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  1. they hobble us… & it sucks supreme :/ grateful I'm figuring it out more & more to avoid them more easily in the future. I've been no contact for 1 year now (Happy Anniversary to me YAY!) & feel great! (still have triggers & occasional flashbacks but fewer & far between, especially with education & coping tools/skills ..provided by your vids & other resources ) Thank You Sacha L U! :0)

  2. Are there signs to watch for that will tell you how dangerous a sociopath is?

  3. what about sadistic behavior. or feeling pleasure or even aroused when you are in complete obvious emotional torment. Is that typical of both? another level? would it depend on the specific situation?

  4. How long until a narc gives up when you go no contact??

  5. I was wondering which video it was where you talk about narcissist vs sociopath differences. You were explaining that if a narcissist is left alone without people around they will turn schizoid and it wrecks them phsycologically, but if the sociopath is left alone or isolated it doesn't effect them this way and they just pick up where they left off.

  6. Does the narc want you broken though? This is confusing because they want supply but also want you broken, which logically dries up supply. Are they just that unable to see The connection and the consequences of that for themselves?

  7. part 2..Especially when they are in Secret Societies and politics on any level. This was my experience with that demon possessed individual. I can't call him a person because he lacks the human faculties of emotions such as empathy, love, compassion and anything close to these.

  8. So do Narcs! That's their ultimate high! They're like addicts and are controlled by voices of the "false" self. Especially the "covert" Narc! They create alters and more evil thoughts, but wear different masks for each individual! If a Narc's "false" self tells them to murder they have no empathy so they would do it!

    They just don't want to get caught… that's why they surround themselves with people who can keep them out of jail, erased things from their criminal records etc. Especially when they are wealthy and in Secret Societies…

  9. Now, I am wondering: is my mother a narcissist or a sociopath? I was driven to be in mental wards repeatedly throughout my life, manipulated and lied to so I would hate and blame myself for everything wrong in my life and probably hers, I attempt suicide more than once. I believe my parents turned my whole family against me. Even driving a wedge between my brothers and me and my children and me and people in my church. She hates me to ever be happy and comes up with excuses why I can't dance or express joy or happiness. She told me and my daughter who lived with her 3 years, (me all my life apart from 2 abusive husbands) that neither one of us could go to college or have any career we ever wanted or be what we wanted in life even the things I showed a lot of talent in and loved. She took that away. I would find another one and she would take that too and  then she would do it again. All under the guise of: Its for your own good, I don't want you to waste your life, I love you and I am concerned for your well-being! She always found a way to stop us. She hates me to be creative, Never praises anything I do or accomplish even when I am doing what she wants or says she wants. It's never good enough, it's ignored or cut down or ridiculed. She made me always feel ashamed and embarrassed around my family and church using my vulnerabilities against me and I was told by her, my father, and my husband that their abuse is MY fault. Everything is my own fault. She refuses to help me get a leg up out of poverty after my divorce. I did nothing wrong I didn't cheat or do drugs or drink I thought I loved my husband and I thought he loved me. But then he left me with no warning and put me in jail for "abusing" him and then on probation for the same. He put all the bills in my name and all our belongings in the storage unit in his name and left me with no place to live through lies and deceit and while I was in complete and utter shock and in so much confusion and pain THAT is when my parents chose to attack me and I ended up in a psychiatric hospital with a breakdown. My parents were GLEEFUL it was so upsetting and disgusting to see. My sister-in -law is abusive to me, snubs me, refuses to look at me, and says many degrading things to me and both of my daughters even going so far as to post malicious slander on facebook about me and my daughters.

  10. The sociopath is like the turbo version of the Narcissist.

  11. This is all so very true. Thank you.

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