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32 thoughts on “Narcissist: Drama Queen in Pathological Narcissistic Space

  1. "…a life fraught with gross dishonesty." So, you've met my husband! Brilliant video, I think I held my breath throughout. You are to be commended, your disclosure of how the narcissist sees himself and the world is nothing short of poetic. Hold still while I put this laurel wreath on your head… and thank you.

  2. I think my brothers been lying to me my whole life and I'm his twin brother

  3. Spontaneous healing ? I was under the impression that narcissistic traits was permanent.
    thanks for all the videos ;-)

  4. You are always in control if you are aware.

  5. Thank you. This explains why the N. kept telling part of the family that we were not to use HIS bank etc. because we would embarrass him. It threatened his area, pathological narcissistic space, of N. supply control because we know the true him.

  6. Is a narcissistic also a pedofile??

  7. So the cure or trigger for a narcissist to become 'normal', or understand his real self, is to view the world and his position in it realistically? Realise he is shit at things. Realise other people that are good at things worked to be good at them. It's quite horrifying to see people suggesting it is genetic and not psychological or behavioural, I mean come on? Surely someone with severe narcissistic personalities can be persuaded to express their true self and understand their strengths and weaknesses and be able to talk about them in truth?

  8. So what causes the narcissist to love himself so much?

  9. I grew up with a "drama queen."  I used to call her the "Queen Bee, when I was 12."  It became apparent that something was wrong, but being so young I could not do anything about it.  By the time I was 14 I tried to leave home; my abuser (mother) was charging me rent for my bedroom, which I could not pay, so I left.  She rented my bedroom out, and that is when I realized her goal in life was money, disregarding any human emotion, respect, love, or ability to be loved.  I was informed that "she would not be providing for me any longer."  She went to my high school in California and told the principle that I could no longer attend school.  I was free to "work" at 14, and live my adult life; she could then be free.  WRONG.  I was way too young, at which time I formed relationships with people far too old for me.  I did well; I escaped, only for my abuser to not be "finished" with me. Of course failing to be an adult at 14, I tried to return home to my abusive mother.  That is when she informed me that her boss was picking me up (16 years old by then) and getting me an apartment.  I was not allowed to live with her or my brother.  The rest is history.  It was not free at all.  It required my "services" as a very young lady, and I had to perform them.  When I tried to escape by calling my mother she said, "that is your problem."  No, it was HER problem.   Furthermore, it was not enough that I left forcibly, she wanted more.  So, I became a "source"; a "supply" to degrade; humiliate; destroy in every way, and this continued until recently.  I do not feel she will ever stop abusing my name, and she has also engaged in ID fraud, ($20,000) all because she had a "baby she did not want", regardless of the fact that I had no choice in the matter.  I think those who are seeking these videos must have some experience in abuse or you would not be looking for this.  This is just 2% of what has happened to me, and affected everyone I know and love.  The main recourse is NO CONTACT.  But, if the abuser has your SS#; date of birth; time of birth; etc, it can be very dangerous.  Asking for your moms "maiden" name can be hazardous when applying for credit, or for security reasons.  I feel so sad that I could have had a wonderful life; filled with the great things that people experience, amidst the pain and sorrow, which is a normal part of life. My life has NOT been normal.  I feel if God had been the staple of my parents; they had lived by wisdom, none of this would have happened.  I would have had moral parents who were capable of love, but it is handed down, and my mother was also a victim of a home w/o love, and as a trained being, could not love anyone herself.  I have a gift from God; I do love other people and I pray my comments help others who may have encountered things that are very atypical; you are not alone, and it is not your fault. 

  10. Dr. Varkin, a very interesting video. I was wondering if we believe that Jesus was not the son of god but in fact just a man who believed himself to be chosen in some special sense, do you find it a compelling idea that he was a narcissist?

  11. Through these vids I now know I have been a victim of a pathological narcissist for almost 40 yrs.  I was barely 15 and he was 30.  Now im 54 and he is 68 and virtually crippled.(cant hit me any more eh?) so I am/was "his carer". I will get out. The process has begun.  I will seek help…… Thank you.xx 

  12. He sneak's back into my head every so often, then I watch your videos again and I'm ok. thank you.

  13. "Dude!!!" As "we" say in California …

  14. I have never made but one prayer to God, a very short one: 'O Lord make my enemies ridiculous.' And God granted it.

  15. Sam.  I am curious to know what is more important to the narcissist?    The pathological space, where they may enjoy SOME narcissistic supply or a true narcissistic supply mate who follows them home?  I suppose I am asking because I am curious to know if a narcissist will leave a space in the same way they leave supply?  Is it the same amount of time?  The same devalue?   I dealt with a narcissist whom I think I help to introduce to a space.  I helped her gain a footing into some local bars, where she did not know people.  Before long, she was loved through her charisma, charm, and good looks.  Now I know I have to start NO CONTACT and I cannot go to these places.  Will she devalue them and leave?  Or will she get new narcissistic supply from them to take home AND maintain her pathological space?

  16. Stay away from his stage and from his plays. MACABRE MEANDERINGS……. Always a toxic tangled web if you join into his septic script. DO NOT GO INTO HIS DRAMATIC DISILLUSIONED DEN OF DENIAL. Very dangerous to your seeking soul. I know. Pay attention… listen people and keep listening until you get it.Patricia .

  17. Okay I have to rant to you folks. My new husbands dad is an emotionally/mentally abusive narcissist. He is also a pervert. We had to sever relations with him. His wife who is extremely battered emotionally and beaten down, defends him like he is an angel. My husband and I wanted to save her at one time, then realized she would destroy us before she would ever leave her abuser. She is permanently messed up. So sad! It's been a long stressful weekend but we are free from them both now. 😐

  18. *Breaths a sigh of relief*…..great talk:-)

  19. good luck.
    The only thing which prevented me from taking my own life in the past was my religion, I fear the pain could continue in the after life or be even worse. All what we need to do to die is wait for the time to pass anyway. Living with N people often make you try to be perfect or have too much expectations on yourself, learning to accept things how they are may be good.

  20. Ok, I agree with alexander,, but I don't see how life being a stage make them suffer. My mother is an NPD and trough all my life I have never seen her feeling guilt, frustrated or sad. Even when the worst thing happen to her all what she need to do is changing the narrative and it is all good to her. Even when she is acting like she is sad she is enjoying it because it is meant to get N supply.
    Narcissism is a mechanism developed to cope with extreme abuse in exchange of your own humanity

  21. Having read your work, I would very much like to be analysed. I have strong suspicions that I have this. I burn with envious rage, and have dizzyingly high literary goals. I wish for my greatness to be etched into the brains of the many.

  22. My nickname for my ex is Drama Queen. Again your videos are very resourceful. My ex honestly believes the fact that he's alive and breathing is a sign of his greatness. He also uses self-pity to gain attention and compliments. I've watched him in action and his body language makes my skin crawl.

  23. Outstanding video,–this may be one of the best in your series. I am beginning to understand this type of person & how they can hurt you without any feelings whatsoever—it's all about them & having their needs met. Constant drama gets them what they need, & they'll even go so far as to lie to get what they need–i.e., telling people that their father is dying or how they've been betrayed by a friend. These things garner sympathy, something they thrive on. Thank you for this valuable insight.

  24. why ? It looks like they only make people suffer, they don't suffer themselves

  25. Your videos are seriously the most informative and accurate when it comes to Narcissism. I've always thought that I'm different to other people, even superior in a lot of contexts. So much so that I don't relate myself with anybody that I deem stupid or dumb, which is quite a lot of people, so I have very few friends. The one person I've kept at my side has said to me a few times he knows that I have a high amount of narcissistic traits but accepts it as me. A part of me feels sorry for him

  26. I have to deal with several co-workers at work who are narcissist on a job.

  27. Ive had to deal with a narcissist. a dangerous one at that.

  28. Very accurate insights. Of course although he constantly talks about the male narcisist the narcisistic female mind is distorted in the exact same manner, as he discloses in another vid, the disorder just manifests itself slightly different in female.

  29. As the Leading Foremost Expert on Narcissism, I'd like your professional opinion on the film "Young Adult" Starring Charlize Theron. Is this a good depiction of what a true narcissists life is like? What could have been shown, what was inaccurate, what was most accurate?

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