story but true. I would not trust him again. As far as being narcisstic, i believe he was as i started watching the videos on you tube by this wonderful, informative man and a dark haired lady who had some strict warnings about threats and realized this man who was with me might kill for $ etc. So now the man calls every 10 to 12 days, maybe now he has been caught but knowledge is power. Beware of liars , suspicious people and whatever the man was to me, narcisstic type i think , he was very scary but hid his true self but peeks of it were surfacing and it was very very dark anger .

  7. Yes revealig their secrets can be quite motivational to a narcissistic person

  8. i am enduring the smear campaign unfortunately my father has even recruited my two sons and i am alone my husband has endured his mother and his children are recruited i am beside myself as to everything and why? his evil began when he married me
    we are having a hard time getting over this any advice

  9. This is a delightful video to say the least.
    He will have to make amends for me to stop exposing him and not before.
    He greatly underestimated me.
    His imagination is my friend.

  10. If you're driven to help people, you're not so narcissistic after all, now are you? God saves whom He will.

  11. The best way to deal with a narcist is not to deal with them. No contact at all is the best way. This way they don't get any narcissistic supply from you anymore. But if you cannot avoid having contact with a narcissist, because he of she is a relative then you should fight them with their own wapons. Manipulate them and fight them. Being nice to a narcissist just doesn't work. 

  12. I have made the experience that some narcissists and psychopaths are "communicating" ´via pictures, art. Last year I met some, who emphasized their hobby vine (two red vine, others White vine), whereas they did not drink any vine… I never saw them doing this… Some invited me for vine, but actually… Is it possible that this means that I have dealt with "vindictive" ones? other "Features" were: Stalking, which was covered in "sarcastic" Posts on social media, jokes below the waist line, obsessive for "sports" + obsession for sports, when being alone they were mostly very shy, but on the Internet… the opposite.

  13. The very way you suggest to deal with the narcissist seems very manipulative and  narcissistic. It was everything that my narc ex did to me. Now I am very confused.

  14. Thank you Dr. Vaknin for sharing all this knowledge on this forum.  Your videos are informative and professional!  You are the genius of narcissistic behaviors and mechanisms.   Well done!

  15. this is the worst advice i have ever heard in my fucking life, you want to battle someone with a mental disorder ? rather then getting them help ? are you kidding me 
    lets all just start calling people with depression losers and loners, while were at it lets attack all kids with bipolar disorder by yelling at them and then telling them it never happened, 

    this is a joke its a metal disorder, you live with one or have a connection with one then find them help, don't fucking battle them like this dumb ass is telling people to do

  16. My ex was for sure – and he's making me out to be the bad one – the liar etc. His imagination really is vivid – thank for this.

  17. I think narcissists might be good at this tactic but I am not the kind of person to manipulate someone like that. I have actually had someone use this tactic on me and it was unsettling and deranged. It felt like it had no connection to reality and just felt violent and hateful. As far as my experience goes, it seems I could never treat someone that way because it could traumatize someone.

    And let us assume that you do succeed in removing the narcissist from your life? If they are vindictive couldn't they find ways to slander and harass you behind the veil of anonymity? This is something I have been tempted to do, so I can imagine with a narcissist it may be 10 times worse, especially if they are a vindictive person! no way would I want to stand-out to a narcissist as their enemy #1.

  18. They are like vampires.  Bring out the garlic and they vanish. Lol.  They are cowards.  Since I am retired, I don't encounter them – as much.  However, they are everywhere and have many faces and take many personas.  I never saw this before, but it is very clear now.  I just learned about narcissism and really wish I had known this years back.

  19. What? Your saying if a narc is a child abuser, use that to get them to leave you alone rather than GO TO THE POLICE?! what the hell sort of message are you trying to give here? A crap one apparently. Haven't watch any of your posts before and never will again. Disturbing.

  20. my brother is a bully and  a narcissist who makes my life hell…he is also  a very good muslim who fears god and prays 5 times a day ,he loves and cherishes  the  son of a whore, the  bastard  who was born 4 years after his father died  mohamed..prophet of islam..who said  3/4 of hell is full of women ..cause women are evil to their bones ..!

  21. Narcissists are in a fantasy world of superiority. Once you display the exact same superiority to them, and (metaphorically) winking at them, it's an epiphany moment for them. It elevates you to a level slightly above. 

  22. This is sick. Label a person. Paint him as the devil then torture the evil bastard, but wait…who is the evil bastard then.

  23. I was raised by a Narcissistic grandmother, and married a Narcissist. I am now dealing with a Narcissistic co worker. I have been a target for Narcissists, BUT they don't know I have RAGE myself, and will FIGHT BACK. My quiet, docile nature fools people like this into believing that I am WEAK, but I am just as crazy. I will get that A$$!

  24. My sister would NEVER in a million years try to make up with me, be apologetic, or sweet.  She would rather die.  I don't understand that part because she has been abusive to me all my life and I am 59, and she would NOT do that part, even tho I am positive she is a narc.

  25. Thank you so much. I am at the point in my divorce that I have been pushed into a corner and was scared to use the information I have on my husband (tax evasion, fraud, etc)…but I see that if I don't use it he will continue to harass and railroad me. Thank you so much for your validation.

  26. I was shocked and amazed, after getting the measure of my N ex, how easy it was to lie to and manipulate him.  I ran rings around him while I made my secret plans to leave. He was so predictable it was a bore in the end

  27. How to cope with vindictive narcissists? Simple. beat the absolute shit out of them, kick them out of your life, and have nothing more to do with them. This isn't rocket science!! 

  28. at round 230 about moving.  im the one who wants to start a new life somewhere i have the opportunity to i think that kind of change would be healthy for me.  she has a lot of "friends" around here (small town )and i generally feel discomfort around here now.   then again she moved out when i called her out on her narc    she sure wasnt very nice 

  29. Thank you for the insite! I fear my wife is a "monk" Sadist. Wondering how to deal with it. I will comment back if this helps!

  30. Can a person be passive aggressive and a narcissist at the same time?  I think this of my boyfriend of 3-1/2 years after watching so many of these videos here on YouTube.  He sounds very much like the covert narcissist.  We broke up a week ago and I am not feeling sorry for him this time and going back to him.  Luckily it was a long-distance relationship and I don't have to worry about running into him.

  31. I was with a woman who lied about her name, address and where what she did for a living, she told me she lived 15 miles away, she lived less than 1 mile, and it got way worse from there, she would call me up(drunk) and tell me she was with other men, she would treat me like the Narc, blocking my Fbook, email and phone, then do something a few months later where id see her face or something online, she would always say I needed mental help, but there was nothing wrong with her, she didn't have many friends, maybe 3, but no one ever told her how sick she was, omg, thinking back to things shes said and done it makes me sick, I truly despise this woman, and hope she dies!!!

  32. What I've read so far about narcissists basically describes me to a tee. but its not like i want to be evil and vindictive. i really want to get better and lead a healthy life, i just wish i knew how.

  33. I just confronted a Narcissist the other day, ignored the abusive comments which only brought on more rage.  He left for an hour and then physically attacked me later when I wasn't doing anything.  Guess letting his secret out that he needs mental help was not a good thing, it enraged him!

  34. Hi Dr, Vaknin, what about psychopaths? How to cope with those? Thanks

  35. Unfortunately these are the very tactics used by the narcissist / psychopath, and they have been playing the game from the start, whereas you have just become aware of it.

    My preferred method of revenge is not to lower myself to their level, but to enjoy life without them in it, work hard and be successful. That hurts them most of all.

  36. Narcissist's are masters of Drama and chaos.

  37. Thank you for your perfect portrait of an actress Narcissist I had to evict after she stalked me. Suicidal or threatening phone calls at all hours. Inserting herself into my life.

  38. My ex is trying to hurt me via our son. He is bad mouthing me all the time to him.  

  39. Yet another great concise video . The advice has revealed that I have dealt with a problem the correct way . 

  40. I was basically a snake charmer to my ex for 28 years to keep him under control. It got to be very exhausting though.

  41. I had a relationship with a narcissist that I worked with. She came back after we ended the relationship and is currently assassinating my character to my coworkers. I know a lot of information that I could embarrass and/or humiliate her with but that would mean lowering my ethics and hurting her. I help people that I care about, not hurt them. That is why I am strong.

  42. Thank you so much for your information. I guess it never occurred to me to give my ex a taste of his own medicine. Thanks for sharing, very powerful.

  43. This advice is genius.

  44. The co-workers of the narcissist usually get mad and quit followed soon by the narcissist himself. I was actually stocked by one for that. He soon got help.

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