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18 thoughts on “Narcissist Abusers’ Energy Field

  1. When I went into labor my NarcisSISTER was supposed to be my coach. She stood across the room and made fun of me. Mocked a motion I was making with my hand to work through the pain of natural labor. She mimicked me and was asking my husband "Why is she doing that? " and laughing at me. The energy she brought to the room made me sick. She is always punishing and I think she enjoyed my agony. She is truly satanic.

  2. I became convinced of the existence of evil after seeing this video of an emotionally abusive woman called, "My crazy ex" by user Turon83. Actually, it was after I saw in the comments of his other videos, in which I learned that this girl killed his dog, which was a gift from a previous girlfriend. The crazy girl hated that dog, and for no reason that could have been under the creature's control or comprehension, but for the crime of coming from an ex she was jealous of. Evil leads to an empty spiral of unreasoning hatred. A dog loves you know matter who you are. A dog knows no judgment. So sometimes, I fear the overness, that there may exist spiritual entities out there that hate us, and desire Lovecraftian horrors upon us for ills we can't reasonably expect to be guilty of

  3. Hi there! I haven't seen anything like this but I have felt something around my narc ex which he was aware of too.

    He had a lot of fear and paranoia and one day he was going thru a paranoid/fear episode and I could feel a cold vortex like breeze around him, it was icy cold and this area ended around a foot from his body. I said to him "It's all cold around you" and he said "Yes, that happens when I'm in a state of fear" and said that it had happened before and others had also been aware of it.

    I've looked at a lot of narc survivor pages and yours is the first that has gone into more left field/metaphysical subject matter, like your video, 'Lists of Abuse' I think it's called where you said that the narcs suck your goodness out of you and replace it with their badness. I have also thought this was happening, but have never vocalised it until now because it's a more kooky idea.

    Your video reminded me of something I once read in the Celestine Prophecy. where a mother and father were verbally abusing there child until she blew up and retaliated and two onlookers could see these peoples energy fields, the mother and father were psychically vampirising the child until she could take no more. It's a fictional book but is very interesting to read.

    Take care and thank you for your videos.

  4. Very scary indeed. So sorry a counselor raped you. The using bastard!
    My ex narc boyf would start yelling & his face would get stiff, his eyes would appear lifeless, emotionless but be staring not at but into me. The times his put downs & yelling lasted hours I'm convinced there was an evil presence. I felt the evil energy & there was no talking to him. He was not in his brain. I'd be silent. Writing what he said. Then he'd switch to normal tone of voice. During these times he'd get disgusting about my family, friends, just perverse & way cruel.
    At night sometimes I'd see white like smoke around him. No faces or figures but creepy moving smoke.

  5. I don't see dead people, I see demons. It happens only upon waking and I can feel it's evil. I also see negative energies around a psychopath that I keep clear of. He is very disturbed.

  6. My MNM can hurt you without saying a word or doing anything. I know she does it on purpose because she switches that ability off when she wants to. I couldn't understand how she did it but maybe what you saw might be the answer. They are not spiritual people so how can they even do it?

  7. Dan

    interesting and unique title

  8. ive had my narc speak some funky evil tongue when she passed out after an anemic episode. what she jabbered i instinctually knew she was talkin some evil shit!

  9. Hey there… I did come and check out your video.  I subbed too 🙂   One sure way to discern is—- if it is evil then it's satanic (demonic).   I will never believe anything other than that.  If the person is a decent human being then of course it's not demonic.  I have pretty good radar when it comes to spotting evil… prolly from my own experiences of being around it.  One thing that really bugs me is when someone will swear that an evil person just has a 'mental disorder'.  That is a pet peeve of mine.  Mental disorders do not make a person evil to the core.  What's that ole' saying?  If it walks like a duck…..  also birds of a feather… they do indeed enjoy the company of others just like them.  At any rate, glad you commented to me or else I wouldn't of found your channel 🙂  I look forward to watching more of your videos in the future.  Always surround yourself with sane people and enjoy the blessings of peace & love ♥

  10. The Head Counselor???!! Holy fuck. I have a Wicca friend who has a witch store I'm sure she could help. I'll send her this video.

  11. Is it just me or do you ever feel like your in the Act 1 of 'Invasion of the Body Snatchers' movie? I feel now with all the work I've done that I can spot one INSTANTANEOUSLY because its like something goes off in me and I catch it in their eye in just one simple look. It's like they are gageing me on my worth to them. I feel it mostly when I'm trying to kinda 'win' someone over I KNOW doesn't like me or could benefit me in some way. I now immediately treat these types like they are dirt or ghosts now.

  12. IDK I posit that if I am whatever kind of strange empath that I am — I can literally tap into a person and tap into them in odd though non-destructive ways — I can even feed off of their energy or whatever it is I can feed off of, which also does not hurt them in the least — I'd say your mother could very well have this aura or whatever it was around her. I have never actually seen anything hovering around a predator, yet this is not one of my talents or traits though it may be, likely is, one of yours (i.e. the ability to see this stuff)…

  13. Mental health professionals are oftentimes the most dysfunctional and deranged humans on the planet. Sweetie-Baby was and still is a psychiatrist.

  14. Wow that is so interesting.  I appreciate you sharing because many are hesitant to share these types of experiences.  The first thing I thought when you mentioned seeing her arm swinging at you, was you being shown in the spiritual realm what was literally happening to your soul or psyche.  I have seen things and felt that I was being shown something I need to open my eyes and see, but whatever the case I believe many of us are much more intuitive but that maybe our empathetic nature gets in the way of seeing some people for who they really are.

  15. Good video! I am so  sorry that a narc counsellor assaulted you! ((hugs)) That's horrific.
    That thing with your narc x mom's arm appearing at the same time as a 3rd arm, spinning around like a swatting apparition? I TOTALLY believe that! I have seen things too! I just sent you a video privately of me where I discuss that. (I had to make it pvt cuz I mentioned a name in the vid that needs to remain protect the person) but I totally believe that. Demonic? Perhaps.  Other-worldly and/or on another plane? Very possible. Supernatural shit and you're an intuitive person..highly sensitive and, plus, you can sense a narc coming before it shows up. I think you  are especially fine-tuned to sense and even see stuff that not everyone can see/sense.
    Would be very interesting to take a poll of survivors to see how many of us  have had super-natural encounters.
     I bet there's a lot of us…not just cuz off US but cuz narcs bring crap of that nature to  The Table.

  16. Very interesting, thanks for sharing this info. I appreciate how shocking this must have been and am wondering if you felt her energetic strikes physically? I never "saw" anything, but during a few of his most intense rages and de-masking sessions, I felt what I want to call "energetic blows" to my solar plexus.  It knocked the wind out of me and made me double over as if I had been punched in the gut.  Never felt this before or after this ex bf narc.  It wasn't the normal way I felt panic attacks coming on either.  When SpartanLifeCoach did a vid on zombie witch doctors and the sensation of being "cored out," I related to that, unfortunately.  The creepiest thing about him for me was the experience of two voices coming out of his body, what he explained away (nervously) as "gas" noises, to me sounded like it was speaking words.  It was so pronounced during a hoover-call, I slowed down the message play backs using my computer, and clearly heard two voices speaking two messages at once; I heard "the good one" telling the "demonic one" to "please stop it Lee" using its middle name for the destructive/evil shit it was saying while the other "him" was trying to play "nice sorry guy"(he was splitting all by his lonesome I guess.) I never observed/suspected this with anyone else in my life EVER.  He always said, "I would never hit a woman," but I know he really wanted to, it felt like he did it using energy.

  17. I'm so sorry that you had someone harm you physically, mentally and emotionally, in another vid  I commented to search out of therapists, I didn't know but still feel like shouldn't have commented …. I swear these people, I wish they would leave you the hell alone…I know you said your established there …. but maybe a couple of week-end or week-days when your not working scout out  an area 20-30 miles out of your area for some places to perform  and scout housing options, if anything it might make a nice day out range to breath untainted narc. air.  If you could get set up that close, you could still make it to work where you are sometimes then you'd be out of sight, out of reach, ….. The thought of you fully packed in U-Haul Van doing donuts in their lawn, flicking them the bird in the middle of the night …. On your old lawn ,..Big sign…" No forwarding address, Go Eat shit and Leave me alone"   …… I don't know how do-able that is , but it made me smile to image you truly getting safely away…… : ) …..dee

  18. I'm truly sorry you were raped, to have a counsellor do this, preying on the most vulnerable, is both predatory & horrendous. I've always been wary of counsellors, the good one's are few and far between. I think channels like yours are far more therapeutic.  I liked your explanation re: energy field, I know it sounds nuts, but I've seen similar (twice). The point of difference is I've only seen it around people when they were joyous, it was red & green and beautiful, electrifying.

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