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41 thoughts on “Narcissist as a Spoiled Brat

  1. Can we dismantle the Narc's pathological space from a distance?

  2. thank you Esser I agree with you

  3. they are born spoiled brats

  4. how can i contact you ??

  5. soon appreciated!!! ugh!!!

  6. Is it possible for a narcissist to admit that they are a narcissist? To admit that they have a problem? (From experience) it seems like they justify within themselves all if their hurtful actions towards people. Or if they do apologize for something (which is extremely rare) it's only to deceive, manipulate or is some part of their agenda for control. If you know someone who is a narcissist and you know they need help, is it even possible for them to get treatment or is all hope lost? 

  7. Is there any relationship between schizo affective disorder and narcissism?

  8. What happens if you manage to force a narcissist to endure therapy with a psychologist?

  9. You have described my mother

  10. Elicits sympathy so cleverly, Drama King, Rageaholic verbally, Obsessed with.. time…, misplaced property.  Defensive, changes subject,  Blames, Critical, arrogant, extremely reserved & only happy when drunk.  EXTREMELY generous with gifts and creativity around home and out socialising is always showering $$$$$  toward fellow drinkers. Everyone loves it when he enters the club. This post is so powerful Sam. I have only just separated…. Healing now from years of deep in process. In the end  I became unsympathetic toward him."emotionally bankrupt" so to speak   The money and gifts just did not cut it in the end. I did love this old guy.. but need to learn to love & care for myself now…. damage control. I have watched a great many of your UTUBE and must say this one is hitting home right now. THANK YOU 

  11. Sam, can you speak on the antisocial passive-parasitic?  I've seen almost every video and appreciate your work.

  12. If my boyfriend is willing to listen to this with an open mind, is there a chance i can help him with his fears, aggression, self-pity, and self-loathing? Is there anyway to help him to believe he is not being threatened when he is not being threatened. How do I help him with his delusions in a healthy way? How to I help him to not hold me in contempt and punishing me for everything I say that he doesn't like? Anything I want to talk about that he doesn't want to? He sulks and and gives me the silent treatment from things that I say that he takes differently.  I believe this is some kind of paranoid delusion?? Please help!

  13. Is there any such thing as a "group" narcissist?  Would this be called a cult?  Many people connected by narcissist characters, seeing people outside their group as being inferior?  Someone outside who refuses to fuel their narcissist belief of themselves?

  14. It's just a pronoun, but he always refers to a narcissist as a "he".  Are most narcissists actually male?

  15. Well, I think everyone has a little bit of narcissist.

  16. When is self love healthy? When is it unhealthy?

  17. I hope you find a way forward x

  18. Rather than "Narcissists" having been abused…I have found that many "Narcissists" were spoiled and often over pampered, while growing up. However some experts say that spoiling a child is one of the most insidious forms of child abuse, as the child has a sense of entitlement and is ill prepared for life or loving anyone… other than the self.

  19. Exactly. When we dare confront ourselves and study books about these dark themes and the like, we are not off-track – we are on the right track gaining insight into the wonders of Life 🙂

    It's truly amazing observing the pathological creatures, since they really believe that they are superior and the ones who should evaluate and judge others. I happened to be exposed to some of those trying to undermine/ruin my integrity – I forgive them Again and again and just move on and do my work.

  20. This is extremely precise.

    One of the most interesting Things is the ability to make up new stories to convince others about one being a victim for all sorts of Things.

    The narcissist is acting a a "professional victim" to play on an abuse other people's sympathy and often people who see themselves as victims.

    Another interesting thing is how many people a narcissist can infiltrate and manipulate and none of them realize what is going on, even though it's being pointed out for them.

  21. Thank you for these videos they help me a lot.I understand now why my husband acts the way he does it was so hurtful and confusing untill, I watched your videos.I hope that I can find a support system to help me focus even after 17 years.I feel co dependency is realy hard to get out of that cycle.I believe to do that I will have to have more confidence in my self.I wish there were more video's about recovering by the spouse from narcissistic behavior withdrawal,or side effects of this treatment.

  22. I think there are other elements in play other then a parents fault. I can see this behavior in my son, my husbands son, my husband, and his Mother.
    My husband has two siblings that have like problems.
    Please tell me if others experience the same.

  23. The point is that not only did he do these things Sam noted in the video, responding with horrifying rage, paranoia and claiming to be a victim, but I noticed that all of these behaviors served a DUAL purposes.They not only gave him a fasle sense of power, hence narcissistic supply, but they also allowed him to EVADE discussing taking the cat in and to AVOID helping it. Plus. it emotionally tortured me to see the cat die. And it allowed him just sit on his ass and watch TV, his main intention.

  24. I watched a narcissist repeatedly respond with violent rage, paranoia and claiming to be a victim. in response to the most innocuous things, one of which was my asking him to please take a sick, suffering family pet to the vet. I was unable to do it, as I had cancer.He reacted with rage, violence, paranoia, and pronouncing himself to be a victim, in response to me each time I pleaded to him to help the suffering animal. He screamed, "NO one tells ME what to DO!" The cat finally died as a result.

  25. Angrygreekmanyo should sacrifice himself, that would be really cool.

  26. i kill animals and sacrifice them to my friends statue and love to always have the attention and insult everyone yo , am i a narcissist ? ? ?

  27. parents and other enabling people in a narc.'s life are a huge cause of why they are the way they are because theyre too weak-willed to correct the situation and are definitely part of the problem. i dont respect them

  28. Mmm … sabotage … anti-social behaviors … passive-aggression … recklessness … etc etc … it is all adding up … how absolutely stupid of me to hang about for so very long and at this time in my life when I could least afford it … 🙁

  29. It's terrible that is permitted in our culture. I've seen it too. Mainly professors at top universities and apartment landlords. It's a crazy world. I always thought the great USA had higher standards. I have a lot of great vlogs on these topics. Check them out soon.

  30. From what I have heard about her mom she was just as bad.

  31. I live with a coward who is like that. Never owned his disappointment and anger: he constantly displaces anger over any small foible. He looks for foibles and chooses to get angry instead of choosing to fix it himself.

  32. Her equally stupid parents and family members permitted her to act that way. Nobody ever rebuked her.

  33. I had a boss who would actually stomp her feet like a child when she was unhappy.

  34. @cocobogey Search my channel for the relevant video.

  35. what on earth is "fake narcissistic supply"?

  36. @THEOZZYFUL Strange, the maker of this video (Mr Vankin) rebukes your claims in a different video: Narcissism Myths: Suicide, Types, Crises.

    He starts talking about the self-awareness at about 2:40

  37. so so so glad you're still making these videos. Excellent work.

  38. I still love him but can't be near him for fear of finishing off whatever remains of the original person. I've moved on but he is stuck and walled off from real life. I find myself still trying to rescue from a distance but I have to let go and hope he gets better.

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