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40 thoughts on “Lonely, Schizoid Narcissist

  1. You're annoying go away

  2. this is fucking scary.. i really think im a narcissist thats why i just contain my self at home to prevent harmibg other people…. i even avoided my extended family offering me some help because im just a fucking burden to them… i just dont want to deal with people…. living in social isolation is not bad after all… i just learned to satisfy my self by playing video games….. and solitary games like chess…. i just interact with people through internet…. thats my life.. being a narcissist is a curse and its very scary… gives me chills.. i want to cry… ive had so many bad childhood experiences like my peta died its very sad.. now i dont own a pet to prevent myself from yhe hurt….. being a narcissist is fucking bad…… i just want to die.. im useless and dont deserve to live..

  3. im really afraid that im a narcissist

  4. i just hope theres a cure for narcissism….. i want to be healed

  5. this is fucking scary.. i really think im a narcissist thats why i just contain my self at home to prevent harmibg other people…. i even avoided my extended family offering me some help because im just a fucking burden to them… i just dont want to deal with people…. living in social isolation is not bad after all… i just learned to satisfy my self by playing video games….. and solitary games like chess…. i just interact with people through internet…. thats my life.. being a narcissist is a curse and its very scary… gives me chills.. i want to cry… ive had so many bad childhood experiences like my peta died its very sad.. now i dont own a pet to prevent myself from yhe hurt….. being a narcissist is fucking bad…… i just want to die.. im useless and dont deserve to live..

  6. SO schizophrenia/schizo-affective disorder can be a comorbid component of NPD. I know MANY schizophrenics who seem first and foremost narcissists and children of severely malignant narc mothers. Can the inability to have a core self, create a chasm and projection of darkness onto " the other". Apologies for my inability to precisely articulate my thoughts, but I am trying to understand an observation I have made. thank you.

  7. After this I took some personaliti tests. Now I'm not only Narcissistbut schizoid too. Haha gets better and better.

  8. This is me. Completely true

  9. Never occurred to me this comorbidity may be possible, interesting. Schizoids can also lean towards the narcissistic when deciding they're superior for their self-sufficiency, but it's still an inherently different situation from the one you talked about.

  10. This explains my ex so much.  i could not believe he was a narcissist at first, but after uncovering the deeper and darker layers of covert narcs i have grown to understand.  My feelings of deep sadness for his state of suffering are very intense.  i wish there was something to do to help him.  He has admitted his feelings of toxic shame to me and shared with me the traumas from his childhood which i believe led him to this behavior.  Is there really nothing to be done? He has refused counseling with me and so our family is breaking up.  I am very worried for his daughter who is fast becoming a people pleaser, and regret there was nothing i could do to step in and take care of her better, she was 8 when i met him, now 12.  I see her growing manipulative behaviors to get what she needs from Daddy, because of how he pit the two of us against each other for his narc supply.  The cruelty and sadism did not come out until the end when i drew some very strong boundaries about how the dynamic between them and myself was not healthy.  When i asked for family therapy to get better at communicating, he refused and deliberately began punishing me by doing the very things he knows cause all my reactivity to flare, especially triggering my fear of abandonment by threatening to leave and take her, which he never follows through on but uses as a  manipulative tool.  The last time he threatened, i made him leave, and said he could not come back until he agreed to counseling…  He is still not speaking to me, one month later.  During this time i have done my research and am beginning to understand his mental state, but it still boggles my mind that he KNOWS he is miserable, but won't get help.  It is crazy that he lost so many opportunities for a positive future with me, and even threw out the chance to inherit a great deal of property through my family.  What kind of self sabotage is this?  I thought narcs were into self preservation! Was me drawing a boundary for myself that unacceptable to him? I called him out on multiple passive aggressive manipulation tactics he was using, and it seems he has no recourse but silence.  After two years of him rejecting my desire to draw closer to him (since the wedding) and pushing me away at all costs, i had to face the fact that his definition of love does not match mine.  But i cannot understand how he could walk away without trying to get better….

  11. Im a schizoid and im probably narcissistic as well.

  12. Living like this is so painful.. I am paranoid part aswell. Please help me, what do I do?

  13. So many things about myself make sense now. 

  14. This seems like an accurate representation of this condition. You're thoughts on Narcissism and, in other videos, Schizoid personality disorder correlate with data but you delve deeper and present it in a digestible way. 

  15. +Peak Planet 75% of all diagnosed narcissists are men. Female Narcissists – Gender and the Narcissist

  16. Please tell more about schizoid narcissists, about their delusions and ways of behaving. This is the video mostly on NPD.

  17. I think theres one thing we should all consider and that is that the pathologising of human behaviour leads us to think that people that have narcisstic o.a personalities arent worth it and should be considered "ill", "disordered" , s.o. Sure, they can be humiliating, energy draining peaces of shit but you have to learn to distance from their "abnormal" behaviour and learn to rationalize your feelings towards such persons and not taking it serious. And still they ARE worth it, they ARE human, they DO derserve to get their needs satisfied, because often they don´t choose to be the way they are. If you´re not interested in seeing the world with different eyes and seeing through the facade of a narcissist then you dont have to, but often it can be interesting to actually see the little, wining, never-grown up child inside of such person and being able to recognize what makes him/her a HUMAN without feeling totally torn apart by their behaviour..

    Sorry for my english im just a german, and sorry if you dont understand what I was about to make you understand.

    Bye :)

  18. I am scared I may be Narcissist. I don't feel I control anyone but I feel my friend who was my ex partner controlled me. He would test me and put me down as he knows I am very emotional (I have bpd). I hate him when he hurts me but still go back for more. Now he has cut off communication. It has been six weeks and it is hurting me and making me angry. I am finding it hard to hold myself getting revenge. I am totally consumed by him and what has happened. I cant clear my head at all.

  19. Fascinating video. A -> B -> C deduction, such that someone with a no psychology background can easily grasp your points. If you don't mind my asking, have you ever studied formal logic?

  20. Thank you for sharing this info. You've helped me A LOT. Time for a new beginning w/out the problems a narcissist has brought to my life.

  21. Your videos mean the world to me right now. Thank you for this series, Sam! I have watched so many of these videos and it's really helping me to understand, educate myself and move forward from the pile of wasted plasma I spent 3 years of my life interacting with. Depriving a N of the one thing they want the most (attention from others) has helped me save my own sanity over the past few months and I'm in therapy to make sure I stop attracting people like him.

  22. I think I'm a narcissist

  23. The narcissist/sociopath I knew said to me that he would commit suicide. I asked him why, and he said that he now was living alone, and I had to be a fool that didn`t  understand that this required him to commit suicide. He was unable to obtain more victims after all his family and "friends" had left him due to his cruel behaviour, left some with chronic PTSD. So some time later, full of alcohol and drugs  he was addicted to, he shot himself. I dont think anyone shed any tear for him.

  24. I wish I knew this 10 years ago. Better late than never. We only get one chance at this life. Do not waste any time allowing them to trap you in relationship. It's pure hell, you'll wish for death if it goes on too long. 

  25. Good vid. The narcissist is a hypocrite. The narcissist despises most others, yet needs their affection and praise, otherwise he or she will feel worthless.

  26. This is terrific !! My final puzzle piece!

  27. That's interesting about how the narcissist get suicidal if theyh don't get their supply. I honestly believe that they'll actually relocate to get their supply thanks to social media.

  28. Hello Mr Sam,I am 17 and i think i could really use your help.Since i don't feel comfortable speaking my mind here would you accept a private message?I have noticed that the comments answered are little old so i thought i should ask first just in case you dont check your youtube channel anymore so I won't wait for no reason

  29. You made some interesting points, Sam. Very eye-opening..

  30. o

    Yet again a lot of info on psycopaths yet very little on schizoids and btw I don't see my scizoid personality type as a disorder. Sure I have a few deficiencies but who doesn't.

  31. you know i don't aim that high. to me entertainment doesn't only mean acting in hollywood. i should have clarified exactly what it is that i do. well i write awesome movie scripts, to work behind the scenes as director.

  32. People with personality disorders don't fare well in entertainment. Sure they get a lot of attention from the media and have their 15 minutes of fame but most don't become a Brad Pitt or a Denzel Washington. You need a level head to prosper in that industry.

  33. Why shouldn't Western Civilization collapse? They've had no concern for the collapse of others', some of which they've had a role in.

  34. Do you know how many people are walking around in Los Angeles with personality disorders? A lot of them come out to L.A. and real show business avoids them like the plague.

  35. Watch the video on this channel about warm vs. cold empathy.

  36. i chose the schizoid solution & it's mostly pretty effective in terms of "being happy". but i don't wanna stay like this forever. sooner or later i'm gonna share my fantasy world w/ all the other people, because i need supply & money. i'll be entertainer. how's that for a plan.

  37. My mother/brother were never interested in hobbies if it didnt bring them money.not even cooking, or shopping. if it was possible, mother would stay at home and just sleep half day and other day watch tv. there are also smart hard working narcists (Hitler,Steve Jobs,Nietchse etc.) i dont know if they became succesful because they had jsut a mild form of NPD or higher intelligence.

  38. They might be special, but somehow they dont bother with their own talent, inteligence. they are more interested in shallow materialistic things. my mother(NPD plus Histrionic) is artisticaly talented -she never finished school and never did anything artistic. i just know it she draw once. i got that talent from her. brother (NPD) was talented as a child in Computers but as he became adult he started to chase money, girls and abandoned it, altrough techers and everybody told him to continue.

  39. What are the solution for a narcissist/bastard then? I'm at the ending stage of a narcissistic fantasy life. I have no control over others consciously yet somehow others have always had it easy to fall under my command and I release them. I thought I was a psychopath but then I find out by a roommate who study psychology that I am schizoid. I literally have no empathy and I perceive others hurt feelings as ridiculous and silly and my attitude towards it is get over it. Is this bad?

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