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23 thoughts on “Narcissist Playing The Take Away Game

  1. he plays this game all the time with me, every aspect money silent treatment, woww

  2. This is a very smart man

  3. You poor guy.. You got beat up like me to know the 'silent treatment' .. I remember days of that..

  4. Another excellent video. Passive aggressive psycho torture aka silent treatment. Just get the love from some real man/partner instead of wasting any time with the petty psycho games of the abusive narcissist. And yes they're so pathetic that they actually get a kick of it their retarded games

  5. great analysis. thanks for posting.

  6. My mom did this to me she was angry at me for a lot of very minuscule things and would not allow me to see my brother for two years. She is a co vert narcissist. Very sneaky about it

  7. Great explanation. Mine used the silent treatment on me and I really didn't know what was going on so I fell for it, but not anymore. He can go silent all he wants. I don't give a dam. I've got other people to talk to or I can amuse myself.

  8. Really resonated with this one. Was in a long-term marriage with a narcissist who played the withholding sex version of the take away game and never understood. Thanks to your video, I now understand.

  9. Solution to the take away game: no contact. Take away their ability to play take away. Game over.

  10. Very very true and insightful ! Great communication style! Thank you!

  11. They are also like you said in another vid, the biggest cowards around. Once when I was being stalked by someone Narcky was at my house when this individual showed up. Don't you know instead of addressing him, he stayed near my bedroom door? This is the same person who brags about being in the Marine Corps which none of them are normal by the way, and he totes a gun everywhere he goes, like he is billy bad ass. When sh*t hits the fan, he will run and hide.
    He also never anticipated my very aggressive response to him trying to rule me, and he saw a side of me he never saw before as a result. He ran away faster than an Olympic champion. He better hide behind his gun, bec the gun has bigger balls than he ever did lol.

  12. They threaten with removal of your children ! And the female always has the law on her side.

  13. An extension of the 'takeaway game' is when you share a child with a narc that you are now divorced from. Heaven help you if that narc also happens to earn a significantly higher salary than you do. Once they have exhausted YOUR finances, they will use their money to disregard any Court Orders and keep YOUR child away from you — even though doing so ALSO harms their child.

    Hopefully you will do a few videos on 'co-parenting with a narcissist' soon. Brilliant work and great info sir!

  14. The power tripping feeds their grandiosity – they require perfect mirroring from their object – the is what narcissus is – lost in his own image – in love with himself – this sense of self requires perfect mirroring from the object (other person) to reflect their grandiose image – the grandiose image evolves from narcissism being a developmental arrest – the early infancy stage of perfect mirroring from the mother – the child is the centre of the world and the world (mother) reflects back their centraility. This is central to understanding how narcissism is defined/occurs – the child does not evolve beyond this, generally because the mother is a narcissist and therefore does not now how to help the child develop autonomy – the child serves her narc supply and thus they remain fused as a singular fused object psychically – however the mirroring is never perfect so the child also suffers from engulfment and abandonment at the hands of the mother – the child internalises this and then also projects this out externally throughout life….never having evolved a reliably strong ego that would otherwise succesfully manage these divergent emotions. These projections are either externailsed or internalised in variance with life – devaluing self or devaluing others…….The narc is eternally trapped acting out the fused dynamics of their narc mother in perpetuum – you simply become a recipient for the rewarding and withdrawing projections – the giving and taking of the cold dominant engulfing mother – narcs have very poor object constancy – manipulation is their way of trying to achieve this, as they have no internal locus of control (ego/real self) – it is a constant battle to achieve/maintain constancy – which also requires perfect mirroring – without which abandonment or engulfment occurs – that is a lot of hard work!

  15. This helped…you make sense…making it so clear for me

  16. Or the parents play keep away with information, what's going on with other members of the family, making sure you don't get invited to your siblings' weddings and family outings, and especially withholding genealogy information.   They are addicted to making you feel left out of the family, not a part of it, on the outside looking in, rejected on a fundamental level, despised.  They both LOVE doing this.  Well they are both getting old now and I want very very little to do with them.  The Golden Boy will have to come to their aid when they get frail and sickly or whatever.  Or not.

  17. My mother did this to me all of my life. This dynamic is hard to detect and describe but you did in this video–thank you.

  18. Sometimes, he could tell me something really vague like "I lose inspiration and got bored or I don't see a meaning" and I was puzzeled wondering if everything all right with our relationship and he sent such texts right before going to bed saying we'll talk tomorrow, so everytime I was left confused and couldn't sleep at night waiting for morning to talk and next day he'll be like nothing happened. Thats sadistic and he never appologized for such behaviour , never cared what I felt and how stressed he made me.

  19. very accurate with silent treatment my narc gave me and whenever I went to ask "What's wrong, I'm worrying" he be like " Oh it's just a bad day and I'm not in a mood". So, when I tried to care and ask what I can do he'd be mad and I felt like I'm forcing myself to interract with him. Those times were frequent and stressed me out a lot. Makes sense now.
    Thank you for your videos!!!

  20. You are such an intelligent person, you know so much about them! i watch all. your videos, thank you very much!!

  21. it seems their main emotion is anger.

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