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20 thoughts on “Taking a Narcissist to court (part 2)

  1. I'm so sorry to hear this happened. Especially after your first video which looked really hopeful. Things are definitely so much harder when you have a disability and the narcissist takes complete advantage of that. Thank you for posting and telling your story.

  2. Sounds like you were dealing with TALMUDIC LAW – JEWISH, TALMUDIC LAW AND FREEMASONS. Chin up sweet, dear one. Few people can fight these bastards, except Patrick Cullinane 😉 Much love and HUGS. WELL DONE. LOVE YOU..

  3. The government is corrupt in most Western nations now, and especially in the U.S. If you are up to looking into it, you will notice that Caucasians/Whites are actually being targeted in various different ways, mostly racially. That is what the Migrant Crisis is about, However, as far as the courts are concerned, there is an agenda to destroy the family in Western nations. If you noticed, other ethnic groups are not having issues with birth rates or family being broken up to the extent that we are. They have now got their corrupt judges in many of the courts and are literally giving custody over to which ever parent seems to be the worst choice as far as abuse or other similar reasons are concerned. They want to mess us up psychologically as much as possible to have easier control over our minds and to cause earlier deaths from stress in others. I know this sounds insane, but you are not a stranger anymore to insanity. We have a bunch of anti-social personalities that are literally trying to create a one world government and their main goal is to only have 500 million of us left alive when they are through. The m-effers are devils wearing human suits, as far as I am concerned. That is how nasty they are. You did nothing wrong and the courts have further victimized you by denying you custody of your children and subjecting them to further possible abuse from your ex. They know what he is, believe me.This is all a sick game to them. They actually think that we are their slaves, that they own us, and refer to us as cattle. It is too big to explain it all, along with proof at the moment, but there is tons of subject matter and government documents flying around the net at the moment, which is part of the reason they want to control the internet. I will leave it there, but I couldn't not tell you about the court system and keep a clear conscience. I had to let you know. You have a right to know the truth.

    I am going to list a few Youtube Channels that I personally trust to be really honest, accurate, well researched and full of proofs and evidence or real time footage to back up what they report on. If you are interested and want to know more about what I posted above you can browse some of the links in the post below attached to this comment. I am a mess also from abuse and my family has betrayed me and turned on me as well. I just don't know why and it's been 5 – 6 years since I even communicated with any of them. My Mom is the one who broke my heart and erased me from existence, and it is worse, since I cannot even begin to heal without closure or an understanding of why she did this. I have attempted suicide in the past and have wanted to just die so many times that it is impossible to even measure at this point. I know how you feel and it hurts me to know that I am not the only one in such pain. I hope you pull through this better then I am. I wouldn't wish this excruciating heart ache on anyone. I thought grieving for my Dad was devastating, but honestly, I have been blown away that I am actually experiencing pain that is even worse. I didn't know there was worse pain then grief, but there is. This is very cruel and no one deserves this. I am so angry and so full of deep sorrow and pain that I cannot even function most of the time. I cannot believe this is happening….WTF?!?!?! I am sorry if I am a bit intense and blunt, I just feel that strongly about it and think that in this situation it is appropriate, considering…………. Well, I'm gonna work on the post below and do something to try and release the poison within and relax. Thank you for sharing your research and experiences with me and everyone else, it actually has helped me and I even cried a few times because I feel what your going through, I have been there to. Sending my love to you and your children and I really hope you heal and get them back.

  4. I may have to go to court for alimony and the financial portion of the divorce including child support. Mine is paying child support but stiffing me $200 a month. I hope the judge is more understanding when we go to trial.

  5. oh my heart….. prayers for your path to grow brighter as the days go by.
    btw. our judicial system in America is very broken. **Many if not most all judges and Lawyers are Narcissistic

  6. awww I started crying watching your video, you should be very proud of who you are; you are very couregous and brave, it is very brave of you to be so honest and vulnerable in these videos and your words help other people that have gone through relationships with narcs/sociopaths.  That feeling of not wanting to live anymore, it is such sadness, my heart goes out to you, I would say that most victims of narcissist abuse have had those feelings at time because the abuse is so deep, it's so all-encompassing, they get INTO us, changing the way WE see the world and how we feel about ourselves, trust ourselves, etc.  I hope things have gone on the upswing for you since you made this video, it seems to be a rollercoaster for a long time as we navigate the recovery — I know for me, it's up and down a lot, sometimes I start to feel stronger and see things clearly and I start to recognize myself again, as the person I was until I was 34 and met my ex-narc-husband, and then there are times where suddenly I'm back down in the pits of the hell that my ex narc/sociopath created and wove into the very fabric of who I was/am. And I think that because the entire relationship was one big rollercoaster — as most narc relationships are, where the goods were amazing and the bads were tortuous — I got so used to this constant up and down way of being, feeling, behaving, so the extension of the relationship and aftermath is following the same structure because it's what I got used to, and learning to get out of this way of being is one of the hardest things I'm working on right now.

    It's funny that your video randomly came up on auto-play after watching a different video, because I just started the very beginning process of the legal/court stuff.  It must be so much harder for you and the other men/women who have kids with their ex-narcissist, I'm very lucky that I hit rock bottom and it all came undone right before we were planning to start a family.  So, on that level, it'll be easier.  But that's a relative term. A divorce/legal battle with a former-partner Narcissist is the worse.  They lie with ease and will lie and lie, weave and twist things around, create alternative realities. Their masters at manipulation, which is why they manipulated us to be their ever-loyal and ever-giving spouses, while secretly doing hateful and horrible things to us behind our backs!

    I agree about staying out of the courts if it's possible, but trying to reason and negotiate one-on-one with a narcissist is like trying to teach a monkey to play chess — once in a while he might make a good move, but it was only by accident lol. You mentioned about your experience with the courts in the US, and far too many people don't get justice or treated fairly in the court system here, and I'm not surprised that your experience has been what it is. I was JUST talking about this with a friend of mine who is a very successful well-known corporate law attorney, and especially when it comes to divorce, family law, any kind of spousal/family/friend based money matter, abuse, and criminal law, whether you win and are treated fairly and the law is represented to be balanced etc is based on ONE and ONLY ONE thing: who your attorney is, and how well-connected they are in the particular county or state court in which they practice.  Luckily my friend has a close law school buddy of 20 years that is an enormously successful lawyer in my county and that I am filing for divorce in, his dad, uncle, grandfather, and so on all are judges, DA's, etc in this county, and not only does that make him prevy, I would think, to be abreast on all needed information that effects the outcome of a case — for example, you can take the same exact case with the same exact evidence and people and lawyers, and if it's presented in front of one judge it can go one way, and with another judge completely the opposite way. So your lawyer needs to know the judges in their court system well-enough to know which judges will rule in favor of his clients case and particular set of circumstances (for example, you having an African-American female judge as a pretty white woman from SOUTH AFRICA???? ANY lawyer in their right mind in the US would move the case by coming up with some BS motion, or would do whatever they had to in order to get a new judge etc). Judge's biases are ALWAYS a part of their ruling, which is why bench trials are notoriously unbalanced and unfair. And because jury-trials cost the county or state so much money and strip power away from the judge in their own courtroom, many times it is very difficult to be given a jury-trial.  For example, in my case, because I am trying to get an annulment after 13 months of marriage in a state that won't issue an annulment after 24-hours unless the two people turn out to be once removed or less blood relatives  or if one or both of the people getting married was under the age of 18 and didn't have parental consent etc — I'm filing for an annulment based on fraud, because my ex-narc husband literally pretended to be in love with me, planned a future with me, had a few of his friends in on it (making it a conspiracy, you would think the idiot just would pretend to EVERYONE he was in love etc but I guess he had to let his closest guy friends know because he needed them to help him pick up and screw other chicks and back up his lies and deceit to me, what is HILARIOUS about this is that all of his friends are now basically involved in a conspiracy to commit a federal crime — see, had he just married me and lied for basically ANY other purpose, it wouldn't be a crime per say, it would just be a dirtbag thing to do BUT he did it for a green card which is a federal offense LOL! and ALL his friends can be pulled into it now so I would imagine they will just testify against him and his intentions in order to make a deal that will make sure they won't be charged with conspiracy to commit a felony etc) So, if you have to go to court with your ex narc wife or husband, especially when it involves children, dirty dealings like green cards, money, them ruining your professional or financial life, etc. make sure to find a lawyer that is well connected in your county's court system, and foot the bill, because spending more on a great well-connected lawyer upfront will actually help you save more money later on having to fire and hire a whole new lawyer, or from getting screwed out of the martial assets, alimony, etc.

  7. I know what feels like to get screwed. It was my mother that did it to me. Well done for posting your videos.

  8. Dear Darkness,

    You are a compassionate, intelligent insightful young woman and I'm sorry for your heartbreakingly bad experience of the legal system but that's the way it's always been. It exists to provide money for its members and social power for the rich and already powerful in society; if justice comes out of it that is a happy accident. But even so, we have to stand up for truth and you did that! This self-serving moral corruption in the legal system the great journalist social reformer Charles Dickens lampooned forever in his classic satire Bleak House

    My narc ex attempted to haul me through the courts but I defended myself and hired a barrister for a few hours for the technical points – we wiped the floor with them and she had to settle at my generous, income for life, original offer (but the corruption, lies, manipulation and lack of common sense I saw in the system on the way matched my worst fears and I was so glad to get out relatively quickly) . As I had never considered divorce (naively believing marriage is for life) I didn't even know what a decree nisi was when the process started ; now I'm quite a divorce law expert (but hopefully will not need to experience anything legal again in my life)!

    Also, thanks for your insight on another vid that we should tell the kids about narcissism during narc created parental alienation. I'm going through this (my daughter has been alienated)s and had come to the same conclusion.

  9. Hello Friend, I'm so sorry for the injustice you had to endure. Please be encouraged that finally it's over and you are free from living with this person who took and takes so much delight in your pain. Best thing is to let that bird (vulture) fly far away from your mind and and body. Know that you have people out here who although you many not see us physically our spirits are joined with you in support. I am sending out a special prayer for you and your children for total peace, harmony ,unity and love. Celebrate that you are free from this person. I personally am feeling much better that I moved out and away from my soon to be NARC . I had a lovely big home and have moved out to a smaller place but I celebrate my peace here everyday.  I am in the process of Divorcing him. Regardless of  the outcome of this divorce I am happy just be away from him. (no contact)  Remember that you won't have this person physically around anymore and you don't have to endure his torture. which is a great relief. No more allowing him to exhaust, worry and scare you. I encourage you to continue with healing and strengthening yourself so that you will live the very best life for yourself and your children from now on. I know you are capable and you deserve to nurture and care for yourself now !!!

  10. I've been separated 2 years now. I worked all but the last 12 years of our 36 years of marriage. He, like your ex narc, makes good money. Now I have nothing, literally. I haven't taken him to court for the very reason of what you've been thru. I'm so sorry about all you've had to endure. Broke my heart to see you cry. but hopefully life will just get better and better now. Much love to you! Xoxo

  11. Your story is almost mine and completely traumatizing.  I believed things about our legal system, that were not true.  My 17 year old son, helped me survive this too. Family Law… is an oxymoron.  Lawyers, Guardian et litems… none of it makes any difference regardless of the effort, work, and truth that is shared.  The abuse is trivialized and judgements result in the feminization of poverty.  I do understand All your words.  Idk if I will ever be the same after this across the board abusive experience.  Best interest of the child is a lie. A wife and mother brutally discarded, is Not in the best interest of anyone in the family.   Much love honey…

  12. This makes me so sad.  All the books I've read said never go to court with a Narc.  But what can you do???  All so sad, especially for your mental and physical health and of course for your children.  Blessings to you.  Keep your chin up!  xo

  13. Judges often are character disordered, or control freaks, or secret alcoholics, etc.  I don't know what percentage are the frauds, but I know they are definitely there.  They have reputations with attorneys as being fair, biased towards men, biased towards women, etc.  It's the luck of the draw.  I'm sorry you drew one who obviously was not fair and impartial and who felt some strange connection with a malignant narcissist enough to award him with the lion's share after seeing the evidence of his abuse, and the judge was not healthy or compassionate or fair enough to try to balance out the wrongs that were done to you.  At any rate, it hurts to see the narc "win" again; but know that being free of him is actually the start of your new life, a life where now all things are possible for you.  There will be a grieving period but as time goes along, happiness and hope return as you create a life according to your values and character.  I wish you as rapid a recovery as possible.  Thanks for sharing your story, it is more helpful to other survivors than you can imagine.  Hope to see you smiling again real soon.

  14. My heart goes out to you, I was to set  for court same time as you but at pre-trial mid May the Judge rescheduled it for Oct…. Been hanging on since May 2014 for life to restart for kids and myself….He left us and almost immediately stepped into his new Family, leaving us all like we just ended….So many thoughts and ideas over the past 13 months…. Like you, I refuse to give up,…or give in…..because what has happened is Wrong … I am not happy to have to take it to court… but if he had his way …nothing, is what I need for myself  (20+yrs. married and disabled) and kids he's paid no child support since he left…..Had to borrow funds from family for attorneys and like you, rely on credit cards,…I don't know if I can keep paying the bills til Oct. and I'm scared facing this…… But since he left those constant feelings that I'm not good enough, the circle round and round arguments, I can say what I mean without someone twisting my meaning up quoting me to others incorrectly, the feeling I've always done something wrong and need to tip toe around the house because I've been bad…. It doesn't make the other very stressful issues of life go away but sometimes I have to remind myself at least I don't have to deal with both areas of stress and pain…..I hope so strongly that all will work out well, for many good and positive things to enter your life…I've  watched all the videos and have felt not so alone in my journey, You gave me strength to keep going so many times when I felt very weak and drained. Thank you for that, for my Kids and Myself…..Dee :)

  15. Zipper your mouth Sweetheart as you are skating close to Contempt with this video. Infact take it down!  Otherwise you at least have some closure and certainty.

  16. So sorry about your troubles. It will get better!

  17. Don't give up honey! Don't give up! You are helping others….a new path is beginning for you…I'm praying for you!!! Some people think they are getting away with something..but God does see it all. .and their not getting away with anything!

  18. I'm so sorry to hear this outcome. Thank you for being willing to share your experience with others to help them. I hope the best for you as you venture into a new phase of your life. Hopefully a narc-free phase. So glad you got to keep your kids.

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