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33 thoughts on “Narcissism Symptoms. See if your partner has these traits

  1. While I don't disagree with the criteria, sometimes the symptoms aren't obvious.  If they were, few of us would ever involve ourselves with narcissists.  Grandiosity, for instance, might mean that they don't care to associate with "common people" or, for instance, blue collar people.  Exaggerated sense of self might mean leaving meetings early because "they don't have time for that."

  2. Narcissist are actually a self absorbed, they do not recognize your feelings and make YOU disappear, you feel like you can't express yourself well enough to be understood, they withhold supporting anything good that happens to you. 

  3. 4:17; qualities?  I think not. 

  4. It is interesting that some therapists talk of personality disorders as if they are talking about freaks from Mars, when in fact all people display many or most of the traits at times to different degrees. Such a therapist has not accepted her own demons. Run don't walk.

  5. Wow- this really just helped me untangle some things that were really confounding me about my last relationship…and my childhood! Wow. Mind is blown.

  6. Gosh! my Cat has NPD.

  7. This seems to apply to most people in the adult work environment.  One narcissist in the workplace infects everyone around them with their desease unfortunately!

  8. I am so destroyed from one; it took 6 months after the split to realize it.  I sooo wish I could have seen this long ago.  I saw and experienced all of the warning signs from the beginning..15 years ago…I was in too deep to listen to them. 

  9. My spouse is the Don Juan type, a beguiling flirt & charmer! Everyone thinks he's so loving and loyal and I'm just the luckiest woman ever, but he's broken my bones, split my scalp and face open, knocked out my teeth, then broken my dental work, and even disjointed my fingers, just for confronting him for blantantly cheating on me over and over (daily, no joke!). Despite me seeing him with his pants undone, penis still erect & wet(sticking to his underwear) and seeing the other person bolt out of my back or front door (mind you in broad daylight, not just night), to a parked running car and speeding away… he has the audacity to claim I'm just a crazy b*tch, seeing things… that I need serious help… how could I even think such a horrible thing of him, he's never been unfaithful to me once in 20yrs!! HA, hes been nothing but a rampant slut for all of those years! Does he really think I'm that mentally incompetent or is he that sick & dissociative that he doesn't remember screwing someone less than a minute ago? Seriously, tell me who he thinks he's fooling? He always says "wheres your proof", as if my own 2 eyes arent proof enough. What would he do if I caught him on camera finally, would he even admit the truth then? I honestly doubt it, in fact I think he would either try to break the camera/evidence or I fear, even kill me, especially if I caught him engaged in gay sex with another man, which is exactly what I've seen a few times. I'm a financial hostage right now without a decent job. Going to a women's shelter for me is a joke, I'd lose EVERYTHING. I own a rental property and then theres our home together, if I just walk away he basically gets them both. He got me fired 3yrs ago from a a good job when I discovered sex dating sites on our PC and his cell phone, as well as seeing people running out of our home. I've recently found out he's been deliberately sabotaging me by deleting calls from new potential employers because I've made it very clear that as soon as I'm financial independent again, he's gone forever. I wouldn't care about losing the home we shared for 12yrs where he was defiling our marriage people day and night, but the house I inherited from my father passing wouldnt be safe in a divorce either, because if one of us doesnt pay on our old home (which he threatened to do btw) the bank will try and take my other property(if its rented out) or put a lien on it (if I'm living there) for the amount of the other property. Thats not right or even close to fair. I worked just as hard & paid just as much into our lives, more even, because I basically raised our kids alone, never mind my blood & tears he's spilled. How do you fight a monster like that? My fondest wish is for him to get prostate cancer and lose the use of his dick altogether, as he dies a slow, painful, horrible death, ALL ALONE. Its exactly what he's owed for the willful destruction of my life and his childrens' lives, because he's never regretted ANYTHING he's done to us and never will.

  10. I have 10 I should probably get help

  11. does it make me a narcissist because I looked this video up to see if i was a narcissist?

  12. But But… narcissist are so hot!!

  13. Are narcisists aware of what they are? If they are aware can they recover?

  14. Why does our society feel the need to "clinically diagnose" all behaviors that are abusive, selfish or otherwise hurtful to others? Perhaps because in our twisted society, nothing is anyone's fault because of (insert excuse) here. The fact of the matter is that there are just mean, selfish, abusive and hateful people. Always have been, always will be. But to accept this means less money in the pockets of psychotherapists and drug companies. 

  15. Thanks for this video I used to live with a narcissist at school and I was in love with him for many years but this year I've realized who he truly is and I am usually one to say that I live with no regrets but the only regret I have washim so thank you for this now I really know who he is. 🙂 

  16. Best psych read abut how much these jerks cost tax payers- fraud in mental health- written anonymously by a therapist or social worker who workes for the government. These personality disorders cost 25 billion a year in disability as they malinger on mental health disability. Oh and it's enabled by social workers who have to make productivity to keep their jobs. Seriously, I am still mad about it. Now i ask every therapist i meet and two have flat out told me it's all true. 

  17. Brittle cordiality: politeness that has an undertone of being insincere, that will be at risk of being replaced by belligerence or rudeness if someone conversing with him/her departs from a prepared script. (My definition.) If applies to many narcissists. It's also a warning sign that someone is dishonest, even outside the narcissism context.

  18. So, allow me to toss this idea out there. Is it narcissistic when you think you’re better than everyone that you work with if its been proven time and again they are about as stupid as a box of rocks?

  19. Hmm i answered yes to everything lol

  20. Yes they can be caring thoughtful and you realise all the bad things later. It's taken me a long time to realise, I have questioned and doubted it so many times but something isn't right.
    Thank you for this helpful video 

  21. This Video reflects nearly all Females of today.

  22. They come in all kinds of varieties, except our 'expert' here

  23. Why did I not see this a year ago?!?
    WATCH this. It may save your life or  the life of someone you know.

  24. This sounds like MOST American females!

  25. Some of those traits can be for other personality disorders too. I have bpd and I have some of them but far from Narcisstic. I would never hurt anyone intentionally and if I did without thinking I would feel terrible about it and will be forever apologising

  26. Obama has all of these symptoms.

  27. phyical abuse is another cause of narcissistic personality and other personality disorders. ~LauraBeth Villarreal, B.A., M.A.

  28. I have alot of these symptoms…..

  29. To have a couple of these traits are normal in order for us to take care of ourselves.  Two or three traits means your more self absorbed and selfish.  Enough to probably be annoying and hurtful to others.  If you have five or more traits it is a personality disorder. Narcissism is a personality disorder where everything is about them.  If a Narcissism woman has children the children will be emotionally abused their whole life. Sometimes physically. There is nothing nice about a narcissist unless you like gas lighting, emotional cruelty, being used, lied to manipulated and the list goes on.  A narcissist be it man or woman will come into your life making you think they are the best thing that ever happened to you. Play head games with you with all the abuse and once you have nothing left they want they walk out.  It is the same for all of them.  They lack what it takes to be human in things like empathy and love because they only love themselves. They are one of the reasons we have so much child abuse in this country so why some of the comments here think this is a farce I am not sure. To me that means you either are one or you have not got enough knowledge on the subject.  I was raised by one and now work with abused children and women.  It trashes you while your trying to grow up.   Some of the daughters end up trying suicide, prostitution, drinking, drugs and cutting.  I was one of the lucky ones I went the other direction.  Before you make comments as if this is nothing live with one for  awhile. You will never be the same for it. 

  30. Hi, thanks for sharing this video, I am a 20year old male and after watching this it turns out I am fully narcissistic. But the thing I dont understand is that you are framing narcissism to be a bad thing? Narcissism is what actually gets me laid. So for that reason I am proud to have this "personality disorder". (I am also writing this comment in hopes of attention from others, hopefully some angry replies)

  31. Great video and completely spot on.  Someone that has never dealt with one, or some people that may be one can't see the problems they have.  It's an illness for which there is no cure.  For people that say you are me, me, me, I say you've done a nice job on the video.  

    You're a professional and recognize this disease is real.  Someone that can't identify may need to look inward, yet that is highly unlikely as you know.  They simply think that everyone else in the world has a problem but them.  Thanks for making this!

  32. So true… Must get out fast I delt with this with my last BF it was the harest thing I ever went through .. Stay true and strong .they will sometimes pose as beautiful people great personalities flowers , cards, handwritten poems and card with beautiful saying , beautiful jewelry and after a year it starts the ignoring you and quiet and no outside socializing dont like people in your family I could go on one by one you will lose yourself to him he will, call you fat , ugly , none successful , he made you who you are . The list ones on your nothing with out him your crazy , all your friends are crazy ..youra cheater a liar ..he will say you did everything wrong when really he is all these things and you are none of them ..he will take a half truths and turn them to full truths by manipulating you .. He will kill you inside then when your still trying to help him come out of this obsession with you being no good he will start verbally and physically abusing you . So please seek counseling fast . Get help get out . 

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