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45 thoughts on “Smear Campaign of the Narcissist

  1. My sister in law, who came into the family late 2014, took about one year to turn both of my brothers, and my other sister in law, my nephew, to some degree my mother and aunt, totally against me, my wife and daughter. I am apparently arrogant, selfish, nasty, a stalker, a bully who ignores children's birthdays. For example, my mother invited them out for dinner. She gave me some money so me and my wife could go out somewhere else. Sister in law then accuses us of refusing to go and eat with them because WE hate them. My mother, who was the person who told me I wasn't invited, agreed with her!!! She tells everyone I stalk her online, even going as far as making a Facebook account in my name, and stalking herself with it, and everyone believes her, even though she's driven me off of Facebook, Twitter, my mobile phones. She texts me, creates new accounts to get at me, but everyone believes her that it's all me!

  2. i was a victim of this type of abuse at work by my co worker…..people that i had a good relationship with now avoid me or are now treating me similarly. and now i feel isolated at work. i dealt with feeling of hatred up till now and the worst part is that anything they say they will believe him…….and worse he got away scott free

  3. I am a female and the narcissist is my mother and sister. Please remember that females get this also. It is terrible when it is your own mother and sister.

  4. I find the voice is too much sociopathic itself.

  5. i know all about this stuff. I had one narcissistic parent. I spent decades trying to please them. I've been in relationship with one of these people before too. If anyone out there is dating one, even married to one. …run, get the fuck out.

  6. And a lot of tines they will say things about you that you would say about them and stuff they do. Its called "smoke in mirrors"

  7. Thank you for this video.
    In my CV I cited my home phone number with also a mobile. Yesterday I had a phone call from another country where I'm trying to find a job and my mother answered 3 times at home phone and she didn't brought it to me. The phone call I was expecting was in another language that I've already learned. When I got the phone call at my mobile phone, my mother than came to tell me that someone called 3 times and on the other side of the line nobody has spoken.
    My now addressed paranoia tells me that she was the one who was silenced and didn't brought me the phone, cause of her desperate need for control over me and information about me. And the truth hurts her so bad that she avoids talking to me.
    Damn. My immediate step was to delete my home number from every document.

  8. … its so sad it still pulls me down cause i knew she was doing things, but when i finally realized how much its just not manageable to understand this..

  9. Check out this video on YouTube:

  10. In retropect, I remember hearing her whispering when I would leave the room, and actually overheard some of the BS she told family members and new potential victims.  No one ever heard about her choking me, strangling me, shoving, and everything other manner of physical abuse.  My first clue that it was TIME TO GO, was when she labeled her actions, as "self-defense."  It only took 12 months to dismantle my life, and self-esteem.  Well…tomorrow's another day.  Thank you SO much for doing this.  Lesbian relationship, btw; and I've multiple sclerosis.  No one is immune.

  11. This happened in my career! I lost everything, house, cars, careers, job. ALL.

  12. I am gathering that tactics are different for different genders of narcissism. Much of this is what my husband would say about me when I finally began to confide in friends and family about the abuse in our home.
    I tried numerous times to talk things out with him but only got denial, deflection, blame and rewritten history.
    In the meanwhile, you have been forced to live in a basement for 3 1/2 years…among other abuses, including sexual, emotional and financial.
    It honestly makes me
    Wonder about the video because I can literally hear my husband saying the things on the video to try to deny and deflect blame onto me.

  13. How i can contact You please

  14. ppl exist in the NPD's life strictly as "props" for their false dramas, they create chaos in every life they come in contact with

  15. My ex, did her smear campaign against me the whole time we were together! Caught Yasmin in so many lies. 

  16. All i had to do was look at the two pillars on this video..with the clock representing the all seeing eye and the top of the mirror as the horns of the bull, and the fire that sets it all off…infact the same symbols are everywhere…just stop already you weirdos. i forgive your trespass over me with your secret knowlege that you tell no one about and hide and manipulate lets hope others are as forgiving.

    we all know this is happening soon…the alignment your all waiting for. bunch of satanists.

  17. Always prepare to speak your mind and the base man will avoid you — William Blake.

  18. So, so, true.  Lying brought down all of humanity…..think Adam and Eve.

  19. This is so true ,all narcs develop the strategy, older they get better they are at their craft. God help us.

  20. My crazy ex had the nerve to email friends and family saying I was a wife beater – AFTER I left her. Unreal. Then she told me she would kill herself unless I came back. I didn't come back and unfortunately she didn't follow through. Thanks James for laying it all out.

  21. my mother and father did this most my life. it was ridiculous. they killed family relationships for me, destroyed friendships for me and the like growing up. as I matured i found insecurity a hard habit to shake. even with great tools nothing is more powerful than persistence. persistence of healing because if you ever quit healing…you may lose. if you forever persist than glory always will be yours in good time and in good deed. Great Respects. AWESOME CHANNEL. easter means East Dawns Light Of Warm Spring. Eastdon or what is called Ostara. A 3000+ year old Holy Day. Metaphor for no more 'evil cold winter' now "Creators" light of warmth, spring, frolicking and the like. I say this today because let us all of better and better relationships of Light, Love and the Worthy Life. So Mote It Be. Blessed Be-

  22. Narcissist Smear Campaign!

  23. Wow! Are my eyes really opening up!!!

  24. Then they love PROJECTING….THEN THE NARC TAKES ALL THE GOOD THINGS N ALL THE WORK DONE BY THE VICTIM AND TELLS THOSE AROUND HIM SHE'LL THOSE THINGS AS WELL AS THE BAD HAPPENINGS BUT PROJECTS SO IN THEIR FALSE LYING WORLD THEY take credit 4 ur actions which r good n carrying n giving n says they were his actions but tells again truth of bad things the narc had done but puts them on the victim it's an abuse I'd NOT wish on anyone not even my worst enemy it's sick, hurtful n devastating ..BUT BUT BUT the truth will be uncovered for Apollo 2 see one day n I'd NOT want 2b them!!! :(

  25. Thank you James…..After talking ( well actually listening) to my narcissistic sister on the phone for 2 hours, I am nearly sick and want to take a shower to wash off her hatred of me. She fabricates stories of how I have hurt her….but they are all confabulations. Your "escape plan" is something I should have in place before the conversation.

  26. Narcs exist in all capacities and industries.
    This isn't just confined to relationships, but in any form where you come across a narc.
    You could be their customer, client or patient, and they will inflict the same toxicity on you/ behind your back as they would their actual partner.

  27. Hitler, Saddam Hussein, Gaddafi may or may not be narcissists  but it's certain that the writers of history, ie the Anglo Saxon plague on humanity that smear them are mostly certainly narcissists. Funny thing, Anglos who are the most prolific evil in human history, have trained and indoctrinated the idiot masses to name their enemies as the embodiments of evil while they plunge the world into conflict after conflict.

  28. The smearing, yes – and they keep it up even after their victims are dead. Even less chance of getting caught then I guess. Here is a few extracts from my NM letter to me where she smears dad (and compares me to him):

    "(Dad) were rarely at home – constant meetings in the evenings. I don't think (dad) isolated me conciously or deliberatly. And I neither believe my parents and siblings were hostile towards me cause we never met." "Unfortunatly (dad) projected his own unsatisfaction on others during his last years, particulary women. Don't behave like him!" "Beware of identifying with your grandma! (=dad's mom) Her selfobliterating and sacrificial role belonged to a passed view on women and it drove her to death!!! (Dad) had most likely seen that this view on women lived on. But he didn't understood how dangerous and hostile to life it was. That I very late were able to free myself from patronising abuse has given me a dignifying life. Also I grew up with strong patriarcal values." (Sorry for the bad translation)

    BUT – father took care of ALL the housework. He ALWAYS cooked, made the dishes, washed, cleaned the house, the cars, did ALL the repaires, and he also took care of all FOUR children. He had his flaws, but he worked hard, paid all the bills, and let her do whatever she liked. She was the one being abusive, ridiculing him, according to my memories. Well, most what that letter said is ridiculous and totally untrue. Just made up to insult me, but in stealth as she does it by first insulting others, like dad, and even grandma, whom she NEVER met. Her favorite daughter named herself after that grandma back in 1989, so her statement about me identifying is totally ridiculous. I might be like her, but that is called DNA or something. :)) 

  29. These behaviors also extend to other types of relationships — men treatment of women, women treatment of men, between colleagues or in friendship circules of all genders etc. I currently feel that I have a friend who is being subjected to a 'smear' campaign by a junior colleague. I can only be supportive and let this friend know that I never listen to the smears.

  30. If you are an honest person in a dishonest society, how can you "fix" yourself? Just give up and become dishonest and sadistic (or suffer the consequences)

  31. Bang on! In desperation at trying to manage the relationship,  I asked her  friends to help me to help her to address her abusive behaviour – but they abused me – I was brought to my knees.  I showed physical scars  from her attacks but I was branded the  bully and abuser – thank you for this

  32. Narcissist females love making false accusations of sexual harassment in the workplace. She knows it's her word against his and of course they'll take hers.

  33. This is EXACTLY how my ex was acting. All the bitch ever did was drag my name through the mud. I'm so glad I got away from that bitch without being arrested. Wow, my ex used to say or claim, "He's holding my hostage." The bitch was crazy. When she was away and giving me the "Silent Treatment", I packed my shit and left!

  34. The Smear Campaign Of The Narcissist…She said to me these words after I divorced her…Don't You Ever Come Around To See These Children Again! You May Be Their Biological Father But You'll Have No Part In Raising These Children, I'm Going To Raise These Children Up To Hate You If It's The Last Thing I Do, And I'm Going To Destroy You! She is a narcissist…( Wicked & Evil Right Down To The Core, Right Down To Her Very Soul )…What Kind Of Woman Would Do Such A Wicked And Evil Thing To The Father Of Her Own Children? A Female Narcissist would do such a thing. She took my daughter and my son from me and she kept them from me and she kept me from them with her vicious lies and deceitfulness and she turned them against me and she raised them up to hate me to break my heart and to use them as pawns in her wicked and evil plot and plan to destroy me and she ran of with them. She said to me…You can't leave me…I own you…your mine…If I can't have you, then no one else can…if you ever leave me, I'll destroy you. She is Demanding, Controlling, Manipulative, Deceitful, Hateful, Arrogant, Prideful, Haughty, Cranky, Quarrelsome, Contentious, Spiteful, Vengeful, Revengeful, Vindictive, Verbally Abusive, Emotionally Abusive, Mentally Abusive, Psychologically Abusive, Physically Abusive…They enjoy tearing a person down and destroying a persons mind by lying to them and deceiving them and tricking them and betraying them and playing all kinds of manipulative mind games and manipulative guilt trips and destroying that persons love and devotion and trust in them and if they can't dominate and control you and manipulate you and make you into their emotional slave then they want to discard you and destroy you. That is what my ex-wife did to me to break my heart and to destroy my life because she thought that she owned me and that she could treat me any dam way that she pleased. She said…You want a divorce? Okay, then I'll give you your precious divorce…You think I'm a bitch now? You haven't seen anything yet…I'm going to destroy you. I'm going to make your life a living hell and I'm going to make you regret the day that you ever met me and then I'm going to destroy you…NARCISSISTS…THEY ARE WICKED AND EVIL AND THEY HAVE NO CONSCIENCE…NEVER TRUST A VINDICTIVE NARCISSIST…THEY WILL LEAVE YOU BROKEN HEARTED AND WOUNDED AND SCARED FOR LIFE…I hope one day that GOD will punish her for the hell that she put me through and for the hell that she put my children through…Thank You James For Your Videos And Thank You GOD For Opening Up My Eyes To See What This Wicked And Evil Woman Did To Me…Thank You GOD, Thank You Jesus…Jesus Is Lord!

  35. Yup, been through the smear campaign when i tried to leave him before…. oy.

  36. So, if someone is telling people behind your back that there is something wrong with you and you need help, but there isn't – it would look caring to an outsider. But the person has only been caught lying, cheeting or doing some naughty stuff – and it's an unempathic kind of person with all traits of some kind of psychopathy – and it was only phony care, and a lie to cover up a lie by making the truthteller and their witness seem like a bullying hord of liars. That happened to me.

    Afterwards I can tell you what angry things I said about her to my closest family was more like what you said a lying narcissist would say – and I ment every word of it! (But that is the KEY, as you say, the narc will tell those nasty things before things go bad.)

    So, it's not that easy to tell if someone is a manipulating psycho or just an angry bird with some issues as a bewildered by stander. One need to have the background and check up what really are going on. A calm talk with all involved and the truth would be found out. Narcissist wont allow that – a calm talk. They over talk you and shut you up, they ignore all you are saying and belittle you. And hence they can cover up the truth. That is another KEY to look out for – the shutting up and ignoring method.

    The third KEY is what makes sense. If there is money involved and some people with a great love for the good life and some with clear narcissistic traits one should not believe too much they tell you while smearing someone else – claiming some poor mother with lots of children who never cared for money are "out to get them" or whatever craziness they make up.

  37. Narcissists existed in our society long since. Hitler, Suddam Hussain, Gaddafi are EXTREME examples. But there are many moderate narcissists. Surprisingly many of them are still successful, able to hide their demon, can convince others, and get away. This video is an excellent eye opener .

  38. Beware of the narcissist spouse who is critical of you to your children, parents, friends, inlaws etc. The relationship will never seem quite right and marriage counseling rarely works. The spouse will not support you in most family matters, especially regarding the children, often playing the role of "good guy" with them. Dishonesty is common and you may never have a sense of stability in your life. Your self esteem and well being will suffer and depression is common. Not a fun way to live.

  39. and I just looked at as I have to protect myself in case she claimed I did or said something to get me fired. She liked to do esoteric little things like embedded commands/suggestions to get me screwing up on the job. Seems like she was constantly firing someone.

  40. good idea my ex still due to having a kid with her … try to control me and use threats of taking kid away or using the law ( she have done it before )

  41. If i had to describe my personality traits i would say. I have dry personality, acute sense of perception, socially inept, extremely Judgemental, Arrogant, King of my domain, top of my game, Biggest head on the block and it gets ugly when its deflated. I am aware of myself so i bite my tongue. Fortunatly if it comes to leading a pack or tribe i assume the leadership role and all of you fall inline and follow. Im the definition of an Alpha

  42. I have a narcissitic personality. i can say 9 out 10 Videos on youtube ive been watching label people with NPD as inhuman abusive monsters. An abusive person or spouse probably has something more deeply wrong with them to be angry all the time. Ive also been married 11 yrs and argued less than a couple with i quote "normal feeling". Contrary to popular belief im very thoughtful and insightful to what my wife might like and accomodate accordingly

  43. I had a narcissistic supervisor. I started keeping a digital recorder with me fot when she was around.

  44. I agree. Get out before he/she causes irreparable damage to your reputation.

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