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29 thoughts on “Predator Narcissist: YOU are the Prey! (Part 1)

  1. Wow. my narc ex friend said once that she was 'unbreakable' . From watching your videos I learnt the Narcissist has NO FRIENDS.

  2. very good way to explain this. You aren't just saying "narcissists are weird, evil, or watever".,

  3. Thank you so much for your videos.I was involved with one and not until I experienced the shock,hurt,anger and pain after one of his hot and cold episodes.we had a horrible argument but through texting, because I don't think I could have done it face to face.Since then we have not spoken and then I found your videos while trying to gain insight on his behavior.These videos have truly been therapeutic for me to stay 'No Contact '.It's been 2mths now.

  4. Mr Sam Vaknin I cannot tell you thank you enough you are truly a blessing thank you you save my life thank you thank you thank you a billion times!!!

  5. Sam, this is the very first post that I make on YouTube and I say Thank You. You have given me the road to freedom.

  6. Hmm, this video doesn't sound that much like what I am dealing with.  He was a very poor actor and his lies were transparent.  His ability to interpret communication cues and emotions seemed lacking too.  Are there retarded Narcissists?  Most of the other things you say do fit him.  He's grandiose and arrogant, dismissive of others' ideas, wants to be famous so badly that it's pathetic, zeroed in on the slightest flaw in others to use against them later, and seeks to punish or ruin those he can't control.  The deficits in reasoning are also present…but not a good liar or actor.

  7. Just one of mt narc exes favourite sayings was 'call a spade a spade' just one of many in the bottomless bag of dirty tricks


    This is fictional character but wonder if it looks like a sadist or Narcissist, or something else

  9. Sam, my N actually voiced these thoughts out loud.  "I am a predator, I like to predate the weak."  He even outlined having predated me nearly three decades past when he was inexplicably allowed (not being my partner nor a particularly close friend at the time) into an emergency c-section birth that my daughter did not survive, and 30 years later said he wanted something "bad to happen" to his girlfriend as it had to me — "so that I can have a new life."  Chills.  How evil does it get, I wonder?!  all the way Down, it seems.

  10. A narcissist that chooses to avoid behaving like a narcissist is still a narcissist, but tries to be less like one.

  11. My NPD was able to win me over three ways:

    1) Able to function easily in high and low culture, bawdy humour and highbrow wit, brutal instrumental reason alternating with higher-order thinking, seducing other people, men and women, with sharp humour, insight, and 'taking the air out of the room' and popping others bubbles by dropping clangers and pointed remarks.In short, he looked all-powerful, a renaissance man.

    2) Having never met my father, he was able to summarise to me my fathers mindset, values, goals, approach to life based on just a handful of comments I had made…the man who I had looked up to all my life, dissected in 5 seconds

    3) Through a mix of pseudo science, penetrating insight, dark searing mocking irony, he was able to undermine a lot of the people and ideas that I had believed in, at times he acted like a sophisticate berating the animals, savages and brutes beneath him, at other times, making ad hominems and tu quoques and other pointed attacks on the motivations and elitism of those who he felt were too big for there boots.In the end, he was the only person left with any credibility.By undermining my confidence in these ppl, he undermined my confidence in my own judgment an even in my own sense of my own personal environment and psychic, emotional, spiritual integrity.

  12. A pessimistic realist not opportune to opening observation to that fake happy world of short escapes, rather more happy being as serious and derictly effected by the true world. One which honestly does always leave you feeling this way unless it's by ones selfishness they escape this mentality only by outstanding within and by the very subjugation of the ones around them all so perfectly depicting the same basic feeling of..mortality, in a body which is made to trend toward the skies no matter the cost. Like not being satisfied is the only true way to approach contemptible actuality 

  13. This sounds so much like me I'm attracted to its honest approach so much I can't even see the wrong in this way of thinking..:D

  14. You know my mother intimately. 

  15. Be careful not to glorify or idolize. You can be targeted, discern them and put in check before you become a victim, if you are aware they are vehicles of a demonic force. You can put them in check, but not checkmate.

  16. But Why They are possessed for Demons? And Why they have a cold dead eyes? Please answer to me……Thank you!

  17. I am a recovered narcissist. I made a vid talking about how Sam helped me.

  18. A lot of those adjectives that supposedly describe the people narcissists hate often are also subject to what definition these people apply to those words. I had a stepmom that would transform self-help into self-sabatoge and a dad that would present courage in terms of his narcissistic rage. These people are hypocrites and hate not getting attention and will do anything to eat people's self confidence alive. That is the predatory nature of a narc. They think "how dare you take or have what I feel entitled too and for that I will kill you!" As grandiose vocabulary as Sam uses to describe NPD, no offense to Sam, these people are simply babies with an adult mental capacity and outward adult development that scream "mine! Mine, Mine!" Pathetic, isn't it!

  19. If you are with a narcissist long enough to realize the truth; you will see them implode as they age.  The game is over, so to speak.  They have no friends; no close family members left; people disappear because they grow tired of the performance, and eventually it does become evident.  They feel neglected, so they recoil, as you will, or have.  They cannot manage anything; that is why YOU are there; to do it for them, because deep-down inside they know they are weak, insecure, and manipulative people, who waste all of the precious moments in life to get what you have, when all along they could have just been decent to other people.  But, because of their immense insecurity, and fear of abandonment, they will succumb to committing crimes to keep a person from escaping their clutches.  I pray you learn to identify one of them before you allow it to enter your life or you will have no life left, and will ultimately spend every minute of your time planning to escape, which you should!  They have no compassion; feelings; remorse; empathy; and live as a machine.  Get out.

  20. The bottom line is, as Sam has indicated; they are vampires!  And, they do not care who's blood flows in their veins!

  21. What Sam says here is true. I am a highly educated, middle-aged female. I have a PhD and a law degree. But I am STILL prey to my father. He is a somatic narcissist. But that does not mean he is not threatened by my intellectual accomplishments, even though it is apparent to him that he is no "genius", to say the least. He constantly degrades me and diminishes my accomplishments. And he does so by proxy as well. He uses the court systems and charges against me to diminish my accomplishments. To him, 3rd party acknowledgment and support of his character assassination of me is very important to him.

    I will tell you this about Sam's book Malignant Self-Love – if you live with a narcissist, the advice in Sam's book WORKS. When I first read it, I thought the advice was crazy. Because the way one has to approach and deal with a narcissist IS CRAZY. What a normal person would normally do does not work with a narcissist. That is why I say that I use Sam's book like one would use a field-guide book for survival. That is, when you are lost in the woods and the sun is going down and it's getting really cold, you don't read a field guide on How to Survive When Lost in the Woods from page 1. You go straight to the chapter that is entitled How to Make a Fire in the Woods. Sam's book works the same. The chapter titles are very self-explanatory and the chapters contain the information in condensed but complete descriptions. He tells you what NOT to do and what to do in many, many specific situations. And his advice is right on. I found advice for every type of situation I get thrown into, and that is A LOT.

    I will also say that I am currently trapped in my father's house and can't get out. So the advice in Sam's book works for helping one to keep a calm and smooth relationship with a narcissist. So if I was someone who was married to this guy and had kids and could not leave him for financial reasons or otherwise, the book does tell you how to "get along" in a relationship with a narcissist. I use it to get along with my father until I can get out.

    I say these things b/c this book has saved me more than several harrowing times by just following his advice, even if it doesn't make sense to me, b/c it always works. Dr. Vaknin has incredible insight and advice on narcissism.

  22. I guess the people with this xray vision who are not narcissists are good counsellors?

  23. Just curious.  Have you ever considered the relationship between infant male circumcision and schizophrenia?  

  24. i fukn love the way this guy puts things :D

  25. This condition is a very sad one.

  26. Sam, you nailed it! The video you just presented Predator Narcissist sounds like you were a fly on the wall in my office environment. My supervisor was a Commissioned Corps Officer of the USPHS (as was I) and was and obviously still a narcissistic sociopath with the complimentary psychopathic strain. As officers we have to be a Dancing Bear and jump through many checklist hoops in order to get promoted, and of course my supervisor approached my career with great adversity because he could gate-keep me. He made you grovel for everything. If he signed a requisition for some supplies you needed, he would act like you now owed him. Too many stories here. About year 11 with this alien I finally told him I hated his guts twice. About two months later, the day I pinned on my Captain's Eagle (O-6), (same rank as he now) he had me sign a letter of Reproval for telling him I hated his guts. I am glad I'm retired and away from that alien, and await news of his death so I can go and piss on his grave. Taxpayers should be appalled that their dollars supported this evil alien supervisor.

  27. I find it difficult to see the difference between narcs and psychopaths. 

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