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26 thoughts on “Narcissistic Personality Disorder: why do Narcissist feel their actions do not count

  1. I have a female co-worker that I feel is so narcissistic that I never knew this word so yesterday. Yesterday I had enough my bosses knew how she was. and I walked out on a job I'm at 11:25 big bonuses 10 weeks off at Christmas time just so I wouldn't have to deal with her. I told her one time she was the town center of the work on the words the alpha our day depends on what mood she's in. when I confronted her she went bezerk my boss was there. she's never been the same to me I think she had some type of issue with me and I realized I couldn't hang out with her no more I came and I did my work and I can't my conversations down and for this she came worst at me. she's always right never wrong judgemental put down no team player and everything was on her and she's always on the Move tattle telling on everything and everyone even the two bosses if one if she all that one boss she called the other boss. My girlfriend's mad at me but I am so glad I'm free

  2. I really want to thank you for your video. The very idea that I could
    leave the earth and not realize why my mother is a narcissist is truly
    unsettling. I have swallowed whole pharmacies and been in therapy for
    decades. No matter what I did I could not find peace or improve my
    life. Thank you for having the courage to share your story. The
    strange thing about recovery and getting out of the narcissists grip is
    easier than what I had to endure.all these years. I hope all children
    of narcissist abusers come to the same conclusion, I AM TRULY LUCKY.

  3. I have recently been diagnosed npd and am looking for people who also have it who i can talk to. I feel there isn't enough support for us and too many videos, etc hating on us.

  4. I always get a little sad when I think about my Ex female Narc. whenever I tried to get close to her intimately and tried to remove the mask to what was really going on with her she shove me away and retreat. She would always run away from any deep emotional conversations. I tried to shrug it off and just say Hey maybe she just doesn't want to talk right now. from all the research I've done I realize she was terrified of opening up to me. I would sometimes see glimpses of what was going on underneath the surface and I partly think it because Im an empath. She was really a scared hurt little girl deep down inside. She went into a few bouts of rage whenever I would disagree with her about something or if I didn't feel like debating about something very trivial. She would erupt with so much pent up rage. I wanted to ask her one time is this you talking or your mother talking. I never said it but I felt like her views of the world had been engrained on her by her narcissist mother

  5. I grew up in a household where real feelings weren't allowed. Anger was acceptable, but any other feelings were not. Being cold and calculated like Spock or Vulcan was esteemed. This set me on the path to be a narc. I am choosing to be different, but healing and learning empathy and compassion is hard when you have spent decades not thinking this way. Thanks again for this video – very helpful.

  6. Thank you.  For a long time I was trying to figure out what was off about me.  I feel so alien from the other humans around me.  I don't feel connected to anyone.  Emotionally, I feel like a robot.  I thought that I might be Autistic, or a Psychopath, or a Sociopath, but as I view more of these videos, I'm beginning to see that I might have NPD.

  7. When my ex narc was moving our furniture into her narc mothers house. My ex narc was having a hard time with dealing with the symbolism of this ove, her mother was more interested in all the new stuff she was getting.
    It's sort of sad. I still love my ex narc, and I think she was only pseudo narc for a while. After moving back in with her mother she is regressing and even becoming worse. It's almost like she finds safety in insecurity. She calls her mother perfect, yet her mother has always been more concerned with herself.

    To avoid the entire diatribe, let's just stick with – it's sick and almost understandable. The narc mother will always be there, as long as you are a good supply. It's the one thing their children feel safe doing. Even if they fail, it's still a source of supply for the narc parent.
    Personally, I think the actions do not count thing goes back to this. They have a need to act out and still feel safe. So they expect you to do that. Problem is there is no point when they do actually feel safe. You can give forgiveness and give forgiveness and that bar just moves higher and higher. They expect at some point you will eventually stop forgiving, and they are determined to push you until you hit your point.
    They want that parental love they never got. Not just tolerance, because you get something from it. They want that unlimited forgiveness they should have gotten from their parent.

  8. Although I don't believe I am a narcissist, I can relate to having grown up in an environment where my thoughts and feelings and needs were constantly denied.  I, too, have developed the automatic feeling that I have to shout to be heard and I have been in near constant fear for years that I won't be able to get my needs met because of an inability to make myself heard.  Although I feel healthier now, I did spent years with panic attacks, anxiety disorder, and nightmares.  A typical nightmare:
    I am at a fast food joint ordering food and the bitch won't listen to my order, acts like I am not even there, then summarily dismisses me to the side to wait on other people in the line while I scream at the top of my lungs at the bitch for ignoring me, yet no sound comes out.  I wake up in a rage and feel foul all day.
    Now that I have a child who is now a teenager, I am frequently having flash backs to events in my life where my parents were particularly cruel in withholding much needed validation such as a hug when my friend was murdered.
    I haven't been able to connect with people as I was growing up because of feeling totally and completely inconsequential.  Like I didn't even exist. 

  9. Thank you so much for your dedication to sharing and helping!!! It's like being healed and given a soul compass to slowly and carefully lead yourself out of the maze and deception of dysfunctional life experiences. I too have suffered from many years of fearing and denying my own feelings as well as teaching myself how to deal with my heart that was not allowed to matter. It's like walking an emotional tightrope with nothing but total bareness below!! These video's go a great way to fuel empowerment towards approaching life as a journey again and not just an ongoing disappointment as the "perpetual patient"!!! Love going at each day as a whole person filled with joy and expectation, developing new and ongoing strengths, and being ever so capable of learning from my weaknesses without the fear of devastation!!! Keep em coming,
                                                                                                  Matthew ;)

  10. Sounds like a typical narcissist.  Making up a ton of excuses for acting like a monster.  No remorse, just bullshit excuses from people who are too cowardly to grow up and be accountable for their actions.

  11.   You should be grateful I even brought you into this world. I feed, cloth and shelter you & this is my thanks?  
      You always were over sensitive. 
      My, we do have a dramatic memory,  don't we?
      You know how good you have it compared to me growing up?
      You can't expect to go through life being happy all time, get used to it!  Sometimes I think I was too easy on you. You remind me of your father (my ex) when you act like that, please don't… and so on

  12. My narcissstic ex husband stole from me and his own mother.  Knowing that he was emotionally abused as a child just does not cut it as an exuse for his stealing behavior.

  13. I'm so angry hearing this that my hands are balled into fists and my eyes are tearing up. My mother is a f*cking monster but I won't need any kind of revenge. She's now unwittingly destroying the last life she can manipulate and control: her own. 

  14. So I know a girl who I think might have some of the narcissistic traits. What gets me the most is how do they manage to pretend for so many years? I can't fake anything at all yet they can play people like no tomorrow. What the fuck are these people? I am a very chill guy and never have I physically abused a woman or anything close to that, but I do have to say that if I did get into a relationship with one, I will find the person who made them what they are, tie them to a chair and water board  them until I feel a sincere cry, a sincere apology, the demons leaving this person, them screaming louder than anything, them suffocating and throwing up water. I will make sure that there is no more of the pretending left to pretend, projecting left to project, gas lighting left to be lit or any of the other bullshit you can think off. Most importantly, despite the fact that many people are vindictive, I will make sure that that person will be so scared that the idea of coming after me will make them shit themselves. But that's exactly why I will never stick with a Narc! 

  15. i HATE WHEN i HAD VERBAL EXPLOSIONS. I truly worry I too was a narcissist like my mother as it seems daughters of Narcissistic Mothers sometimes have the same behaviors as our Narcissistic Mothers but now I see it is for different reasons. That I went through different levels as the daughter of the narcissistic mother. As a child I mirrored her as I did not know better. I was selfish and over caring. I have lost friendships so I thought I am a narcissist too. Yet the more I research I realize I lose the friendships because of verbal outbursts, fear of abandonment, self hatred due to low self esteem, my feelings that I must make everyone happy, that everyone's emotional disappointment is my fault, easily hurt, hypersensitive, hyper caring, feel guilt and responsible for things I have no control over yet somehow they feel like my responsibility and my fault,  etc etc…….all learned things as the daughter of a narcissist. I do not condone any of my behaviors. I work on it daily to remind myself that I am a healthy adult and can choose my actions including verbal even IF I am unfairly treated I do NOT ever need to disrespect another human being. Even if my NM died the hurt is so deep in subconscious. I can only hope it can be healed in this lifetime 

  16. I'm a therapist and I am learning a lot from watching your videos.  Sharing your personal story is not "boring".  It greatly helps me understand how a narcissist sitting on my couch came into being and the family dynamics at work which created them.  I can't thank you enough for posting these articles.  They are extremely educational and very helpful.  I wish you all the best in your journey and salute your courage to share it for the benefit of others.  

  17. My sister severely suffers from this condition, she uses me as her scapegoat now that our mother has died, after a one or two hour phone call from her I want to take a bath to wash away the hurt because she blames me for everything that she fabricates. I am the executor of our parent's estate, she has demanded every gift that she gave our parents back, on one list she has named 80 items, and she has threatened to sue me because I can't find it all. The attorney says that I have to communicate with her, but I want to block her phone number to remain sane.

  18. My husband suffered like this from his mother and he is a full blown psychopath. His life is in tatters now and so is mine.

  19. thanks , u make understanding this, or at least learning about narcissism easy , i found this video quite touching , xx

  20. Totally describes what my husband suffered at the hands of his mother as a child,,and I witnessd it. Thank s so much for the reality check!

  21. That shit HAS happened to me!

  22. Thank you so much for making these videos, they are helping me recover from my narcissistic ex-wife. Your story is so similar to hers and your discussions so right on, I thought you were her for a while :)

  23. He didn't say it cancelled it, only that it did not apply in all situations.

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