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4 thoughts on “Narcissist Playbook

  1. they always play on your conscience. hence the reason why he was trying to make you feel bad for contacting his ex.

  2. My god, isn't it crazy how alike Covert Narcissistic people are? Your story of your Narc is exactly like my narc wife. Especially triangulation of the new supply, with the old supply. I believed her 1st husband was an abusive ass, now she's doing the same to me. Making false allegations of abuse, making me look like a crazy, abusive person while she plays victim with the new supply sources (of which there are a few).

    Mine even lied under oath and got a protective order in order to get me out of my home, so she could bring her new supply in. and has become vindictive, withholding all my belongings, my dog, preventing me from seeing the step children I raised. She even tried ro destroy my job amd the 3 years I have in school towards my social work degree.

    Basically, overnight I was homeless living in my car, no belongings, almost losing my job and ruining my education based on false allegations.

    And, she had been smearing me covertly for at least a year behind my back. The whole ordeal is crazy making, and we have to be the sane ones, not seeking revenge and to be stable.

  3. Thanks for sharing. I'm still going thru my divorce from my somatic Covert Narcissistic wife. It wasn't until the mask fully slipped did I get a full understanding of the delusional, distorted perception of reality that layed under her mask.

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