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7 thoughts on “Hurting the Poor Narcissist Abuser’s Feelings

  1. That is what it's about, just to live our lives in peace. Ya ditto!! don't ask them for shit unless you want to be judged and made feel guilty about even having asked for help with anything. but my narc brother has been living at home with the parents now for 18 years. they raised his children. My sister now has to depend on them to pay her utilities.. her husband kicked her out. ooooh KARMA~~~!

  2. D W

    Lol feel exactly how you do.

  3. In today's world, paying for things is a matter of survival.  Sabotaging the victims financial life is par for the course.

  4. It just occurred to me…  In the Talented Mr. Ripley, The overt narcissist says exactly the same thing.  You can't pay for anything.  Just kind of an interesting realization.

  5. lol… i was going to mention that but was happy to see you do if first …. right.  she's the one who can't pay for anything. It's her five duped husbands that are paying for every rotten thing she needs and does.

  6. I have realized that narc mothers hate anything that their daughter's are good at. That is what they are envious of. The part of you that they suck at. They can't be proud of you unless they are excellent at it themselves. They have no self-esteem so they breed that in us. 

  7. #PREACH!! YOU ARE AWESOME! I swear to goodness that its like your talking about my mother in all your videos especially this one!!! Stay vigilant and God bless!!!!

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