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23 thoughts on “Narcissistic Personality Disorder: Narcissist’s ability to charm, deceive, then discard.

  1. vile people…..if you can call them human

  2. I would listen ! to thIS, if only the narratOr were not a mAchine.

  3. I want YOU to know YOU are doing a great job with these videos ad have really helped me so much to make sense of the horrible silent treatments lack of empathy love bombing gas lighting and discard from my narc .. I am not over him yet but all this information makes it easier to cope with .. I so appreciate it and wanna say Thanks from Kaleb

  4. This is good. Looking back I noticed this at the time. When he told me he fell in love with me, the admission centered around how I made him feel. While I fell in love with him too, he wanted us to be together constantly in the beginning and it scared me, too much too soon. But I ignored that and quickly delved in because I fell so hard in love with him. He didn't reveal his true self until after we moved in together and I had issues with him to discuss. Then it was like a completely different person with rage, mental games, emotional rage, silent treatment, and blame. 

  5. Much shorter version: when they ask for money, period.

    Much of narcissism is actually alcoholism/drug addiction. Like Gacy, anyone can hide this problem pretty well for years.

    "Hole in the Soul," yeah, there's addiction. Blaming everyone else. Aiming rage at you when they don't get their way. Idealization. Some of these also pair up with domestic abuse, although they're 2 separate issues.

    I've yet to meet a former abuser/addict/alcoholic able to admit they did anything wrong. To see it at once might cause a psychological break in those that have a conscience buried in there.

    See, a batterer will look at a guy who punches his wife as abusive, while grabbing his girlfriend by her hair is ok. His is NOT domestic abuse, whatever it is. These people DO NOT have the capacity to feel love for a partner. They only feel control as love.

    Odds of recovery are nearly zero, even forced into some sort of treatment program. The partner is THEIR property, but it's generally ONLY the partner they have issues with.

    Often, someone else filed charges at some point. Believe them and just run.

    Lundy Bancroft wrote: "Why does he DO that?" It's depressing but highly eye-opening.

  6. This describes exactly what I'm going through.. I'm going through a separation because of a narcissist neighbor who let me and my wife stay in her house while we looked for a new house because I am military and just came back from deployment. She lured us in with her kindness and slowly she started indoctrinating her on the deceitful ways of men and how they lust which is something I'm strongly against. She belittled me while telling my wife that I was disowning her with little things like forgetting to introduce her to coworkers and and her doctor. She then topped it off by planting a story that I cheated on her a year ago with a girl that came over when we lived across from this lady. A rumor I didn't know about until the night my wife left me and took off with the lady. It's been 2 months now and niether of them will let me dispute what really happened, and use the silent treatment. The lady has other neighbors that she got to back up her cheating story. Worst time of my life

  7. Wow.  This is exactly my ex.  So sad.  :(

  8. I rarely see a person capable of differentiating arrogance from the classic symptoms of cluster B personality disorders. Unfortunatley I've seen many psychiatrists who can't tell such difference. But I appreciate your voice xd

  9. Just got seperated from such a narcissist wife, deceiving to get her money and canadian papers, later she cheated on me with another guy and on top of that when I found out she misleadingly reported to the police that I beated her 

  10. At first I thought the guy in the add was "the narcissist".

  11. This is the best video I have seen in a long time. Definitely shines a light on my interactions with different personalities. I feel like I have been blind all of these years. My eyes are open.

  12. I guess your detailed explanation on idealisation phase explains why a narc feels so naturally ´taken down´. Because they are sincere to the best level of sincerity they ever knew! 

  13. Really helpful information. Thank you!

  14. My narcissist is a quality man. so he calls himself.  That sets him up for comparison to me. He's an actor. But he can't seem to feel and express his emotions. Too bad he can't communicate good as well as bad feelings. When ever we made love, he wanted me to talk dirty to him. Tell him stories of when I was younger, and had a lot of sex. He never realized how degrading this was for me. Also I could not role play, as he wanted. I know i take sex seriously, but this was so different.  I don't know why. Maybe we lacked the foundation of a loving relationship. Today is Valentines'Day. What a fucked up day. Sorry.

  15. a question….why do they profess love immediately and talk about marriage etc within a few dates>?

  16. I know of two narcissists , who are flattering each other on Facebook. Both torment other people, everything is everyone else's fault. They feed off of each other and isolate themselves from others. It's like, them against the world. Relationships are never about sharing and caring, it's more about feeding off of the other's need for attention. Great video!

  17. I dated a guy who without a doubt has this disorder in addition to sociopathy?…there seems to be a lot of overlap between the two. The initial charm was fairy-tale like. Rather quickly his true self was revealed…the complete opposite; incredibly ugly and scary. I doubted myself for a bit and ignored my gut instinct telling me this guy was full of crap. He could pull stories out of thin air, without batting an eye. He always had a logical explanation and so i ignored by doubts.
    As soon as they see you have figured them out…its all over! It wasnt until i googled his name and found multiple websites where women had stories to tell about this same guy!! Crazy. Moral of the story – TRUST YOUR GUT. Listen to the inner voice of reason and verify! These guys & gals are pathological liars and lie about everything. Lots of sob stories…do not fall victim.       

  18. I am this person. I have destroyed a girl's heart but, at least, I found my hollowness soon enough and broke up with her with a cold, arrogant ease. I believe i have inherited this narcisism from my father who is also very "self-centered". I thank you for such polished language and for a more aware future from my part.

  19. omfg , these and other videos and realiseations have basicly saved my life and my sanity. i didnt knew this existed and kept on trying to rationalize and explain things and why she did all these things. this is like in a movie, it's so real and so true it's scary. thank you for this epiphany and helping me cope and accept what my former girlfriend did to me. this is spot on. 

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