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23 thoughts on “So your narcissist has a new supply…

  1. My ex narc always comes back and I simply turn the tables on him.  I take what gifts he gives me and toss him out.  I've learned to take control and allow him in during times of repairs needed. lol!!  I like your video because you describe narcs to a "T".  Most videos I've watched on the subject talk not much knowledge.  You are so on point with your insight into narcs.

  2. I do wish I would have told the police the truth when he hit me with his car whilst drunk. I wish I would have followed through when he pulled a gun on me. I wish I would have called the police when he tried to kill me by pushing me out the window and beating me black blue and bloody♥

  3. Best thing to do is know your worth more. Find a new partner who is worth more. Some people change according to who there with. For good or bad. Acceptance takes time but it will happen and if your ex is 'happy' somewhere else then you can be to. The only thing certain in life is we will die one day. Fact. Life is about letting go, and remaining happy, otherwise you become bitter and end up mimicking the behaviour of those who were not worth your time.

  4. I was friends with a narcissist for 15years. She cried at my wedding and told me it was the worst day of her life. She constantly tried to get me and my husband to divorce. She married and man and told me she married some one that reminded her of me. She tried to make me jealous by getting a new best friend when I was trying to get away from her. I told her I needed space and she freaked out and sent me emails,letters,text,facebook messages, comments. I had to block her, move away, tell all my family to not give out my add. My number is the same but I have a young child and thats the number he knows. But I have blocked dozen upon dozens of numbers. When I stopped being her friend she tried to get some of my other friends to get us to make up. I stopped being friends with them as well. I had to leave and block a ton of ppl just to get away. Even ppl I knew as a kid that were like a 2nd mom and dad. I blocked them all. Even one of her friend tagged her in a post that showed up on my fac

  5. If there an ex then things didn't work out, wasn't meant to be. So you move onwards with faith and wish for the best. Carting fire only burns you.

  6. I've warned my ex new supply two years ago I told him he was using her brand new car to go see all the girls he used to cheat on me with. I knew this for a fact because I was trying to come see our son in her car asking me to have sex in the car with him. I cried and could not believe there is human beings out there in the world like him. So they stay together for 8 months until they were driving on the highway and she stops and her car was parked right in the lane and she got hit by a car doing 80mph it very tragic for her family. & I feel like she was trying to get away from him even if it meant abandoning her car with him in it I know that because I experienced it first hand with him I got out of the car a took off walking many times because of his crazy behavior so yes now she's gone it's sad. I never held nothing against her she even asked me to take him back but I said no. because I always knew he wasn't right and it's the shiny syndrome that he suffers from he loves when girls compliment him and make him feel brand new lmao. that's sad they live for anyone's validation. but I'm okay now God bless all my girls who made it out of a narcs trap alive. STAY STRONG GIRLS!!

  7. Are you sure your not narc…

  8. Why would your reaction be, Bastard when you are no longer together. That really needs addressing.

  9. This is so true! I once finally got my narcissist to leave and was doing great, but he and everything around him seemed to be doing great and I (pregnant at the time with his child) succumbed to believing that I was holding him down and that he had been right the whole time, etc, etc, etc. We got back together, got married and moved 3000 miles away from my support system which he had previously alienated anyway. Long story short, he was NOT better, I was NOT wrong. Now getting rid of him is going to be a hassle and an expensive one. (He's already put me in the hole big time.) Heed the words of this video. LEAVE and DON'T look back…at ANYTHING. The facade is a show…that's all. Thank You for the video.

  10. who does NOT need attention, adoration, nice compliments etc? are we all narcissistic? we all need a "supply" of attention.

  11. Thank you, Angie for your videos. They have been extremely helpful.

  12. This is soon true OMG.
    He said his X was crazy.

  13. Thank you. I'm going to archive this video so I can listen to it over and over again.

  14. My ex Narc just remarried. 6 months after I found out about her, 1 month after our divorce was final. To add insult to injure, he got married on the day of my sons 6 year old birthday and didn't even call him to wish him happy birthday. He hasn't spoken to him in several months.

    I do feel sorry for his wife. They've known each other for less than 1 year and he's managed to convince her to marry him in this short span of time. She has no idea who he is

  15. Basically these fks do everything they can to destroy you. Mentally Finacially socially and physically. They want you to pay for who they are and your potential happiness and talents. Their attacks planning and tactics are sick. Mabe it is because of the accumulating severe depression and stress disorder id always go and bee alone and listen to gospel Chanel read bible, play music, build things, help out at farm here and try to do good things. I don't see the four kids I have because I'm sick broke worn out and not the same. I quit my job but do small jobs around farms with less people. Also they've been used and abused enough for this pigs satisfaction. My advice if you've really been with a slithering snakelike parasitic leaching soul sucking narcisist,,, STAY oR GET THE FK AS FAR AWAY AS YOU CAN. Don't be a pig and try to show them how you are happy or doing well. Why stay around for more punishment? That's what they do is use everything to get you to suicide or murder.

  16. Who the f cares. If your really worried about your ex with someone else mabe you should go back to them.? Four kids here ten years with drug and child abusing party prostitute working mom family destroying narcisist. Had a real blast great memories and moments. Raised boy for her sister while in jail five years and got the luxury to find out second daughter was one of her boyfriends she had behind family's back behind while relationship. Daughter was seven when truth come out!!! Nothing left here family business inheritance sucked up. New fresh daddy for kids which didn't last too long . Kids say they are cocaine users and seen them!!!!! Funny because she left me for one of her cocaine boyfriends while oldest was seven. I'd always leave society up to farm here North away from mostly everyone. Would always bring kids to get me back for more punishment. Thing is I'd stay away and pigs don't like it when they go out of their way to hurt you and your not around to see or hear about it.

  17. Great advise, Thank you! <3

  18. i was never truly sure in the begining of the relationship if it was narcissitic or not,at first he was sweet and said how he could only talk to me (being a female) like he did ,then after awhile i noticed things,an odd feeling after i got off the phone with him,like i felt like drained,empty.when i confronted or tried to talk with him about how i was feeling he became enraged.our last conversation,he suddenly wanted nothing to do with me,saying i had lied to him,he was very cold ,mean and rude,i decided,no more.i cried that night and the night after but for some reason,felt so peaceful,thinking ,hes gone,no more anger,or mean words,but i was wrong,i got 2 messages saying he wanted me ,but he was scared,and another saying i was the noble one.i made my answers short.i said yea whatever.and he said he would call sometime if i like,i said whatever.then removed any number from my phone and messages,blocked on facebook.then i focused on me.i still have nightmares,but i decided to enroll in college for me,and if he should call,which i doubt,there is no need for me to go back to what cant be changed.

  19. I think that mine .ight be more than a narc maybe sociopath or psychopath he is freakin. crazy. He is telling my stories that i told him as if they were his. He has lied cheated put his hands on me. put shit i. my food that made me very ill. He recently tried to convince me i was just like him and he wants to abduct a young girl and make her our sex slave convinced that she would aquire stockholm syndrome. wtf should i warn someone.

  20. The quote you are looking for is: Holding onto anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die.

  21. I found out my ex narcissist was living with another woman 3 weeks after I kicked him out. He brought her into my work with him, and they are also having a child. And for a bit of background info, one month into our marriage he forced me to have an abortion. Great guy * sarcasm*

  22. If you communicate with them telling them you've known everything from day 1, is that bad? Mine just took off 4 months ago, so maybe that means he's done completely. Although the behavior patterns, stories, excuses, etc. never added up and I emailed him recently telling him that I was never fooled.

  23. He showed up at the family court with the new vic. looking at her I saw a twisted version of myself!

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